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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT| The Man Who Sold The World

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You get the opportunity later on to customise weapons. Keep an eye out for relevant side ops.

I already have that, unlocked every assault rifle with underbarrel and none of them have a undermounted grenade launcher option. Unless I'm missing something... I do have a couple of grade 5 ? weapons to unlock. Have you specifically got an assault rifle with gl?

Caja 117

Another thing i forgot to mention, so health in MGSV only regenerates, is not like previous one that you need to use ration? I kind of miss that.


"hello?" "this is vagina"
People seem to be upset by the super simple "Kill X", "Collect Y" objectives but they're the best thing about the game. It's not filler, it's not laziness, it's freedom - it's the designers having confidence that the mechanics and the player's creativity will result in fun.

Who cares if the objective is simple if there are infinite number of ways to achieve it.
Sorry, that was the same 'malak' mission. I only have mission 14 unlocked so I dunno if we can find more later.

I just refuse to believe it's that easy to lose out on upgrades

Like when they programmed the ability for MB staff to die, did no one really think what would happen if a specialist dies before the player gets their upgrade

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
not giving you the complete mission objective list until you've already bet the mission once is complete bullshit. I barely have the time to play through this game once.

also, "now leaving the mission area" when the objective is to RUN AWAY is an absurd premise in an open world game. Not cool.


Man. I could never disagree more, i actually found myself focusing more on Side Ops than main missions, haha. And i always been very much not into open world games, who would have though good gameplay could make an open world game so much fun! haha.

Same here, Side Ops give me a chance to balls it up without consequence.. finding the main missions are really tense and keep rueing the fact I am shit at MGS and end up with crappy ranking and miss ? objectives.
How did you switch your primary from your AR to your sniper rifle in this video without bringing up the screen where you have to tilt the right stick to select your BACK weapon?

Didn't see the video, but you can 'quick swap' by just tapping the DPAD in the direction of the item category. Up for primary weapons.

Also, it's my Birthday today, can't wait to get home and see what TPP gives me! :)

Man this thread moves quick...


I love how there was supposed to be a super great explanation about why a sniper had to look like a stripper when practically, it turns out it's exactly what it looked like.
She's an amazing buddy and has a couple of cool scenes but she looks like that because Kojima is a total lecher.
mine is gold though.

Yeah, Kojima is just really horny and not ashamed of it. But he's also a lot of other things, so I take the game as a whole, an eccentric, fun, cool, sometimes pervy piece of entertainment.


Its everything surrounding the honed gameplay mechanics I find of more questionable value.

Some of the stuff around the mechanics is arguably flawed, but it is fucking incomparable to Destiny.

+ amazing gameplay mechanics
+ lovely graphics
- there is only one gameplay mechanic. Yes, it's great and polished, but there is only that. Shooting. I guess driving your hoverbike is the second, but that's tangiential.
- there is no story. There is 5 minutes of exposition. There is no ending. There is no development. Then not a single plot point after the intro for a 4-5 hour campaign you're expected to grind on forever after
- there are four tiny maps, which have literally nothing in them. Like literally nothing. The maps are just facades. Nothing changes or moves. 90% of the buildings can't be explored.
- the only 'collectibles' are, what, Glimmer and materials? Materials are idential bullshit you can't even use until you're level 25 or so.
- The enemies are imbeciles who spawn in roughly the same places every time
- the levelling and upgrade system is based on an RNG (though this is changing with Taken King). You're expected to replay mind-numbingly rudimentary and repetitive missions just to 'level up'

