Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition |OT| Loot has never looked this good before!


Is there an updated spreadsheet of active players on PS4? I have a bunch of GAF members on my list, but only seen like 3-4 people ever playing. :/

I wish I had pure D3 players, a couple of days ago it was beautiful seeing like 5 players in a row playing this.

If I have you alrighty but if not you can add me xRaptor_1



Neo Member
I'm just missing the shoulders and bracers for the Akkan set ahh. I'm able to run t4 right now does it make more sense to farm rifts or greater rifts what has a better chance to drop those greens!?

Rifts. Remember to pick a torment difficulty that helps you finish quicker. A higher torment does not necessarily mean more Legendary drops.
You start doing that after 9000 in your mainstat. Anything over 9000 INT seems to have little effect on my wizard. I'd suggest to boost certain skills like Fire/Black Hole etc.
Apparently my gear sucks. lol

Reroll primary stats away for sockets on jewelry if needed.
Yeah, I was just thinking about that. Currently have two on my pants, and that's it, apart from the Taeguk on my ring. Now that I've got my Vault cash, I need to start leveling my gems too.

Thanks, gang. <3


The 100% cache specific legendary on torment 6 makes it REALLY easy now. Keep it up.
So that did make it in to the console patch? Good news!

Anyone who hasn't already added me can do so. Playing on PS4: Fleet_of_Foot

I'm mostly running T2-T3 rifts.
Added you, that's where I am usually. Running T2 on my WD (I'm sure my stats are good for better, but I'm so squishy it's hard to tell) and I can do T3 without much fuss on my crusader.
playing around with my firebird/cindercoat wiz for the first time since the patch and I love it! Melting faces everywhere! Once you hit that 3000% dmg threshold things just drop in a few seconds! My firebirds set it pretty crappy and I could still use a better weapon (using a 3400k messerschmidt's reaver with +1000 int and vit)

Its a nice change of pace from the WD, I am really enjoying it!
Did they lower the difficulty with 2.1? I was easily blasting through T3 rifts last night. Granted, it could be my barb combo of Thunderfury + Odin Sun on a lightning build kicking ass but, I don't think that was it.


Did they lower the difficulty with 2.1? I was easily blasting through T3 rifts last night. Granted, it could be my barb combo of Thunderfury + Odin Sun on a lightning build kicking ass but, I don't think that was it.
The buffed a lot of the legendaries, it was probably that.


If I open a cache on t6 is a sure RORG drop?
I don't think it guarantees a RoRG, just a legendary. Also, the cache level is set when it drops so you can't cheat it



If I open a cache on t6 is a sure RORG drop?

No. It's 100% chance you get the leoric amulet, mace, skeleton king shoulders or RRoRG. At least I farmed about 10 cache on t6 (while farming goblins) always got a cache legendary, Speakling about drop, if you wanna farm keys for the hellfire amulet, the act 4 keywarden appears to be bugged. Killed him 21 times on T6 and it never dropped. (Farmed 4 of each other keys in like 5-6 run each).


The buffed a lot of the legendaries, it was probably that.

I don't think it guarantees a RoRG, just a legendary. Also, the cache level is set when it drops so you can't cheat it

No. It's 100% chance you get the leoric amulet, mace, skeleton king shoulders or RRoRG. At least I farmed about 10 cache on t6 (while farming goblins) always got a cache legendary,

Nice to know.

I think I will farm a better one, somehow I think mine is a little weak since I rerolled it, also need a better SoJ, mine is weak as all hell.


Post Count: 9999
Is there a good beginners guide to character / item / etc upgrading?

I'm new to the series. Have a 40something Monk currently ... but don't really know what I'm doing in terms of upgrading items with jewels, etc. And certainly won't know what to do when it comes to paragon levels once I hit 70.

Also, how does one go about creating new characters? Can you run multiple characters in the same campaign ... or do you need to start over? It's weird that I can't really find an instruction manual to the game. Not even on the PS site for it.



Nice to know.

I think I will farm a better one, somehow I think mine is a little weak since I rerolled it, also need a better SoJ, mine is weak as all hell.

Yeah my SoJ is very weak also. I need a second Unity (and good unity) the one I got will go on my follower as it's terrible :(
No. It's 100% chance you get the leoric amulet, mace, skeleton king shoulders or RRoRG. At least I farmed about 10 cache on t6 (while farming goblins) always got a cache legendary, Speakling about drop, if you wanna farm keys for the hellfire amulet, the act 4 keywarden appears to be bugged. Killed him 21 times on T6 and it never dropped. (Farmed 4 of each other keys in like 5-6 run each).

Its not bugged, it is just different


You get the key of evil from one of the Ubers


Is there a good beginners guide to character / item / etc upgrading?

