The plain fact is that as a featured item on the Steam store, they would have made a lot more money than they would have lost as part of Steam's cut.
Specially given that they have essentially no marketing in place for this game, they NEED TO BE ON STEAM.
Edit: Thinking mor eon this, I bleive another viable strategy might be:
1. Release outside steam with no marketing to grab the true fans and get word of mouth going.
2. Release a big update, and invest some of the money made from sales into marketing.
3. Releas eon Steam along side the new update with new content, and a new marketing campaign.
I guess that might work well too. I'm just worried that the game will be old news by the time it does hit Steam. I want this game to sell!
My Oculus Rift is going to arrive on Monday. Can't wait to see how the headtracking helps in dogfights.
It's pretty amazing in battle. Actually 'looking' and following the ship is just intuitive. I would use the Rift more if I wasn't a Space Trucker, checking my notes, having to type in system names, alt tabbing to read forums on that long leg (although I avoid these more and more) ... but once I get whatever vehicle I end up choosing for my hunter, I'll probably go back to the Rift.
My Oculus Rift is going to arrive on Monday. Can't wait to see how the headtracking helps in dogfights.
Its weird how strongly some people feel about this and how it is often presented as basic financial advice and a certain win for the company but at the same time (and I'm not saying this is your case) it often reads like a preference from a user's point of view, who would rather keep all their games on Steam. And I'd get it, I love Steam, but isn't it a bit ridiculous to assume that Frontier hasn't considered publishing their game there? Maybe their market research indicates that there's little interest overlap between space sims and the average steam user, or maybe the average user is over 30 and not into mainstream games, or countless other possible reasons. Why assume that they made the wrong move?The plain fact is that as a featured item on the Steam store, they would have made a lot more money than they would have lost as part of Steam's cut.
Specially given that they have essentially no marketing in place for this game, they NEED TO BE ON STEAM.
Edit: Thinking mor eon this, I bleive another viable strategy might be:
1. Release outside steam with no marketing to grab the true fans and get word of mouth going.
2. Release a big update, and invest some of the money made from sales into marketing.
3. Releas eon Steam along side the new update with new content, and a new marketing campaign.
I guess that might work well too. I'm just worried that the game will be old news by the time it does hit Steam. I want this game to sell!
My Oculus Rift is going to arrive on Monday. Can't wait to see how the headtracking helps in dogfights.
My Oculus Rift is going to arrive on Monday. Can't wait to see how the headtracking helps in dogfights.
It really is a great experience! Only the screen door effect or whatever you want to call it is kinda disturbing. You can barely see ships far away from you and the text in the hud is barely readable. That is with the entire hud in green - to have some more pixels to display the text.Please report back on how it works! I'm torn between ordering a dk2 or waiting for the rumored consumer version.
Remember to hold your hand up when leaning in to get a closer look at those screens in VR, heh. I wound up bumping my case.
I've thought about getting a dk2 as well, but I already have the first dk and with the consumer version coming out this year I don't think it's worth it.
Palmer Lucky said 2015, so be itCV1 won't be out this year. I'd give it Q1 '16 at the earliest.
I'm thinking at giving trading a try again. I can afford a T6 and I have 500k spare to buy trades and pay the upkeep. Where should I start? How much profit will I be able to make? because I've calculated 50T * 2000cr profit/ton = 100000cr profit per run
Also, how reliable is Thrudd's tool? Are trades from 7 hours ago still valid?
CV1 won't be out this year. I'd give it Q1 '16 at the earliest.
Its weird how strongly some people feel about this and how it is often presented as basic financial advice and a certain win for the company but at the same time (and I'm not saying this is your case) it often reads like a preference from a user's point of view, who would rather keep all their games on Steam. And I'd get it, I love Steam, but isn't it a bit ridiculous to assume that Frontier hasn't considered publishing their game there? Maybe their market research indicates that there's little interest overlap between space sims and the average steam user, or maybe the average user is over 30 and not into mainstream games, or countless other possible reasons. Why assume that they made the wrong move?
Will there be any major improvements between DK2 and CV1? I dont' care how it looks but if it turns out having a higher res screen or something I'll wait.
Apt CAD in today's newsletter for all the nooblets.
Where are you getting your numbers from?