+ amazing gameplay mechanics
+ about 20 of them. Good shooting, but also good stealth, two great traversal options, complex interactions with the AI, alert systems where AI travel to other bases, strategic systems that impact bases and how they behave, a brilliant buddy system, guards who have adaptive gear based on your actions, mother base (Destiny has... shooting. Nothing past the first on this 8+ item list)
+ loads of story, a full start-to-finish plotline – but it's spaced out over 50+ hours and much of it is on optional tapes. Destiny has no plotline whatsoever. It's like MGSV's Prologue probably has as much story as Destiny in its entirety.
maps (as far as i know, may be more) which are very large (the first alone is probably the size of all of Destiny's maps put together), and each feature 10+ super-intricate bases which are all better designed than any level in Destiny. Heck, the worst MGSV base is better designed than any level in Destiny, except perhaps the first Raid
+ the maps are also dynamic. How enemies behave on the maps changes depending on how much you've been spotted. Guards get shipped between bases if you raise too many alarms, and change shifts at night time, even then they have smaller-scale shift changes for taking naps
+ collectibles which all directly impact gameplay mechanics
- the maps are a bit empty sometimes. But then you can pop on a tape while you're travelling, and in all honesty you're never travelling longer than 1 or 2 minutes before something happens (you can hang off your horse if you want to dodge guard posts)
- the helicopter mechanic is a bit stupid, we should definitely be able to call pickup anywhere

As others have said, you're right to some extent that the game is stretched a little thin. But comparing it to Destiny is, frankly, facetious.

And the fact that you haven't replied to a single one of my posts suggests you don't feel confident in your position.

Is that in answer to my undermounted grenade launcher question?

Gah! It's the final step in my ideal setup...

Yes, and I responded to you not long after you posted that question.

Edit: oh shit, sorry, saw your reply, ignore me. You know more than me at this point!
At the start of Main Op 16 are you meant to go to a place about 200m away only to then have to extract a truck that parks itself about 2km away and doesn't seem to move?

I thought this op had some crazy fight with


Man. I could never disagree more, i actually found myself focusing more on Side Ops than main missions, haha. And i always been very much not into open world games, who would have though good gameplay could make an open world game so much fun! haha.

it doesn't changes the fact that most of the missions are indeed just filler crap like extract the dude or eliminate someone, which is what he meant.


20 hours in...MGS5 really is 2014's Destiny. The similarities are staggering.

+AMAZING play mechanics, feels great to play when the action starts
+Looks really nice, although clearly cross-gen

-Open World is really a few walled off linear hot spots used for main missions and filler "free roam" missions, with resources to collect. Areas you think you can traverse, ya can't. Its a hassle getting from one side to the other. No NPCs, villages, anything particularly interesting or notable.

-You spend a lot of time sitting in loading screens after you extract from every mission. Your ship takes you back to the hub base, until you realize its horrifically boring with maybe 2 activities and you can't interact with anybody, so you go back to the loading screen ship.

-There's not a whole lot of narrative momentum or structure, you can play for hours and not really have much of an emotional investment in any of the world or its characters. Main character feels like an avatar and not a person. You do "main" missions thinking they'll advance the plot, and not only are they very similar to the filler missions, but it feels like nothing you did mattered anyway. Just another chore taking care of.

-There's a big grinding metagame they attached to it, so you're always on the lookout to collect a hundred different things to build yourself up and micromanage various components of your loadout. IDK, they felt this was a needed evolution over the old games where you just played it and found cool shit in the world. Now they make you grind for it.

Can't wait for the expansion next year that makes MGS5 a great game

Are you for real? ...

Hmm, but I get it. Just like Destiny you expected MGSV to be something it really wasn't.

I guess it makes sense or you you didn't follow any of the previews for the game before it came out.
Theoretically could I go in as a troublemaker soldier - complete a bunch of side ops and just keep doing stuff in the open world until they die? Is there any cost to that?

I don't want to keep troublemakers around and it seems like a good no cost way to just go into the world and complete stuff at no cost if I die
And the fact that you haven't replied to a single one of my posts suggests you don't feel confident in your position.

Its more like because you simply value the game's elements a lot more than me and there's not much to talk about. Your fist post was about "no way its 10000x better!". Ok then. Then I mentioned how boring the collectibles/grinding metagame was, and you said "no way its actually really cool how they affect gameplay" Ok then.

And you LOVE cherrypicking shit/streamlining things/using hyperbole to the point of exaggeration to make your case, like man. Like you got no room to talk about confirmation bias.


it doesn't changes the fact that most of the missions are indeed just filler crap like extract the dude or eliminate someone, which is what he meant.

Unlike most games with side missions though, you actually want to complete filler crap because doing it is loads of fun, and how you do "extract dude" or "kill dude" can be different every time.