I'm new to the series. Have a 40something Monk currently ... but don't really know what I'm doing in terms of upgrading items with jewels, etc. And certainly won't know what to do when it comes to paragon levels once I hit 70.

Also, how does one go about creating new characters? Can you run multiple characters in the same campaign ... or do you need to start over? It's weird that I can't really find an instruction manual to the game. Not even on the PS site for it.

What class are you ? I have some monster leveling weapon that I don't use (got all classes at 70 now). Level 70 legendary that rolled level requirement reduced by X. If your on ps4 add me Nakhar I can give you 2 very good ruby (much higher than anything you can find at your level) and I can give you a very good leveling weapon. Even though they are strenght weapon regardless of your class it will be a tremendous power boost. Let me know ;)

When you kill the final boss it'll unlock Adventure mode for all new characters. You are guaranteed a legendary drop from Diablo and Malthael the first time you run through the instance. (I personally did not bother doing the campaign on any characters besides my main). As for leveling here's some tips: Put a ruby in your helm, and you weapon your damage will sky rocket. At level 70 you will always put an emerald in your weapon because your crit chance will be pretty high and the critical hit damage will sky rocket your damage (and the ruby doesn't do much on level 70 weapon).

Don't think about builds before reaching level 70, it's all a tutorial before that. There's some good class guide on http://www.diablofans.com/builds and there's normally subreddit about your class. ex: www.reddit.com/r/diablo3crusaders


Is there a good beginners guide to character / item / etc upgrading?

I'm new to the series. Have a 40something Monk currently ... but don't really know what I'm doing in terms of upgrading items with jewels, etc. And certainly won't know what to do when it comes to paragon levels once I hit 70.

Also, how does one go about creating new characters? Can you run multiple characters in the same campaign ... or do you need to start over? It's weird that I can't really find an instruction manual to the game. Not even on the PS site for it.
For now, just upgrade to items that give you boost in damage. When you get to level 70 you'll need to do one of two things:

1. Mess around with builds and equipment, finding something that works for you
2. Research high level viable builds, and hope that you get the drops that will allow you to use them effectively.

Personally I stick to 1, and would switch to 2 in the event that I get a meaningful drop.

But you're absolutely right, it's not easy. Even a manual wouldn't be much more use than to tell you the primary stat for your class (which is on the character creation screen anyway). There are so many skills and combinations of stats and affixes on gear that the number of possible builds is just mind blowing.

You can however find good builds for your chosen class with some searching, and of course ask in here.

Some useful resources (bear in mind a lot of these are PC-centric and might not be fully compatible with the console version):

http://diablo.somepage.com/ << great for popular builds, that give you an idea of what to aim for
http://www.diablowiki.net/Main_Page << a wiki, obviously
http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo3Monks << reddit page for monks - the other classes have similar pages too
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-08-19-diablo-3-ultimate-evil-guide << I haven't read through all of this, and conversely this will now be a little out of date (because PS4/XB1 got a significant patch last week), but it should be a good starter resource

To create a new character you hit triangle on the character select screen (or the Xbox equivalent). Once you've completed story mode on your character you unlock adventure mode which allows you to level by running bounties and rifts - which is a lot more fun and faster under most circumstances.

Basically, dive in and learn as you go along.


Thinking in puting a Ruby on the Helm, I want to level faster paragons to at least 200 hundred.

Is that a good strategy or that Ruby will do nothing?


Thinking in puting a Ruby on the Helm, I want to level faster paragons to at least 200 hundred.

Is that a good strategy or that Ruby will do nothing?

Mostly not worth it it's additive , not multiplicative. Depending on build diamond are very potent in helm for the cooldown reduction.


Thinking in puting a Ruby on the Helm, I want to level faster paragons to at least 200 hundred.

Is that a good strategy or that Ruby will do nothing?
I'm pretty sure the ruby is good for all XP, including paragon. I'm only at about level 86 I think but I need every ounce of performance I can get from my characters.

Mostly not worth it it's multiplicative, not additive. Depending on build diamond are very potent in helm for the cooldown reduction.
Isn't in just a flat x% increase to all XP? I guess the argument would be whether you'd get more XP from the quicker kills, or from the ruby itself.


Mostly not worth it it's additive , not multiplicative. Depending on build diamond are very potent in helm for the cooldown reduction.

I have a Diamond there but since Im not using that much skills that require "that" much cooldown, but maybe you are right and better keep that diamond there.
Anybody finding the PS4 version less fun due to cheaters? I can solo (barely) Torment VI and want to try Greater Rifts 30+ but it's hard to find other players who aren't cheaters.


