STEAM | October 2015 - You had me at "game ... comes to Steam".

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The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
yo this chromatic aberration on AC: Liberation



Oh I know, Tales games haven't gotten better textures in years, they still look the same

lol stop saying PS2 textures ya hyperbolic turdmuffins <3

"Looks like a PS2 game" is right up there with "not a game" in letting you know you can safely ignore that person's opinion forever.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I'm not sure why everyone is arguing about the GotY stuff. As far as the SteamGAF GotY awards go, it's a pretty clear-cut definition:
  • Has to have been released on Steam, in the Games category, in 2015.
  • If it's an episodic game, it's last episode has to have been released in 2015.
I'm sorry
(not really)
if your definition of game doesn't match someone else's. We all carry a wide variety of opinions, and you're encouraged to exclude games from your individual vote that you don't think are GotY material.

It's not about splintering our group, it's about bringing it together in meaningful discussion about what we consider to be the best games on the platform, collectively.


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
Payday 2 devs insist that microtransactions are here to stay, community isn't having it

Today's AMA isn't going well

There's a shitstorm going on at the Payday Reddit today, and for good reason -- the devs have recently implemented microtransactions after they promised they wouldn't. This particular category five is based on an AMA held by Overkill producer Almir Listo, which fans are going crazy over.

For starters, Listo deflects every well-intentioned question regarding the implementation of microtransactions, and attempts to directly PR-speak the community, which is a bizarre tactic. He also outright blames the media for misrepresenting the topic in some sort of desperate straw-man maneuver, when it's clear to practically everyone that this was implemented in one of the poorest ways possible (basically in the dead of night under the guise of an event called the "Black Market Update").

Despite the blowback though, the microtransactions are here to say. Listo confirms this in the AMA, noting, "We understand that there is a lot of fury, anger and disappointment with us adding this. From an economical standpoint however, completely based on statistics, we can already see that the Black Market update is working as we intended."

The thing is, Overkill will probably stand to make a lot of money on this system, preying on whales and casual players, leaving their dedicated fanbase in the dust. While I don't have an inherent issue with microtransactions in games where they're easily ignored, the fact that they already promised that they wouldn't implement them, and proceeded to ignore their dedicated community with tone deaf, canned responses is troubling.

The real question is -- will it be worth it in the longterm if they don't budge on this.


So, given how today's election turned out, Poland to leave UE soon?
How would Steam handle that? Would we still be in UE2 zone, or would we get a separate pricing block?


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.

I kinda liked Payday 2 although I had some technical issues with it. I decided to wait until they were "done" with tweaking the game and such until playing more, and I'm glad I did.

And although I own the first two, I won't be purchasing Payday 3 if such a game gets released/announced. I guess, in a way, they already got all the money from me they were going to get - although I might have picked up some of the interesting DLC missions. But now - nope.


Mine is pretty and pink
So, given how today's election turned out, Poland to leave UE soon?
How would Steam handle that? Would we still be in UE2 zone, or would we get a separate pricing block?

EU? What did you vote for that will end up being a ticket to leaving EU?
Wasteland 2 Director's Cut couldn't stop me from taking some time out for a hidden-object game! So here we go with your impressions for Castle: Never Judge a Book By Its Cover.

DISCLAIMER: Whenever it comes to licensed games, I feel I should point out how familiar I am with the property in question. In this case, I've seen the first two seasons, and a handful of episodes after that. So I'm reasonably familiar. That said, you don't really need to know much about the show in order to play this game. There are a few references to the show in the hidden object games (like St. Miriam's Scotch and the Thorian Blaster) but that's about it.

The graphics: It's the first thing you notice. How close are the character images to the real thing? Castle is pretty close, Kate is kinda-sorta-close, Ryan is dead on, Alexis is dead on and as cute as ever, Castle's mother is close (if de-aged a bit,) and Esposito is "who the fuck is this guy?" But overall, they did a decent job with this. I'll give 'em a B+. The environments are also well-done, and I'll talk about the hidden object scenes later.

One other quick point to note about the graphics: one of the characters is a book reviewer (minor spoiler) and throughout the game you find his reviews. But rather than just making straight lines or "lorem ipsum" below the headline, they took an ACTUAL goodreads book review, and slapped it in there, complete with contact info. Imagine my surprise when the male book reviewer is described as a mother of three! Points for attempting a realistic-looking book review, but come on guys, what the hell?

The audio: If you're a fan of the show, you'd probably be expecting two things in the audio department: the voices and the theme music. Aaaand you get neither. They spared EVERY expense when it comes to the audio. Generic (but still passable) musical riffs, no voices at all - which is fair; if you can't get the real thing, it's probably better to go text-only than get fill-in soundalike voice actors - and the denouement comes hard and fast with no whistlin' theme closing credits. DisapPOINTed!

The dialogue: Surely if they couldn't get the voices, they could at least get the snappy dialogue, right? ...Meh. Castle has a few quips here and there, but there's very little other characterization. No flirting/sexual tension between Castle and Beckett, no banter between Ryan and Esposito (hell, they might as well be the same guy in this game,) Ryan doesn't make his requisite mention of least Castle's family makes for an okay subplot. This one is almost all business.