Caja 117

Some of the stuff around the mechanics is arguably flawed, but it is fucking incomparable to Destiny.

+ amazing gameplay mechanics
+ lovely graphics
- there is only one gameplay mechanic. Yes, it's great and polished, but there is only that. Shooting. I guess driving your hoverbike is the second, but that's tangiential.
- there is no story. There is 5 minutes of exposition. There is no ending. There is no development. Then not a single plot point after the intro for a 4-5 hour campaign you're expected to grind on forever after
- there are four tiny maps, which have literally nothing in them. Like literally nothing. The maps are just facades. Nothing changes or moves. 90% of the buildings can't be explored.
- the only 'collectibles' are, what, Glimmer and materials? Materials are idential bullshit you can't even use until you're level 25 or so.
- The enemies are imbeciles who spawn in roughly the same places every time
- the levelling and upgrade system is based on an RNG (though this is changing with Taken King). You're expected to replay mind-numbingly rudimentary and repetitive missions just to 'level up'

+ amazing gameplay mechanics
+ about 20 of them. Good shooting, but also good stealth, two great traversal options, complex interactions with the AI, alert systems where AI travel to other bases, strategic systems that impact bases and how they behave, a brilliant buddy system, guards who have adaptive gear based on your actions, mother base (Destiny has... shooting. Nothing past the first on this 8+ item list)
+ loads of story, a full start-to-finish plotline – but it's spaced out over 50+ hours and much of it is on optional tapes. Destiny has no plotline whatsoever. It's like MGSV's Prologue probably has as much story as Destiny in its entirety.
maps (as far as i know, may be more) which are very large (the first alone is probably the size of all of Destiny's maps put together), and each feature 10+ super-intricate bases which are all better designed than any level in Destiny. Heck, the worst MGSV base is better designed than any level in Destiny, except perhaps the first Raid
+ the maps are also dynamic. How enemies behave on the maps changes depending on how much you've been spotted. Guards get shipped between bases if you raise too many alarms, and change shifts at night time, even then they have smaller-scale shift changes for taking naps
+ collectibles which all directly impact gameplay mechanics
- the maps are a bit empty sometimes. But then you can pop on a tape while you're travelling, and in all honesty you're never travelling longer than 1 or 2 minutes before something happens (you can hang off your horse if you want to dodge guard posts)
- the helicopter mechanic is a bit stupid, we should definitely be able to call pickup anywhere

As others have said, you're right to some extent that the game is stretched a little thin. But comparing it to Destiny is, frankly, facetious.

And the fact that you haven't replied to a single one of my posts suggests you don't feel confident in your position.

Yes, and I responded to you not long after you posted that question.

Destiny and MGSV are not really comparable, but your negatives on Destiny are false information about the game, and what you did there is no different from the guy that said they were the same.


Does anyone know if it's possible to specifically raid your friends mother bases online? Or is just randoms?

I know you can call your friends to protect your mother base. But I want to raid theirs.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I don't consider the side ops and simpler story missions "filler", except from a narrative perspective. They're meaningless in that sense. But they give objectives and goals for the player to pursue and how much you enjoy them is up to you. They're a great bedrock for experimenting and having fun with the game systems. Some are maybe a bit too simple for their own good, but when the game presents me with a side op of recovering a high value prisoner for Mother Base from a large guarded compound, it's a great adventure of isolating and interrogating guards to work out where the prisoner is, learning where other valuable materials like diamonds are, trying to isolate and subdue high value guards, while also planning my extraction. It's meaningless in the sense that compared to a mission in MGS1/2/3/4 it has little if any narrative context or purpose, but they give you a playground to enjoy and explore the fantastic set of game tools built for this specific game.

Without them the open world is useless.


Well you kinda can by using a flare

They don't pick you up from a flare. They just support you with gunfire. (Not what you want.)

Unless this is locked behind an upgrade, in which case everyone's issue with no chopper pickup was baseless.

Its more like because you simply value the game's elements a lot more than me and there's not much to talk about. Your fist post was about "no way its 10000x better!". Ok then. Then I mentioned how boring the collectibles/grinding metagame was, and you said "no way its actually really cool how they affect gameplay" Ok then.