I'm pretty sure the ruby is good for all XP, including paragon. I'm only at about level 86 I think but I need every ounce of performance I can get from my characters.

Isn't in just a flat x% increase to all XP? I guess the argument would be whether you'd get more XP from the quicker kills, or from the ruby itself.

Nope I thought for a while that it was but from looking around and that's why nobody runs with rubies in their helm. If you don't run cooldown heavy build I would assume you run with an amethyst for the HP.


So within a couple days I had a scoundrel and Templar invincibility item drop as well as one unity ring. So close to stepping up the singleplayer rifting! If anyone wants to trade for the scoundrel item lmk!!!


Anybody finding the PS4 version less fun due to cheaters? I can solo (barely) Torment VI and want to try Greater Rifts 30+ but it's hard to find other players who aren't cheaters.

I group mostly with only GAF or RL friend and if I don't know the gaffer I quickly inspect them when joining a game, it's annoying if you like non stop public game but I don't mind lone wolfing ;)


Neo Member
Anybody finding the PS4 version less fun due to cheaters? I can solo (barely) Torment VI and want to try Greater Rifts 30+ but it's hard to find other players who aren't cheaters.

Every console is plagued with cheaters. I blame blizzard for adding the "import save" feature.. That was BIG problem when they announced it back in august.. I knew next gen was doomed from there. And even a YEAR later.. we still don't have a "KICK PLAYER" feature for the host of the game. Blizzard really needs to wake up


So within a couple days I had a scoundrel and Templar invincibility item drop as well as one unity ring. So close to stepping up the singleplayer rifting! If anyone wants to trade for the scoundrel item lmk!!!

Yeah I have one aswell and I had the templar lol, that makes no sense why it dropped a Immortal item to a follower I dont use.

I offer the same, if anyone uses a Scoundrel and wants to trade the Immortal item for something badass let me know.


Post Count: 9999
For people doing online raids ... is voice chat typical? Would I need to get a headset?

I haven't really done any online gaming on PS4, and normally use my surround sound. Can I get away with using the camera as my mic, or does that not work well?

What class are you ? I have some monster leveling weapon that I don't use (got all classes at 70 now). Level 70 legendary that rolled level requirement reduced by X. If your on ps4 add me Nakhar I can give you 2 very good ruby (much higher than anything you can find at your level) and I can give you a very good leveling weapon. Even though they are strenght weapon regardless of your class it will be a tremendous power boost. Let me know ;)

When you kill the final boss it'll unlock Adventure mode for all new characters. You are guaranteed a legendary drop from Diablo and Malthael the first time you run through the instance. (I personally did not bother doing the campaign on any characters besides my main). As for leveling here's some tips: Put a ruby in your helm, and you weapon your damage will sky rocket. At level 70 you will always put an emerald in your weapon because your crit chance will be pretty high and the critical hit damage will sky rocket your damage (and the ruby doesn't do much on level 70 weapon).

Don't think about builds before reaching level 70, it's all a tutorial before that. There's some good class guide on http://www.diablofans.com/builds and there's normally subreddit about your class. ex: www.reddit.com/r/diablo3crusaders
Oh cool thanks for the tips!

I'm a Monk right now, and will follow your advice and not worry about other characters and the fine details of character development until after my first run through.

I'm Raistlin on PSN as well (PS4 rev), so I'll add you thanks! Actually I need to find that Diablo III list of PSN peeps to add a whole bunch of people. Some rubies would definitely help ... and it confirms I was on the right track. Have been using rubies in helms for the XP. To be honest, I'm pretty overpowered in the campaign. Been pretty completionist when it comes to clearing maps. I'm still in act II and my level is in the 40's. Pretty much crush everyone I run into.

Really enjoying the game though. Can play it almost like a mobile game and just shut my brain off to do some runs for XP/gold/items ... or play it seriously to move the plot forward. Sounds like it will really get interesting once I'm leveled up enough to start doing some online raids!

For now, just upgrade to items that give you boost in damage. When you get to level 70 you'll need to do one of two things:

1. Mess around with builds and equipment, finding something that works for you
2. Research high level viable builds, and hope that you get the drops that will allow you to use them effectively.

Personally I stick to 1, and would switch to 2 in the event that I get a meaningful drop.
Glad to hear it's unanimous. I just won't worry about it for now then, thanks!
But you're absolutely right, it's not easy. Even a manual wouldn't be much more use than to tell you the primary stat for your class (which is on the character creation screen anyway). There are so many skills and combinations of stats and affixes on gear that the number of possible builds is just mind blowing.
I guess what I found weird was not even know that scrapping an item with a jewel would return a jewel ... or that you later get the option to remove jewels from sockets.

