Destiny |OT32| Driviks and Draksis (Spoiler Tag ALL Raid Discussion)


O DeeJ dropping Sleeper Simulants teases ... He cray!

Anyway. XBOX Live died right when we were going to pound Golgoroth. Shame, because it took us less then 30 minutes to get there.

I really like this raid. Feels like a mix between VoG and Crota's End. I do think however that normal is going to be a breeze once you have better gear.

Which brings me right back to Trials of Osiris.

290 light recommended? Sure, you can get to 290 with a decent RNG but ... not in my case. Sure, I'm 294 now ... did the Raid twice and got, yep ... nothing. Moldering Shards x41907109724. How am I supposed to compete in Trials when all I get in the raid is Shards? I've seen level 300+ players, alot. I think I might skip trials untill RNG blesses me with something good. And 8 wins vs 8 wins? Why Bungie? Makes no sense to me. I'm from the Netherlands and would hate if we got a match against players in Australia. Green vs Red-bar. Red bar always wins

Titan is stuck on 294. Ghost is 285 and my relic is crap too. When those two are replaced I'll jump to 299. Here's hoping Golgoroth rewards me with something good.


Steroid Distributor
Killing the wardens knights with one super? What a good feeling.

I actually thought I had to use the sword on them and was able to catch them all as they were coming out of the door. Made quick work of them and then stood looking at the door hoping for something to happen. I got goosebumps when the door finally opened for me.

Very cool moment.
my two buddies who just started playing destiny got the flayer mantes during our strike... I'm like 50 times in on them at least and still no mantle.


A Sword Reforged question:

These materials I am gathering... Will they come from any random chest on any planet or do I need to look in one location?

I trying to ask a broad question to stay away from spoiling anything for myself. But I got one of these rare material things on the moon and I'm curious if I will also randomly find them elsewhere.

Thanks in advance for the answers.

Those special materials will randomly drop from Nodes only. Chests wont give you anything of the sort.

For the arc sword you need to harvest spinmetal on the Cosmodrome
For the solar sword you need to harvest helium filaments on the moon
For the void sword you need to harvest relic iron on Mars.

The text flavor of the quest tells you about that.

yeah no chests count but dont skip them anyway... it'll be less you have to farm again...when your out one day lol.. ill never farm mats on mars again... not sure if its the way it is but i did void and the leg void sword was relic iron, but when i finally got my exotic sword it took spinemetal to upgrade lol......

i just dont know why bungie cant make that shit fun... i mean vanguard patrols just are not worth the time it takes for like 7-10 rep... plus the one major thing that pisses me off the most is when you get a mission its allllllllllll the way over 3 maps away... why cant they be in the area where you got the mission its really annoy too me.. one of the main reasons my vanguard rep rank is only 8 or 9 ....
700? Wth! Must be a joy to create parties and invite ppl.

Either way... Morning GAF, how are you and what is your plan for today's gaming session.

Morning Ray my Friday and weekend is going to consist of farming flakes, hunting down fragments and finishing quests x3 for the 310 Artefact, I may even go really wild and hunt down my missing ghosts

Or I could evaluate my life and go out and have some fun


Super pumped for IB.

Best looking gear in TTK imo - at least for Titans.



yeah no chests count but dont skip them anyway... it'll be less you have to farm again...when your out one day lol.. ill never farm mats on mars again... not sure if its the way it is but i did void and the leg void sword was relic iron, but when i finally got my exotic sword it took spinemetal to upgrade lol......

i just dont know why bungie cant make that shit fun... i mean vanguard patrols just are not worth the time it takes for like 7-10 rep... plus the one major thing that pisses me off the most is when you get a mission its allllllllllll the way over 3 maps away... why cant they be in the area where you got the mission its really annoy too me.. one of the main reasons my vanguard rep rank is only 8 or 9 ....

The arc blade quest... was by FAR the worse to gather materials. I did them all as a Titan so the void kills was quite long to do also. Nothing that the Arma chest + Discipline + monte carlo couldn't fix though.

Morning Ray my Friday and weekend is going to consist of farming flakes, hunting down fragments and finishing quests x3 for the 310 Artefact, I may even go really wild and hunt down my missing ghosts

Or I could evaluate my life and go out and have some fun

FTFY, Don't "spoil" yourself with that. I still need to do one more 310 quest chain. I will join on you with that; I am at the quest where you need to collect 20 "cosmopolitan chromosomes" from Taken in Venus.

For flakes I am quite good. Got 100 to spare but if I have time I'll join you an that also.


4% after 2 games, third game went down to 0%. That's enough for me..

its also the shittness of the quest i got 10% one time in one game im pretty sure its
2% for headshot kill
1% for one kill
and 2% down for death.. but yeah it reaaaally sucks.... not really feelin the shotty you get for it.. my matador 64 with shit package rekts...


its also the shittness of the quest i got 10% one time in one game im pretty sure its
2% for headshot kill
1% for one kill
and 2% down for death.. but yeah it reaaaally sucks.... not really feelin the shotty you get for it.. my matador 64 with shit package rekts...

Yea that's what I use also, I'll stick with it for right now.