So... Your opinion has changed? Some of your points were fairly on-point but some (and the whole thrust of your argument) just seemed to miss the point of the game.

You're also trying to make a fully-formed judgement on a game you're less than 1/4 of the way through. (Destiny is probably equivalent 1/10th the length of MGSV, at least). I would have agreed with you more 15 hours ago, but the story really does start to move along and the open world gets better as your options open up.

You've fully ignored several of my points which flat-out negate yours, like stuff about story, stuff about gameplay mechanics, etc.

As somebody else said, maybe you just expected a different game from this.


I'm not liking how they story is told in this game, and a silent Snake. Otherwise GOTY so far

Yup, so far this is easily my least favorite MGS game story-wise. I'm sure it gets crazier later on but from what I've read, it never reaches the heights of earlier Metal Gear Solids.

Absolutely my favorite MGS game gameplay-wise, though... Which honestly doesn't say much, cause I'm not really into the MGS 1-4 gameplay. But I'm loving TPP, definitely the most fun stealth game I've played.

So, so far I'd call TPP my favorite AND least favorite MGS game. Weird. I'm really missing all the cutscenes and story and codecs and just all that fun stuff, but I'm enjoying the gameplay so much, it doesn't actually matter that much.


Question, Mid game motherbase spoilers:

how do you spot the infection in troops?

Perhaps you should assume that the game wasn't designed with NeoGAF in mind.

Pay attention to what characters are saying. Do what you think you should do.

The solution isn't supposed to come from the internet. It can, but you'll be taking away from the experience.


I'm not liking how they story is told in this game, and a silent Snake. Otherwise GOTY so far

I'm not a fan of a silent snake either... I don't know if that was because Kiefer was expensive or a decision to "immerse" the player more... but I miss Snake being so talkative.


Destiny and MGSV are not really comparable, but your negatives on Destiny are false information about the game, and what you did there is no different from the guy that said they were the same.

Maybe I went too far in that post (I have real Devil's Advocate syndrome) but everything I said about Destiny was exactly what I experienced and why I stopped playing it within 3 weeks (stopped enjoying it after four days). AFAIK little/none of that was false info.
only legit flaw im finding is the obnoxious fast travel which is sorta mitigated if you use return to acc in the pause menu, although you still got 2 loading screens if you use that method.

i haven't played witcher 3 but sidestuff in open-world games has always been trivial diversions at best and crap i dont give a shit about at worst. in mgsv you have the added benefit of the probably the best gameplay core ever in an open-world game.


Aw what the fuck!

Mission 12:
I shoved Huey in a truck and drove us away from the Metal Gear. Ended up getting a mission failed because I 'left the mission area', and now I've been dumped back into the open world and checkpointed. Now I have to do the entire mission again.


This happened to me too. Sucks.
I'm not a fan of a silent snake either... I don't know if that was because Kiefer was expensive or a decision to "immerse" the player more... but I miss Snake being so talkative.

I sort of miss it but...I don't mind it so far.

I don't think it's got anything to do with Kiefer being expensive or not, Kojima's been pretty outspoken (perhaps ironically?) in thinking that he wanted to have more of a silent protagonist (influenced by Mad Max) and be less intrusive to the player experience through long cutscenes/codecs and leave it more up to them.

Which he pretty much has done. Someone else mentioned it but I love when Kiefer Boss does speak it sounds like it's with so much authority and everyone listens. The VA is mixed but Quiet's first scene on MB is a pretty good example of people shutting up and listening when BB steps onto the scene.


I don't consider the side ops and simpler story missions "filler", except from a narrative perspective. They're meaningless in that sense. But they give objectives and goals for the player to pursue and how much you enjoy them is up to you. They're a great bedrock for experimenting and having fun with the game systems. Some are maybe a bit too simple for their own good, but when the game presents me with a side op of recovering a high value prisoner for Mother Base from a large guarded compound, it's a great adventure of isolating and interrogating guards to work out where the prisoner is, learning where other valuable materials like diamonds are, trying to isolate and subdue high value guards, while also planning my extraction. It's meaningless in the sense that compared to a mission in MGS1/2/3/4 it has little if any narrative context or purpose, but they give you a playground to enjoy and explore the fantastic set of game tools built for this specific game.

