STEAM | October 2015 - You had me at "game ... comes to Steam".

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I wonder when will AC Syndicate embargo for Review be this year. Will Ubi pull another AC Unity after release embargo, release day embargo or day before XD Not that i don't know that we will get max 8/10 game i just want to see how much they learned.


A question:

I saw a thread in the Gaming section of this forum on essential RPGs, a beautiful thread in the Off-topic Community section on anime, a great thread I don't remember in which section on visual novels, etc. Is there a thread on puzzle games / tower defense / something like that? Maybe a Steam curator that is worth listening to? I'd take turn-based strategy - or any strategy, really - as well.


A question:

I saw a thread in the Gaming section of this forum on essential RPGs, a beautiful thread in the Off-topic Community section on anime, a great thread I don't remember in which section on visual novels, etc. Is there a thread on puzzle games / tower defense / something like that? Maybe a Steam curator that is worth listening to?
There is no such thread for puzzle games, Knurek wanted to make one but I was too lazy to contribute, sorry

edited: not for strategy games as well, as far as I know, we really should do something about it, but that's so much work!

I don't play Ubi games online. ;)

That's not the point, if you fall back in SC pit, you'll forget about Ubi

we'll see


Are there any games like Dungeon Raid (ios) on steam? Basically, match 3/bejewelled dungeon crawling hybrids?
I've never played Dungeon Raid, but there are lots of match3 hybrid games, many on steam too, not many are very good.
I assume you already played the best match 3 hybrid game - Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords? The one that started this trend.


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF

Poppy Kart



Aquanox Deep Descent

SpellForce 3

The Guild 3


I've never played Dungeon Raid, but there are lots of match3 hybrid games, many on steam too, not many are very good.
I assume you already played the best match 3 hybrid game - Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords? The one that started this trend.

Yes, played PQ. I'm not sure what it was about DR that sets it apart; there's not really a story, it's more like a roguelite as you have endless combat, get to pick perks on level up, etc.... it's endless till you die. The WarGames [movie] game on ios is a semi-clone of it too.

I just don't play mobile/tablet games at all anymore, so was hoping something like that existed.

EDIT - not that i need more steam games, really.


Spellforce 3 I don't have high hopes for given Nordic's expansion of 2 was awful.

It's a decent idea that I think could work pretty well with some modern tweaks. Though Spellforce 1 and 2 stood out because they were sort of unique with their blend of RTS and RPG. Now that's not nearly as uncommon.


Yes, played PQ. I'm not sure what it was about DR that sets it apart; there's not really a story, it's more like a roguelite as you have endless combat, get to pick perks on level up, etc.... it's endless till you die. The WarGames [movie] game on ios is a semi-clone of it too.

I just don't play mobile/tablet games at all anymore, so was hoping something like that existed.

EDIT - not that i need more steam games, really.
well, there is a game exactly like you described on steam
Block Legend DX

but it isn't very good, too unforgiving I think. Maybe they updated it, I haven't played for a while.

edited: talking about Block Legend, it has this weird issue which I'm not sure is intended or not, but you kinda get stunned in boss fights often (can't make moves fast while bosses ravage you), so losing them is extremely easy. Then again as I said, maybe it was changed already.

10,000,000 is somewhat better, but you probably have played it already


10,000,000 and You Must Build a Boat are sort of like Dungeon Raid.

I don't often say this about rogue types, but Skyhill is actually quite good. It was really tense as I got near the bottom floors of the hotel... and then I died

Thanks for the tips!

I'm pretty sure I played 10m on IOS. Will check out the other 2.

Thought honestly? Just looking at them now, i wonder if all their charm is on mobile and if it would be completely lost on me playing on my computer. Something about playing on a tablet lowered my standards for what was a good time waster.


So the TT Game of Thrones, should I get it? I like TT games but if GoT is anything like the heavy nature of Walking Dead I don't know if I have the energy for it. Did get Tales from Borderlands, seem fun.:D

Oh and I do love the GoT show but that is something different, which I always see with a bunch of friends.


You Must Build a Boat was a chore to play at first, too grindy, too luck-based, I powered through and later got some enjoyment out of it but going back to 10,000,000 will never happen.

So the TT Game of Thrones, should I get it? I like TT games but if GoT is anything like the heavy nature of Walking Dead I don't know if I have the energy for it. Did get Tales from Borderlands, seem fun.:D

Oh and I do love the GoT show but that is something different, which I always see with a bunch of friends.

Heavy? You mean grim and depressing? Opinions vary widely in regards to the quality but everyone says it's not a happy game, even less so than the series.


Seeing Spellforce getting a sequel made me want to play its previous games. Opened up steam, and it turns out I don't have any.

That'll teach to me not to skip out on bundles.


Question, I thought Cities Skyline got a free update? I don't own the game but my friend says it isn't since it is priced dlc on the store page.


