I think Mordor is very pretty on PC. On top it runs well. Not sure how the PS4 version looks but it can't be that much worse.
I think the game looks very good. Sure, the landscape is a bit barren (as it should, given the setting) but the IQ was good, lots of enemies, good textures and steady framerate. On PC it even looks better (of course). I was referring to Ubi, when they made the comparison between both games they said that mordor had some "next-gen features" such as the nemesis system, but as far as graphics go, it was last gen. AC Unity was "next gen".
Not seeing it here. BlackFlag looked better than this, but then again this is Ubi and they're compulsive liars so it shouldn't come as a surprise. People who think this looks good better have their eyes checked or they have really low standards. There's a lot going on and the art direction might help, but technically this game is a mess. It's like they don't even test their games properly. Who thought it would be a good idea to have hundreds (thousands?) of npcs on screen if that meant the game will be a blurry mess running at sub 1080/25fps? No one asked for this. They keep bitting more than they can chew, it's ridiculous.
Ubi commented on that a while ago, and established the comparison in a non-flattering way.