Without them the open world is useless.

Well they certainly give you something to do and can by overly complicated at times but they're definitely filler in the sense that they don't push forward the narrative at all and mostly serve to pad out the playtime. The best missions are 6 and 13 where it requires the player to sneak into new areas through large paths after which they infiltrate a base. Many of the main missions just reuse already existing terrain but mostly just require something different. They lack the drive of the missions in previous MGS games and hurt the pacing.

There are some interesting Side Ops such as the Wandering Soldier stuff but they're usually extremely basic and mostly serve to increase my funds at this point.

The amount of story in this is just completely lacking.


Went straight from beating Witcher 3 to starting this last night. It has been some progression - I was without any consoles for 6 months so I've gone Bloodborne -> Witcher 3 -> MGSV without any breaks at all over the course of a month and a bit. One of the best slates of games I've ever played.

So, initial impressions from the prologue and first two missions: (you're all probably way past caring about this already, lol)
-The prologue started so damn well. Tense and stylish, including one of my favourite songs. I was so confused regarding what is going on with
these two guys who wake up in the hospital. Is one of them just an illusion? "You're talking to yourself." Or is that what you're supposed to think, and Ishmael is Snake with face reconfiguration surgery, and your character is someone else? Why was I asked to enter a name and avatar? Was that part of the narrative? Why was the doctor talking about hiding my identity, then not actually doing it? Were identities switched here to keep Snake safe or is it just an illusion caused by either the shrapnel or the telepath? What was Quiet doing there?
. So many questions. But that confusion is a good thing! I was super-engaged and loving it. However I found that it did start to drag on after a while, with too much hallucinatory horror imagery and not enough gameplay or interaction before the end. Like, I get it. Crazy shit is going down. Luckily it ended before I was sick of it. Overall a really strong opening. I really do wish I hand't experienced most of it through trailers, though. Was barely one part of that sequence that wasn't in a trailer. Oh well, better that trailer material comes from the start rather than later.

-I was surprised how quickly it transitioned from the prologue to the first mission. I was expecting some cutscenes there beyond
Ocelot dumping you in the open world. Ridiculous that Snake would recover that fast but whatever.

-I'm not going to talk much about the gameplay, because all I need to say is that it phenomenal, near perfect, stunning. It's Ground Zeroes in larger, new theatres. It's all I wanted. All I ever wanted.

-I will mention two negatives. One of which is the horse. Coming from the Witcher and Roach the transition between animations and between speeds seems janky. You touch square and it's instantly at full speed and it looks weird. Made a poor first impression. The second is that there already seems like there's tons of shit to collect everywhere. This doesn't need to be an Ubi-game with collect-a-boxes everywhere. The stealth action is so strong it stands on its own. It's all the gameplay the game needs. A couple of intel files would be all the incentive one needs to explore a game this fun.

-Graphically it's gorgeous, though cross-gen roots are visible at times. I don't like 60fps for the cutscenes at all, but for the gameplay I have to admit it's amazing. I love the physically based rendering and 'clean' image, though close up I don't really feel like it's as detailed as the Witcher was. I suppose I could say Snake's beard looks bad, only real negative I've found.

-After the first mission, having
rescued Kaz
, I have to be honest and say that Snake's lack of dialogue is already starting to become noticeable. He didn't react in tons of places where you'd expect him to, or where most people would react. If the whole game is going to be like this, with people talking at a near-mute Snake, that could become a problem. Early days yet though.

-The mother base stuff... well I'll see how I end up liking it but I already dislike the idea of having to spend time here after every mission. I don't see how that adds to the game. I just want to play missions and see story progression. Get some answers. I have always thought that fulton-ing stuff was super-stupid, and hope that doesn't become a huge part of the game.

-I also dislike the fact that already I had to listen to a few tapes just to understand what the hell is going on, and what happened in the last 9 years. Thought
and Snake would have hashed a bit of that out in a cutscene, it's important.

Gonna be thinking about this game all day. All this damn long day. Clearing all weekend to play it, can't wait.
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