So the TT Game of Thrones, should I get it? I like TT games but if GoT is anything like the heavy nature of Walking Dead I don't know if I have the energy for it. Did get Tales from Borderlands, seem fun.:D

Oh and I do love the GoT show but that is something different, which I always see with a bunch of friends.

It's very grim, much like TWD.


Thanks for the input derExperte and AHA-Lambda, might still get it.

By the way, why has Phantom Pain disappeared from all retail places, at least here in Finland and from what I've seen in Sweden. Even GMG doesn't have it.
After playing Battlefront a bit last night, I started browsing the Origin store a bit. Is there seriously no wishlist?
Steam Controller |OT| - Durante vs Krejlooc: Round 1. Fight!

Though we might be on to round 2 by now.
Oho? Durante does not like the SC. Gotta read up on that.


Been playing Tales of Borderlands and now I wanna play Pre-sequel. Their cross brand advertising got to me! *shakes fist*

You really *have* to wait for a big sale for the pre-sequel. I loved the first 20minutes of it. The rest? Hated. Every. Single. Second.

Had I payed full price, I probably would of never touched borderlands again


you shouldn't suggest that game, you know, without saying that it's ridden with microtransactions and paywalls. There are much better games without that garbage.

I should have mentioned microtransactions, yes, sorry for that. It's just that I haven't played the game much so I can only guess how obnoxious they get at higher levels - some say it's bad, others say it's perfectly fine. But I should have mentioned them, I agree.

I guess people in the OT could tell more.


You must resist! at least wait for a winter sale, be reasonable
Of course I'm gonna wait for a sale on it, but I would buy the game plus season pass together. There's an Extras thing in Tales which tells me I get skins for every class in Pre-sequel and then I discover they released DLC that lets you play as freaking Handsome Jack's Doppleganger. Like holy crap!


The Guild 3?! I loved the first one. Crossing my fingers this one will be good. It took a while for the sequel to be playable, and even then I never enjoyed it as much.


About Mugen Souls:
Ghostlight said:
We’ve also implemented our usual improvements for the PC version including Cloud Saving, keyboard and mouse controls, increased performance to achieve higher texture resolution and 1080p/60fps on most setups, not to mention much faster loading times (and if you remember the PS3 version you’ll appreciate that last point, I’m sure.)

Also while checking to see if this was posted already, may as well reply to a few days old posts.

So in +/- a year, five Compile Heart games will have released on Steam.
Neptunia Re;Birth 1-3
Fairy Fencer F
Mugen Souls

Pretty crazy when you think about it.
Add Agarest 2 to that as well since it was released on Steam this year as well, so 6 games.

Compile Heart? Only one game in that list is by Compile Heart - Mugen Souls, all others are IFs, even if Compile Heart is a part of IF, there is still a difference.
Unless you mean the PC ports (which none were handled by Compile Heart themselves), according to Wikipedia, Re;birth1, 2 and 3 were co-developed between Compile Heart, Idea Factory and Felistella, Fairy Fencer F was developed by Compile Heart.
You must resist! at least wait for a winter sale, be reasonable

I bought a hard copy of Pre-sequel last week from EB games in AUS for AUD$28, about US$20. Considering it's US$69.99 or AUD$100 on the steam store, fuck 2k and their Aussie tax. It was even made in my city, can't have been that expensive to get it to me!


About Mugen Souls:

Also while checking to see if this was posted already, may as well reply to a few days old posts.

Add Agarest 2 to that as well since it was released on Steam this year as well, so 6 games.

Unless you mean the PC ports (which none were handled by Compile Heart themselves), according to Wikipedia, Re;birth1, 2 and 3 were co-developed between Compile Heart, Idea Factory and Felistella, Fairy Fencer F was developed by Compile Heart.
Only Mugen Souls is developed by Compile Heart themselves, they codevelop all IF games, meaning get part of the job being IF's studio, it only makes sense, but they aren't devs of all those games including Fairy Fencer, even steam store page says as much, so wikipedia is wrong, not the first time too.

I'm guessing the official sites are wrong as well?

OK, I stand corrected, I was sure it's IF's game for some reason.

edited: on the bright side, it means that Compile Heart isn't that bad, because FFF is fun, but their cheevos and challenges suck on the epic scale.


Only Mugen Souls is developed by Compile Heart themselves, they codevelop all IF games, meaning get part of the job being IF's studio, it only makes sense, but they aren't devs of all those games including Fairy Fencer, even steam store page says as much, so wikipedia is wrong, not the first time too.
When it comes to Fairy Fencer, the credits say Compile Heart.


Battlefront must have one of the largest divides between the initial 'wow, maybe I'm not sick of Star Wars after all' and 'wait a second, this is dumbed down boring shit' I've experienced in a good long while. Forget the server browser, this thing has much bigger problems.
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