Perfect :d

The arc blade quest... was by FAR the worse to gather materials. I did them all as a Titan so the void kills was quite long to do also. Nothing that the Arma chest + Discipline + monte carlo couldn't fix though.

FTFY, Don't "spoil" yourself with that. I still need to do one more 310 quest chain. I will join on you with that; I am at the quest where you need to collect 20 "cosmopolitan chromosomes" from Taken in Venus.

For flakes I am quite good. Got 100 to spare but if I have time I'll join you an that also.

I'm at that stage on one of my characters so will team up, I also forgot I need to finish the 25 PvP sword kills on one character then farm the materials before Xur goes, triffic


The arc blade quest... was by FAR the worse to gather materials. I did them all as a Titan so the void kills was quite long to do also. Nothing that the Arma chest + Discipline + monte carlo couldn't fix though.

kind of wished i would have went arc blade.. that video i seen of people sniping with it in pvp.. lol the Zelda world wind move witht he void sword is cool to but damn lol....


Was just playing elimination.
Sniped two guys. Enemy warlock self revives, revives their sunbreaker who immediately activates hammer time. I blade dance. I take them both out. FEELS SO GOOD.


I've just given shaxx the flakes and I have the sword hilt. What now? I don't see the quest anymore? Erin and shaxx have nothing to say to me.
Am I not supposed to go into crucible or something?
Since Xur last sold engrams for new gear the day the raid launched, did anybody actually decrypt some of his stuff with a character over 300 Light? Do his engrams work the same as 3oC ones, with a chance for 290 or 310 gear? I'll buy the hell out of them if so, especially helmet or gauntlets.

Also, new OT is a work in progress, hopefully it'll be done soon but got some life stuff to finish first.

I've just given shaxx the flakes and I have the sword hilt. What now? I don't see the quest anymore? Erin and shaxx have nothing to say to me.
Am I not supposed to go into crucible or something?

Fully level your legendary sword and infuse it above 280 Light. That will unlock the exotic sword quest from Shaxx.


Super pumped for IB.

Best looking gear in TTK imo - at least for Titans.


Fuck that is cool. Guess I need to grind IB on all my characters now when it is up. Do we get new ToO armor too? Or is it just updated versions of the old ones?


Steroid Distributor
its also the shittness of the quest i got 10% one time in one game im pretty sure its
2% for headshot kill
1% for one kill
and 2% down for death.. but yeah it reaaaally sucks.... not really feelin the shotty you get for it.. my matador 64 with shit package rekts...

Headshots, kill streaks, multi kills all help push the progress up quicker.
Many people would have the gun unequipped until they got their super or heavy spawned. Then equip it and go get some kills. Unequip gun, rinse and repeat.

I had a lot of success in Rift. I would just crowd near the spark and get kills there.
Same here, haven't done a raid this week further than golgoroth.

I ran through it on reset but I'm trying to get my alts through. I'm down to run one but I'm not sure if we can find enough people at this time though.

I hate working till so late, feels like I miss all the action :(


Steroid Distributor
So I need to catch up on what's changed.

All the commendations stuff vanguard/crucible etc are useless now yes?

What faction is the best to align with?

None of them are "best". They all have good gear. Maybe just go visit them all and see what gear you would most like to have.
And consider the shaders that each faction has as well. Dead Orbit seemed to be favored because their shaders are very nice.

And when you say commendations are you taking about the actual consumable item you can get called a "commendation"?
None of them are "best". They all have good gear. Maybe just go visit them all and see what gear you would most like to have.
And consider the shaders that each faction has as well. Dead Orbit seemed to be favored because their shaders are very nice.

And when you say commendations are you taking about the actual consumable item you can get called a "commendation"?

Awesome cheers.

Yep those are the ones!

I've went with New Monarchy just now as I like their gear best.

I feel like such a noob being behind everyone now >.<


seriously bungie, quests like "kill 6x with an auto rifle and win" are totally a grind since your matchmaking is a joke. Always getting the "we're fu****".


Steroid Distributor
Awesome cheers.

Yep those are the ones!

I've went with New Monarchy just now as I like their gear best.

I feel like such a noob being behind everyone now >.<

Commendations get you 250 rep each. Just hold the X (Xbox) or Square (PS) to use one. You use one at a time.
You can also use all your old armour maters for faction rep, motes of light and several other consumables.
One of the best uses for motes of light now is to level faction rep. The other is to give experience to your gear. All gear equipped gains exp when you use a mote of light.
Commendations get you 250 rep each. Just hold the X (Xbox) or Square (PS) to use one. You use one at a time.
You can also use all your old armour maters for faction rep, motes of light and several other consumables.
One of the best uses for motes of light now is to level faction rep. The other is to give experience to your gear. All gear equipped gains exp when you use a mote of light.

Oh shit thats sweet about the motes!

Thank you!
Super pumped for IB.

Best looking gear in TTK imo - at least for Titans.


Titan's on the right, right? Don't like the look of the helmet. :(

I'm gonna need to get an IB and Trials train going, though. Finally have a stable enough internet connection, I wanna see Mercury.
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