Odd way to spell Miku.Cinderella Girls 07
Oh shit, that Producer backstory and the Uzuki healing. All of the healing. Truly the two best characters in this show.
Odd way to spell Miku.Cinderella Girls 07
Oh shit, that Producer backstory and the Uzuki healing. All of the healing. Truly the two best characters in this show.
Thanks for the reply as always, I have in fact just seen Millennium Actress coincidentally, and it's probably one of my favorite animated films of all time. I've actually owned the Blu-ray for some time as well as the DVD so I thought that I'd finally watch it. Couldn't stop crying, beautiful film![]()
Yes, but that merchandise is often things like CDs (which I like, very much), or fashion accessories and cards for the arcade game. Nendoroids are collectors' items, and are usually of late night anime. For a kids' anime like PriPara to get them is seen as a sign that it's made a strong impression, and I like that.
What's with nosebleeds in anime?
Millennium Actress
A profoundly strange and yet touching movie. It sets up the life story of an actress named Chiyoko by framing it through an interview when she is old. The story told then takes an extremely dream like quality, melding her various roles and her situation in life and transitioning one situation to completely disparate scenarios out of nowhere. I know it's a weird comparison to make, but in a way it makes me feel like Inception didn't go far enough with its dream like qualities, this movie with a more mundane premise goes much farther with it. While at first taken aback, it all makes coherent sense and you pretty much know what the allegories are. The ending is bittersweet as it gets revealed that she never fulfills her promise from her early days, nor was it physically possible to do so, but at the same time she lived a life worth living. Overall, a great movie that feels like it melds dream and life together.
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic | 1-8
This surprised me quite alot. I didn't think much of it when I started the first episode but it completely sucked me in. For starters the arabic setting feels very fresh, since I haven't actually been exposed to it much. And the soundtrack feels pretty spot on.
The show so far has a done a good balance between the serious harsh reality and comedic scenes. Exploring magical dungeons and the fantasy elements in general also appeals to me very much.
Characters is perhaps the main selling point. They're all interesting in their own way and their stories that has been told so far has been interesting. For example the charismatic Sinbad was only introduced in the previous episode, but he is already one of my favorites.
With the range from Alibaba, Sinbad and Morgiana - some with their troubled upbringings, the show offers a very broad and colorful range of characters. While I can't quite yet determine who my favorite is, I'm leaning towards Morgiana. Her rising from being a mind-broken slave to the bad ass she currently is was very pleasant to watch (also good looord those legs). I have high hopes for this show, based on what I've seen so far.
Urusei Yatsura 22
Best one yet, glad they're gonna stick to full episodes now.
Odd way to spell Miki.
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic | 1-8
This surprised me quite alot. I didn't think much of it when I started the first episode but it completely sucked me in. For starters the arabic setting feels very fresh, since I haven't actually been exposed to it much. And the soundtrack feels pretty spot on.
The show so far has a done a good balance between the serious harsh reality and comedic scenes. Exploring magical dungeons and the fantasy elements in general also appeals to me very much.
Characters is perhaps the main selling point. They're all interesting in their own way and their stories that has been told so far has been interesting. For example the charismatic Sinbad was only introduced in the previous episode, but he is already one of my favorites.
With the range from Alibaba, Sinbad and Morgiana - some with their troubled upbringings, the show offers a very broad and colorful range of characters. While I can't quite yet determine who my favorite is, I'm leaning towards Morgiana. Her rising from being a mind-broken slave to the bad ass she currently is was very pleasant to watch (also good looord those legs). I have high hopes for this show, based on what I've seen so far.
Hunter x Hunter - 68
Thank god he's back. Honestly so far this Greed Island has been somewhat of a snore, especially coming off Yorknew.
I don't find all this card business interesting, and Gon x Killua's training is something I got enough off in Heaven's Arena. Hopefully it'll be more fun now when the interesting character(s) seems to return.
She's not in Cindy Gals. Try to keep up.fix'd
Odd way to spell Miku.
People actually like the cat girl in Cinderella Girls? She's possibly the worst idol in either idolmaster show.
If you visited the OT you'd know why she's the best.People actually like the cat girl in Cinderella Girls? She's possibly the worst idol in either idolmaster show.
I thought Greed Island was pretty good. Had some interesting ideas and character growth. Certainly no Yorknew, but it was still fun.
Enjoyed it once more after the twist of it not actually taking place in a virtual world, as I thought that was pretty dumb.
People actually like the cat girl in Cinderella Girls? She's possibly the worst idol in either idolmaster show.
Yeah I honestly don't see why Greed Island has this reputation for being one of the series' worst Arcs, I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. Chimera Ant was pretty much the exact opposite response from me, the arc that most fans (that I've come across) defend to high heaven as being the epitome of the series and one I just find to be a complete drag.