I was holding onto to stuff to the point it was no longer useful because of that lol.

You can however find good builds for your chosen class with some searching, and of course ask in here.

Some useful resources (bear in mind a lot of these are PC-centric and might not be fully compatible with the console version):

http://diablo.somepage.com/ << great for popular builds, that give you an idea of what to aim for
http://www.diablowiki.net/Main_Page << a wiki, obviously
http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo3Monks << reddit page for monks - the other classes have similar pages too
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-08-19-diablo-3-ultimate-evil-guide << I haven't read through all of this, and conversely this will now be a little out of date (because PS4/XB1 got a significant patch last week), but it should be a good starter resource
Sweet ... I'll check these out!
To create a new character you hit triangle on the character select screen (or the Xbox equivalent). Once you've completed story mode on your character you unlock adventure mode which allows you to level by running bounties and rifts - which is a lot more fun and faster under most circumstances.

Basically, dive in and learn as you go along.
So sounds like I shouldn't bother until I complete the main quest anyway.

Thanks to both of you!!!!


Thinking of starting a Monk soon. Should I go through story mode or just jump right into Adventure mode with a Lvl 1 character?

Why is this |OT| still in the Gaming section if the game is over a month old?

Shouldn't it be moved to Community?

The mods will move it when they do, it's not bothering anyone.


Thinking of starting a Monk soon. Should I go through story mode or just jump right into Adventure mode with a Lvl 1 character?

The mods will move it when they do, it's not bothering anyone.

Adventure mode. You can get level boosted if you finished the campaign already. (Chain run the hell rift boutny on T6, takes about 2 hours to reach lvl 70. I can boost you on ps4 for a while if you want but I'm heading to bed in about an hour (graveyard shift and all)


I'm sorry if it's already been answered, but where do you guys are farming goblins? I want to enter the vault too since the chance is now higher.


I'm sorry if it's already been answered, but where do you guys are farming goblins? I want to enter the vault too since the chance is now higher.

Any adventure mode (but no rifts or greater rifts) area I just make sure to fully explore the map. Some people just run the core of arreat over and over again. If someone has a better way I'm all hears ;)


I'm sorry if it's already been answered, but where do you guys are farming goblins? I want to enter the vault too since the chance is now higher.
I've seen loads just while playing normally (more than usual it seems to me), and had the vault twice.

Some good route information here.


Anyone got a spare rorg for wd around? Got full set on pc but decided couchgaming on ps4 was more for me. Add Nightzoor if anyone wants some greater rifts btw:)



It's called asking me or someone else in here who has a glut of them in his or her stash to give you a piece or six of it, lol.

I'll see what I can do.

I think I have multiples of everything but the boots.

That would be all kinds of awesome


Neo Member
I finally got my first RORG after doing over 500 act 1 bounty runs. I know this because I got the achievement for completing 500 bounties, about 20 or so runs before I got my RORG. Feels good to have it finally since it is so build defining for most builds.

Even after the console patch, it still took me about 30 total runs on torment 4 to get the RORG, I got 2 or 3 each of every other act 1 bounty legendary though lol


Got some spare Demon Hunter set items (not marauder's, but the other two), both Danetta's set one hand crossbows and a spare Akkhan's Boots set piece. Looking for any Roland set piece for Crusader, PM me if interested.


Do we have a confirmed source for the 100% leg cache drops via T6 bounties on consoles?

Not trying to doubt you Jolkien (and others), it's just that GAF is the only place I've found that states that definitively. (Of course, I could be awful at googling, that's totally possible).


Do we have a confirmed source for the 100% leg cache drops via T6 bounties on consoles?

Not trying to doubt you Jolkien (and others), it's just that GAF is the only place I've found that states that definitively. (Of course, I could be awful at googling, that's totally possible).
You'll 100% get a legendary. It took me three T6 Act 1 caches before I got a RRoG though.


Is the mystic bugged? I have several legendary boots and belts that I can't reroll with all res. It only shows up as an option on items that already have all res.


Is the mystic bugged? I have several legendary boots and belts that I can't reroll with all res. It only shows up as an option on items that already have all res.

I had this issue as well but they were both old legendary items that were hold overs from the D3 ps3 version. I was thinking it might be due to them being classified as legacy.


Is there a list of Legendaries and Items that are not on consoles like that Stampede Shield?

I don't want to start a build only to realize after several hours that I will not ever find that piece of item.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
I'm loving it!

One more question tho, I had something related to Shadow of the Colossus in my crafting inventory but after I selected it and some text appeared on screen saying I enabled it or something similar, I can't find it anymore, why? And how does that stuff work, I haven't crafted anything so far so I don't think I've unlocked that ability yet
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