Brian Braun-Duin ‏@BraunDuinIt 58s
Well, I should have probably put End Hostilities or something similar in my sideboard. Just played green devotion 4 times in a row. 4-2
Ah, right, Jeleva. The poor man's Narset.![]()
Wraths and banishing lights.So what beats these big dumb green decks? Fliers seem good, but they have an answer ready in Arbor Colossus
Also in that Narset game last night my friend was ecstatic that he got to equip Ephara with Hot Soup
Anger of the gods
I was thinking about something similar, but add black and go full Mardu control: wraths, anger and thoughtseizes. Crackling Doom also seems super sweet against green devotion.I was about to post something similar, Ive been having great luck combating Green devotion strategies with Big red splash white. Anger of the gods for tokens/agro strategies and exile for big dudes, wraths out of the board.
Jeskai Burn/Tempo is doing really well so far at the NJ SCG Open. Mantis Rider is a very fast card.
Is this the only real takeaway from the weekend so far? Haven't been able to watch anything.
You can still buy it for 1.50 each or so. I got a set at 8 during preorders since I figured it couldn't dip below that, lol.I KNEW it about Mantis Rider. Just didn't do anything about it. Now I'm kicking myself.
You can still buy it for 1.50 each or so. I got a set at 8 during preorders since I figured it couldn't dip below that, lol.
Harness by Force/Doomwake Giant have both been really good and you can pick up a set of both for a combined total of less than 3 bucks.
Paid the extra dollar for Amazon convenience, but I wouldn't be surprised if Harness was a real thing. Mike Flores was super high on it when it was spoiled
G/x only has Colossus to deal with Mantis Rider.Has this Jeskai Tempo deck had to deal with the G/x much? It seems like it would have trouble with too many higher toughness creatures. Only have so many Stoke the Flames.
Welcome to why people consistently do well at SCG Opens.These 7-1 players
I bought a load of mardu cards today, might have been a mistake
So what beats these big dumb green decks? Fliers seem good, but they have an answer ready in Arbor Colossus
Wraths and banishing lights.
Bloodbraid hydra isn't so impressive when Nykthos taps for a single mana.
Which Vindicate does God's Beard prefer?
The Abzan decks that are doing well? Are not playing Sylvan Caryatid.
Wow I did not really see Jeskai decks doing as well as they did at all. Seems like a very solid tempo deck.
My deck up to this point; Temur MidRange... Something:
Creatures (27):
3x Elvish Mystic
3x Rattleclaw Mystic
3x Sylvan Caryatid
2x Genesis Hydra
3x Courser of Kruphix
3x Savage Knuckleblade
2x Polukranos, World Eater
1x Xenagos, God of Revels
2x Stormbreath Dragon
2x Surrak Dragonclaw
2x Arbor Colossus
Spells (10):
2x Temur Ascendancy
2x Temur Charm
2x Kiora, the Crashing Wave
3x Xenagos, the Reveler
2x Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker
Lands (23):
1x Mountain
1x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
1x Shivan Reef
3x Forest
3x Yavimaya Coast
2x Wooded Foothills
4x Mana Confluence
4x Temple of Abandon
4x Frontier Bivouac
Sideboard: (WIP)
1x Bow of Nylea
2x Sagu Mauler
2x Nylea's Disciple
3x Crater's Claws
3x Anger of the Gods
4x Mistcutter Hydra
I will probably die a lot from land usage alone, but I love it.
New Version... Above. A little bit more mana-fixing. Took out Nissa entirely (</3) and replaced her with Kiora, which brings down my curve a tiny bit. I fucking love it so far.
You know you can play 4 of a card right
Yeah, that's weird, especially on the stuff like Mystic which you want to see. Monsters runs a ton of 2-3-ofs, but not on the mana-fixing stuff.Yeah, but I don't like committing to four of. If I play 3, I can play other cards I like too!
Call me weird.
Yeah, that's weird, especially on the stuff like Mystic which you want to see. Monsters runs a ton of 2-3-ofs, but not on the mana-fixing stuff.
Yup, Wingmate Roc is all over as a 3x in the midrange lists. Oops. My missed preorder woulda gotten in at $21 for 4, so losing about 5 bux + a roc to trade off. Lesson learned- misterorange gets good cards.
The Indy one is the expected one (32 Caryatids) - The NJ is more of a "Week 2" meta- people had more card availability and Jeskai doing well was NOT an accident because of the way the green decks work.How indicative is SCG of the meta? Or is it better to wait till PT to really know what's good and what's not? Only asking because I am tempted to build the Jeskai tempo decks.
Now we're talking!There's way too much competition at 5cc to play a full set.
Speaking of- I should probably trade off my 4th Stormbreath and 4th Brimaz, huh.
Is Hornet Queen a real card?