But why the vagueness? Why not just say 30 light boots and gauntlets?
Oh thank goodness. They are finally communicating their plans. Guess they realized they better start being nice if they want folks to purchase the DLCs, etc.
Heck even bioware mass effect 3 multiplayer team communicated more than they have been doing
For those they may not know. ME3 MP had free DLCs for an entire year. Now- not saying go run and play that game cause it has deep flaws. Just making light observations is all.
well,I so want to get better at using Thorn. I find myself not very good at headshots. Advice?
Oh thank goodness. They are finally communicating their plans. Guess they realized they better start being nice if they want folks to purchase the DLCs, etc.
Heck even bioware mass effect 3 multiplayer team communicated more than they have been doing
For those they may not know. ME3 MP had free DLCs for an entire year. Now- not saying go run and play that game cause it has deep flaws. Just making light observations is all.
When I watched it back again I noticed it pop up quickly and kind of figured that was what happened.I'll have to remember not to jump while the super is close to going off.
All my hunter need is gauntlets to pop 30. So that'll be coo.
Titans just need gauntlets and boots.
Going to be weird to finally hit L30.
Too bad the DLC is right around the corner which bumps up the cap to L32
Idk still not happy with the way this game is going with all the vertical progression.
Anyone recommend a good heavy weapon that you can buy in stores? All I have are exotics and I need a legendary for the times I'm using an exotic special or primary.
And I should bother leveling up a legendary weapon to get more energy or does it yield the same amount if I dismantle it right away?
For everyone who has bought guardian edition... Have you guys downloaded the expansion already? Or is it in your library or something?
For everyone who has bought guardian edition... Have you guys downloaded the expansion already? Or is it in your library or something?
I have 8 Timebreakers!!!!
Also got two chest pieces so I guess I can get to 30 now, even though I wanted the helmet. :/
I'd kinda rather they fix the afking and non-replacing in strikes than give me new ways to chat with bad players.
halp need 1 normal vault plz
I wishhalp need 1 normal vault plz
Finally, Iron Banner!
Which means...
*takes out hit list*
Ah yes. The list containing all the gaffers who have gotten a Last Word since the last IB.
I'm taking all you jerks down! Especially fig!
Need 4 people, at oracle checkpoint hard raid.
Psn: Router_Go_Vroom
I'm down, lvl 30 Warlock. PSN: MiidSossNeed 4 people, at oracle checkpoint hard raid.
Psn: Router_Go_Vroom
Oh god, save a spot for me!
I'll go. 30 warlock. PSN: DarknyssNeed 4 people, at oracle checkpoint hard raid.
Psn: Router_Go_Vroom
Send me a FR or whats your psn?
We're already friends, it's Paper haha
I'll go. 30 warlock. PSN: Darknyss
What's this? Those "halloween sparrows"? Being able to do tricks while on a sparrow??
I might trade in CoD and get the expansion pass