congrats on the ballerhorn, hawkian /spoilers
Wut :O
congrats on the ballerhorn, hawkian /spoilers
congrats on the ballerhorn, hawkian /spoilers
Yeah gonna avoid helping nongaffers and rl friends. Always had bad times doing it.I kind of feel bad. I just got fed up and shut off my PS4 during the Atheon fight.
I was using Destinylfg.net to find a pick up group, hoping to do a fresh run, but they were already at the gatekeepers... whatever, I decided to join.
It seemed like it was everyone's second or third time doing the raid. No big whoop, I've only done it three times before.
One guy is on the phone and not paying attention. Nobody knows what's going on. We wipe about 10 times during the gatekeeper part. It actually seemed like we were working together well, but nobody wanted to touch the relic at all during the Atheon fight. I usually don't, but I asked a few questions and thought I was picking it up ok, but we kept wiping. Somebody would forget an oracle, or someone else would have the relic and not be cleansing people. Often the people outside weren't clearing the supplicants and/or were not opening the right gate (even though our leader was clearly stating the direction each teleport. After about a dozen shots, I just had enough and pulled the plug. I think my biggest issue was that nobody was listening to the one guy who really knew what he was doing.
My lucky streak with pick up groups came to a halting stop with this horrible attempt.
Hopefully I'll be able to get on later. I kinda feel like staying up late so hopefully I can catch a fresh raid in the meantime.
Defender, with warmachine. Every time you can force barrier, force barrier. use the one that extended duration and strengthTitan, and no. My raid gear and exotic chest don't help with hand canon reloads.
If it were regular crucible I could probably swap something out and not care about the level loss, but for the upcoming IB that might not be a good idea.![]()
another gjallar
Defender, with warmachine. Every time you can force barrier, force barrier. use the one that extended duration and strength
4th hard raid completed and still no Vex Mythoclast....
I got the raid chest for my Titan last week and the boots and grieves this week. Looks like I'm on my way to level 30. I can't believe it. Now if I could stop getting ascendant energy and start getting some shard drops I'd be set.
Any kindly Gaffers want to help out a lowly 26 get the last strange coins he needs in the weekly strike? At the boss. Thanks!
PS4: Captscience
You are dead to me.another gjallar
Okay I'm being offered another exotic bounty, should I take Pocket Infinity, SGA or Juju? PI, right?
Okay I'm being offered another exotic bounty, should I take Pocket Infinity, SGA or Juju? PI, right?
Any kindly Gaffers want to help out a lowly 26 get the last strange coins he needs in the weekly strike? At the boss. Thanks!
PS4: Captscience
I got my first Vanguard Mentor Missive!
Super Good Advice SHALL BE MINE!
(It was either that, Bad Juju(not only is that bad, I also like Red Death as my main Pulse Rifle) or Pocket Infinity(Eh. Would prefer Plan C)
Wut :O
Lots of people from Gaf on now. Shouldn't be too hard. Looking to raid once more this weekend, so hopefully we can hook up.
Super Good Advice or Pocket Infinity. Just remember that if you take SGA, that you need Xur to complete it.Okay I'm being offered another exotic bounty, should I take Pocket Infinity, SGA or Juju? PI, right?
Anyone up for a normal run in a bit?
Yeah, I should be able to do one this weekend too.
Any GAFers doing a fresh normal run? 28 Hunter
PSN: Ourobolus
I can bring my 30 TItan on a normal run.
I would love if people were down for a little exploration though, e.g. taking the relic out of GKs back to the Gorgons, exploring around after Atheon fight, etc. I believe in the secrets.
3 right here
Normal PS4 Raid to start soon
1.) LordofPwn
2.) Boguester (PSN DrDrizzay101)
3.) Ourobolus
4.) bulletsmoke
5.) Gdt
6.) ?
Normal PS4 Raid to start soon
1.) LordofPwn
2.) Boguester (PSN DrDrizzay101)
3.) Ourobolus
4.) bulletsmoke
5.) ?
6.) ?
Wait IB 2.0 will give gauntlets and boots? So finally all the guys that can't get the boots will level up to 30.
Well I will try to get some for my nearly created Hunter.
Normal PS4 Raid to start soon
1.) LordofPwn
2.) Boguester (PSN DrDrizzay101)
3.) Ourobolus
4.) bulletsmoke
5.) ?
6.) ?
Be there soonNormal PS4 Raid to start soon
1.) LordofPwn
2.) Boguester (PSN DrDrizzay101)
3.) Ourobolus
4.) bulletsmoke
5.) gdt5016
6.) sandboxgod
Edit: Full now. I will start sending party chat invites. Doing daily now until everyone is together if anyone wants to join on me.
So I bought the white ps4/destiny bundle.
What are my options as far as upgrading my destiny copy? Premium? Limited? Season Pass? Digital?
Normal PS4 Raid to start soon
1.) LordofPwn
2.) Boguester (PSN DrDrizzay101)
3.) Ourobolus
4.) bulletsmoke
5.) gdt5016
6.) sandboxgod
Edit: Full now. I will start sending party chat invites. Doing daily now until everyone is together if anyone wants to join on me.
PTK70 if you have room available. 28 hunter
Anyone for a normal raid? Have 5 just need one more
After weeks of slowly working toward it I finally have my legendary scout rifle, from the Vanguard armory. Spent all but one Vanguard mark (at least we have still have each other).
It goes by the fearsome name of.... A.1F19X-RYL