Some of the stuff around the mechanics is arguably flawed, but it is fucking incomparable to Destiny.
+ amazing gameplay mechanics
+ lovely graphics
- there is only one gameplay mechanic. Yes, it's great and polished, but there is only that. Shooting. I guess driving your hoverbike is the second, but that's tangiential.
- there is no story. There is 5 minutes of exposition. There is no ending. There is no development. Then not a single plot point after the intro for a 4-5 hour campaign you're expected to grind on forever after
- there are four
tiny maps, which have literally nothing in them. Like literally nothing. The maps are just facades. Nothing changes or moves. 90% of the buildings can't be explored.
- the only 'collectibles' are, what, Glimmer and materials? Materials are idential bullshit you can't even use until you're level 25 or so.
- The enemies are imbeciles who spawn in roughly the same places every time
- the levelling and upgrade system is based on an RNG (though this is changing with Taken King). You're expected to replay mind-numbingly rudimentary and repetitive missions just to 'level up'
+ amazing gameplay mechanics
+ about 20 of them. Good shooting, but also good stealth, two great traversal options, complex interactions with the AI, alert systems where AI travel to other bases, strategic systems that impact bases and how they behave, a brilliant buddy system, guards who have adaptive gear based on your actions, mother base (Destiny has... shooting. Nothing past the first on this 8+ item list)
+ loads of story, a full start-to-finish plotline
but it's spaced out over 50+ hours and much of it is on optional tapes. Destiny has
no plotline whatsoever. It's like MGSV's Prologue probably has as much story as Destiny in its entirety.
maps (as far as i know, may be more) which are very large (the first alone is probably the size of all of Destiny's maps put together), and each feature 10+ super-intricate bases which are all better designed than
any level in Destiny. Heck, the worst MGSV base is better designed than any level in Destiny, except perhaps the first Raid
+ the maps are also dynamic. How enemies behave on the maps changes depending on how much you've been spotted. Guards get shipped between bases if you raise too many alarms, and change shifts at night time, even then they have smaller-scale shift changes for taking naps
+ collectibles which all
directly impact gameplay mechanics
- the maps are a bit empty sometimes. But then you can pop on a tape while you're travelling, and in all honesty you're never travelling longer than 1 or 2 minutes before something happens (you can hang off your horse if you want to dodge guard posts)
- the helicopter mechanic is a bit stupid, we should definitely be able to call pickup anywhere
As others have said, you're right to some extent that the game is stretched a little thin. But comparing it to Destiny is, frankly, facetious.
And the fact that you haven't replied to a single one of my posts suggests you don't feel confident in your position.
Yes, and I responded to you not long after you posted that question.