Should be min 100T in a T6 and a good trade run is usually in the range of 2500/T round trip profit.
Just type in the station you're in, set distance to 30 and pad size to med and see what's out there. I've found that tool to be pretty reliable, though distance to station is a little borked.
There is already MAJOR improvement with Crescent Bay (the non-public model that came after DK2) so yes.
Then I'll wait. Which will be hard. I am so ready for VR.
Hehehe... I do see this meme a lot though. Is this actually an issue for people?
Docking has always been super easy for me, I never had an issue.
Class A FSD, class D everything else. Strip hardpoints for more jump range. Make sure you leave 500k or more (1m would be better) for insurance and cargo costTrue, 50T is what it has by default. Aside from changing the default cargo holds, what do you recommend to start trading? Should I get a better FSD?
So I just bought an Imperial Clipper earlier (got lucky ,the game decided to let me buy one at squire rank) and damn, this thing makes sounds you wouldn't believe.
Compared to the T7 it has slightly more cago capacity (232) and much better boost speed and general acceleration. Also a lot more manouverable, despite what the stat info says. Only negative I#ve found was that the lateral thrusters are a litte bit weaksauce.
Would recommend it as an intermediate upgrade between the T7 and Python.
Also thanks for the info on seeking luxuries, certainly a nice change from jump trading.
How did you grind rank? It's the one thing keeping me from a Clipper or I'd probably be in one now ...
Dat Python. I think that's my endgame. But damn if those running costs aren't scaring me! We'll see. I think I may just keep the T7 and save for the Python but not sure, that extra 25m in trade would get me there pretty quickly for initial buy price.
LMAO, 170m and 6.5m insurance for the loadout I'd need when I used that ship-outfitter sight. WTF at the military hull being the price of the ship? Man, feel like I walked into some club with $100 and all the drinks are $45.
I dig trading, but not that much! Did you start small and just add as you went or did you have 100-150m banked when you got it?
Also, looks like most are doing it at around 70m minimum. So having 70m plus the ship trade would be good. That's not that bad. Will take a week or so though. Or ignoring my fiance and puppy and the rest of my life this weekend ... hrmmm .. decisions.
I bought the Clipper with a Master rank, which is the third rank. Just do the various missions available from the Empire and over time you will see these Naval Accession missions popup. Completion of Naval missions will increase your rank.
The python should be where the start of your game. What's when you have a ship capable to filling any role you might want, and excelling at it. You need a class A jump drive and class D for the other modules, which should be less than 10M, and then you have something less than abyssal jump range and all round kick ass ship.
My TrackIR system is out for delivery!
I suddenly feel like a cold is coming on.. :cough:: ::cough:: yep. I'm getting sick! Might have to leave workasap in order to prevent my sickness frmo spreading to my poor soon as my trakc ir is delivered
WTF? I write this in jest, I stay at work, I get home, and I've got a 100.5 fever!
I got sick!
It's the Federation, of course they do. I'm Friendly with them, I'm not even sure what the ranking system is from there.Federation are so damn hard to please! Been running missions for them all night and my standing still hasn't increased. Do they want my soul or something?!
I used to be friendly with them, then started doing some missions for another faction within the same system which seemed to upset them a bit, and now it's like I have to climb Everest because I farted in church.It's the Federation, of course they do. I'm Friendly with them, I'm not even sure what the ranking system is from there.
Federation are so damn hard to please! Been running missions for them all night and my standing still hasn't increased. Do they want my soul or something?!
Bah, I forgot to check my insurance after switching to a loadout to try killing Ho Hsi Corp targets around the system to affect the unrest levels and lost everything. Well, I don't feel like repeating all that. Think that's enough for me for now.
Damn, everything? :'(
You're able to buy more insurance?Yup, I've got a sidewinder and 300k. I just stayed on too long after finishing up some work and messed up. So it goes. I was sitting here thinking "why doesn't it warn you when you're taking off without enough to cover insurance" but the game's all about giving the player those opportunities to mess up and having them deal with it. ("The numbers are right there, guess you won't forget to look next time huh")
How did you grind rank? It's the one thing keeping me from a Clipper or I'd probably be in one now ...
Here is what we know currently thanks to one of our posters: Cartu and Priva seem to be excellent systems for ranking up.