Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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Heh, I'm typing this as I'm fighting a boss in one of those chalice dungeons as it has glitched out and can't seem to really move around much even if I hit it.

It's the trio boss with two merciless watchers and one chieftain. They can't seem to move down either of the stairs and just keep walking back and forth and randomly attacking the air.

Happened to everyone else too, myself included.

I'm convinced the Chalice boss
Bloodletting Beast is impossible solo. He hits way too hard and can literally punch across the arena at mach speed. It's basically Father Gas Can's wolf form except 10x bigger and 50x stronger.
Peanut butter comes with the horrible, sticky texture, and tries to overpower other tastes. It's bad.

Use better jellies then. I'm pretty sure Oregon has a farmer's market.

Oh it does, everyone here is fucking nuts about jams and jellies. I've probably had more jelly than anyone in this thread. My fridge is full of this garbage and I'm done with it. I just ate the most delicious, Adam's Peanut Butter on White Bread sandwich. It was amazing.
Oh it does, everyone here is fucking nuts about jams and jellies. I've probably had more jelly than anyone in this thread. My fridge is full of this garbage and I'm done with it. I just ate the most delicious, Adam's Peanut Butter on White Bread sandwich. It was amazing.

I don't understand the point of this argument, why eat a peanut butter/pb&j sandwich when you can just make something better than that.
Jam, at least here in my neck of the woods, is typically thicker with more seeds and possibly chunks of the fruit it's made of. It's digsusting.
Fuck that shit.

But you live in Oregon. You have farmer's markets where the stuff is bottled fresh. Little to No preservatives.

It can't be as bad as you've described it.
I don't understand the point of this argument, why eat a peanut butter/pb&j sandwich when you can just make something better than that.

Peanut Butter and bread is cheap and way faster, more portable and by far more filling than most other sandwich you can make for that price and within that time. It's almost nobody's first, third or even fifth choice, but sometimes that's all you have or have time for.

I don't really like CollegeHumor, but when they're on they're fucking spot on.

I haven't watched their stuff in a very very long time, I just happened to find that on squaredcircle on reddit.
Peanut Butter and bread is cheap and way faster, more portable and by far more filling than most other sandwich you can make for that price and within that time. It's almost nobody's first, third or even fifth choice, but sometimes that's all you have or have time for.
Hm, I've never really been in that situation, if I don't have time to eat something, then I just don't eat.
Plus I normally have fruit laying around and I opt for that.


That bloodthirsty beast is starting to getting really annoying. Since it's 3rd phase makes being poisoned unavoidable, l am now out of antidotes! Seems like I have to farm for souls nowcause they're so bloody expensive.
But you live in Oregon. You have farmer's markets where the stuff is bottled fresh. Little to No preservatives.

It can't be as bad as you've described it.

My mom is obsessed with homegrown natural stuff and my best friend is insane about fruit and jam. They make sure I've tried the freshest and best jellies and jams that Oregon has to offer. I just think that shit is gross as hell and ruins sandwiches.
My mom is obsessed with homegrown natural stuff and my best friend is insane about fruit and jam. They make sure I've tried the freshest and best jellies and jams that Oregon has to offer. I just think that shit is gross as hell and ruins sandwiches.

Sounds more like you've just had it shoved down your throat your whole life and you're just sick of it.

I'm the same way with chocolate and most junk food.
That's possible. Either way, fuck it. I don't want to deal with it.
Believe it or not, if you're around something, and fed it enough you will start to hate it.

Mercy now hates Easy Mac and Ramen because of college.
Bloodborne question
I'm in the first chalice dungeon, layer 3. There is this tall, white ghost-like woman right in front of me. She is leaning on a stick. I could lock-on to her and almost killed her, but she appears to not be hostile. What are these things?

Resource fountains.
Because we are all athletes, and all events are sponsored by Mountain Dew because..

Mtn Dew is a horrible beverage. It's amazing how unfit most beverages today are for our bodies. They're all pretty much unyielding corn syrup and carbohydrate fountains.

We don't NEED them and I wish our bodies were more unforgiving for accepting that stuff into our bodies.

I like soda, but if it was gone from the face of the earth I could live without it.

Im so crotchety about this that I actively buy either Seltzer Water, Club Soda, or the premium dry Cola in order to avoid buying the cheap, disposable crap.
Yeah, never really works out. It's a whole thing. I just need to kick it cold turkey, but shit's hard.
Ever try going to the dollar store and buying those single flavor things you put in water? Would be something to have when you want a soda and have that as an alternative, otherwise just drink water.

Mtn Dew is a horrible beverage. It's amazing how unfit most beverages today are for our bodies. They're all pretty much unyielding corn syrup and carbohydrate fountains.

We don't NEED them and I wish our bodies were more unforgiving for accepting that stuff into our bodies.

I like soda, but if it was gone from the face of the earth I could live without it.

Im so crotchety about this that I actively buy either Seltzer Water, Club Soda, or the premium dry Cola in order to avoid buying the cheap, disposable crap.
I had no problem cutting soda out of my life, I craved them for about two days after I stopped drinking them, I can't even drink things like Brisk or Arizona anymore, it just tastes like pure sugar to me.
All I've ever drank from a young age is water. Its all I drink now apart from the occasional beer and MTN Dew.

Funny thing is, from a young age all I drank was soda, it got to the point where I didn't wanna drink water because it didn't have any "flavor" it was all my parents drank as well.

It wasn't until around I was 14 that I realized "Hey! This shit is slowly killing me and turning me into a landwhale I better stop!" I slowly cut it out of my diet relapsing a few times and now I don't want to smell the shit, it smells awful.
Soft drinks are fine as long as they aren't all you drink. I used to drink nothing but coke and fanta but now I mostly drink Tea and Coffee with the occasional red bull.
Back when I was younger my parents would buy a 24 pack of soda for each of us for the week. All of it would be gone. My dad still does that shit, he's so out of shape at 50 he's out of breath from walking a grocery store.


Funny thing is, from a young age all I drank was soda, it got to the point where I didn't wanna drink water because it didn't have any "flavor" it was all my parents drank as well.

It wasn't until around I was 14 that I realized "Hey! This shit is slowly killing me and turning me into a landwhale I better stop!" I slowly cut it out of my diet relapsing a few times and now I don't want to smell the shit, it smells awful.

Soft drinks are fine as long as they aren't all you drink. I used to drink nothing but coke and fanta but now I mostly drink Tea and Coffee with the occasional red bull.
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