Yorknew/Spiders > All
The cat one is bad but she isn't even the worst one.
The CC cast is totally uneven, for every Anatasia or Mika there is a generic character with a random moe trait.
Yuusibu complete
I actually finished a series and for once I enjoyed it for the most part. Characters were fun too.
Fino's evil laugh got me every single time.
Raul grew as a character and I loved every second of it.
Only issue I had was how rushed the ending felt. It just seemed so pushed in all of a sudden, but overall I enjoyed it!
I can feel good about anime again yay!
Miku is the only one to show a trace of personality beyond their one given gimmick.
FUCKINGI love Black Jack, but damn if it doesn't have its silly logic here and there, haha.
Makes sense to meI love Black Jack, but damn if it doesn't have its silly logic here and there, haha.
Fuck, GTO and Boogiepop at the same time?! Two amazing shows, both in my top 5Glad you're watching Boogiepop and I look forward to reading your impressions on them
Katanagatari 07
The outlines for the art style got a little thicker this time around. And the ghosts haunting Nanami looked even more like traditional Japanese art than the series already does. If the fight with Hari was figurative kept in the dark from us, then this fight was literally kept in the dark. All these complex problems with simple solutions... but the body count is steadily rising. No ninjas died this week, but several dozens of characters were offed in the first few minutes... and a few in a cheeky video game homage. Shichika's questioning his mission more and more, as am I. This is certainly turning into a Nisio Isin series, spinning its simple concepts into something more complex. That's what I came here for, so it's delivering.
Hunter x Hunter - 73
Haha oh lord I did not expect that of Biscuit. What the fuck! I'd paper-bag that, but damn.
that I don't mind muscles on ladies, but I'm not attracted to manly faces....what are you implying?
I've been enjoying your impressions, Katanagiri is something I've had my eyes on for a long time and plan to get to eventually.
Great Teacher Onizuka 03
The reaction faces in this show are pretty great.
GTO accustoms himself to his new cozy abode in the storage room has his sleep interrupted by underwear thief, illegal coitus and a suicidal attempt. All in the good night's work. And his new delinquent class issues a pretty kinky declaration of war.
Boogiepop Phantom 02
This show has a more dreary palette of colours than even Texhnolyze or Ergo Proxy. This episode focus on a different character which I imagine will continue to be the case in future. Pretty similar idea as in the Hitagi arc of Bake but here with spiders, where shielding yourself from regrets and bad memories means also parting with the cherished ones. The titular phantom showed up yet again at the end of the episode, to crank up the mindfuck levels even more.
The cat one is bad but she isn't even the worst one.
The CC cast is totally uneven, for every Anatasia or Mika there is a generic character with a random moe trait.
Can I dissuade you? Well, you'll know by the first episode if you're going to enjoy it, so whatever. Let's just say it's not one of nisiOisin's stronger works, and the low budget, blandly directed adaptation by White Fox does nothing to improve it. Sorry to be a joykill.
Didn't realize you had started GTO, I'll start on my shows tomorrow. Remind me the order of watch you recommended?
Anastasia isn't a generic character with "foreign" being her moe trait?
Anastasia isn't a generic character with "foreign" being her moe trait?
Most of the cast fits under that description, the cat girl is just actively annoying instead of dull and generic like the rest.
It's too bad Cinderella Girls isn't a more focused show (without the bloated, purposeless cast) similar to what we got in its two good episodes (1 and 7).
so moeAnastasia isn't a generic character with "foreign" being her moe trait?
Lies, I've seen one 5 second gif and it looked great.
But on a serious note, even if it's as bad as you say, I want to at least check out a Nisio title that isn't Monogatari
Serial Experiments Lain--> Shigurui--->Texhnolyze
But it doesn't really matter. Tackle it anyway you want to. Lain is a bit different than the other two so it might serve as a nice buffer in the middle.
Odd way to spell Miku.
Anastasia isn't a generic character with "foreign" being her moe trait?
Hunter x Hunter - 68
Thank god he's back. Honestly so far this Greed Island has been somewhat of a snore, especially coming off Yorknew.
I don't find all this card business interesting, and Gon x Killua's training is something I got enough off in Heaven's Arena. Hopefully it'll be more fun now when the interesting character(s) seems to return.
Rolling☆Girls Episode 7:
I am so bored right now. Girls, you wanna know why you want to become Bests, because then you might actually be interesting, dropped so very hard and this disappointment of the year thus far.
Please someone come in and tell me that Rolling Girls is good past the first 2 eps
I heard great things/saw cool gifs of it at first then everyone is talking about how downhill this show is going
Please someone come in and tell me that Rolling Girls is good past the first 2 eps
I heard great things/saw cool gifs of it at first then everyone is talking about how downhill this show is going