I also don't know how to feel when they do enough research to call an item a "boroscope" (which I actually had to look up to know what it does, a rarity for me,) but not do enough to know the proper term for a "Communion Cup" (hint: if it holds wine, it's a chalice. If it holds wafers, it's a ciborium.) I guess we can call it a wash and say they still did well.

The puzzles: Alright, you're saying, so it LOOKS okay but it's not very Castle-esque in its substance. Did they at least get the gameplay of a hidden-object game right? ...Yes. Yes, they did. The hidden object scenes allow you to toggle between names and silhouettes in case you don't know what the hell something is by name, but they still did a good job disguising items into the scene without making it impossible. Lots of good colour and shape camouflaging - putting a paper bag next to a cardboard box or a domino onto a white computer keyboard, for example - it'll make your eyes pass over it, and once you find it you'll realize you should have thought of it earlier, as opposed to "I never would have found that in a million years without the hint."

The mini-games are surprisingly challenging but still fair. Expect a mix of logic and trial-and-error. I did skip one puzzle (fuck sliding puzzles,) but there were a few of a genre that I haven't seen in hidden object games before, so it was pretty refreshing to work through them. So kudos to them for that.

The game is divided into "chapters," and locations pop in and out. It's an interesting way to go about things, but sometimes they leave puzzles unsolved, close off the location, then later you get an item. "Aha! I know where to use this. That means we're going back to this old location again," and you end up spoilering yourself. It would have been better if you were allowed to go to any uncovered location at any time to avoid it, but this is a minor point and doesn't detract from the otherwise good gameplay.

The length: My profile says 5.0 hours. And that's skipping the sliding puzzle. So it's a healthy length for a hidden-object game.

The verdict: It's odd. This is a good hidden-object game - hell, it's a good game period - but not a very good Castle game. So if you're a fan of the series and want to play a Castle game, I'd actually say don't because it probably won't feel right to you. But if you just want a decent game that you can knock out in a few hours, I'd say play it.

Edit: Oh yeah, no Steam Achievements and no trading cards. So if you care about those, don't bother either.

...No whistling credits. My shattered nerves.


I'm not sure why everyone is arguing about the GotY stuff. As far as the SteamGAF GotY awards go, it's a pretty clear-cut definition:
  • Has to have been released on Steam, in the Games category, in 2015.
  • If it's an episodic game, it's last episode has to have been released in 2015.
I'm sorry
(not really)
if your definition of game doesn't match someone else's. We all carry a wide variety of opinions, and you're encouraged to exclude games from your individual vote that you don't think are GotY material.

It's not about splintering our group, it's about bringing it together in meaningful discussion about what we consider to be the best games on the platform, collectively.

I don't think anyone is saying the less mechanically interactive/complex games should be excluded from game of the year voting, just that they are surprised/disappointed/whatever that on an enthusiast board, the largest quantity of members favoured games that eschewed interactivity for presentation. And that these experiences are lauded as the best the medium has to offer.

Basically, the best the interactive medium has to offer is the experiences with the least interactivity.

I don't agree with it, but I get it.


Got a random friend request from someone on Steam -- normally I figure it's spam, but their profile was pretty old and they had a ~level 40 account. Figure maybe it's a trade request for some old listing I forgot to take down. I accept the FQ, then 12 hours later they say "Hi there." I respond "Hey, what's up?" and they immediately log off/remove me from their friends' list.

What just happened? Is this the start of a scam? Was this some sort of weird way to test whether my account was active? Anyone else experience something like this?


Got a random friend request from someone on Steam -- normally I figure it's spam, but their profile was pretty old and they had a ~level 40 account. Figure maybe it's a trade request for some old listing I forgot to take down. I accept the FQ, then 12 hours later they say "Hi there." I respond "Hey, what's up?" and they immediately log off/remove me from their friends' list.

What just happened? Is this the start of a scam? Was this some sort of weird way to test whether my account was active? Anyone else experience something like this?

Weird. Maybe they were desperate to be greeted by another human being.
Got a random friend request from someone on Steam -- normally I figure it's spam, but their profile was pretty old and they had a ~level 40 account. Figure maybe it's a trade request for some old listing I forgot to take down. I accept the FQ, then 12 hours later they say "Hi there." I respond "Hey, what's up?" and they immediately log off/remove me from their friends' list.

What just happened? Is this the start of a scam? Was this some sort of weird way to test whether my account was active? Anyone else experience something like this?

Is your Steam display name similar to other peoples? It might actually be a case of mistaken identity.

I want to believe in the goodness of Steam users.

I believe most of it is narration.
Probably. I just don't remember it being that large, is all. And I can't imagine the new content over the years added that much.

Guess I'll find out in-game... eventually.


should've pulled the cords on Payday 2, make 3 and have their precious microtransactions in it day one. nah but srsly, microtransactions can die in a fire

The simple reason for not removing is because, despite the uproar, they continue to make more money this way. In most cases of this sort of thing, the backlash and protests screw up the money they are earning, and then they revert back, or there PR is too negative that they don't want to go any further. Not here though.
So I am trying to play Wolfesntein with my dual shock but it wont recognize it. Do you need a 360 controller to play it?

You're trying to get me to harm myself, aren't you?

Details on how you're using said dualshock with your pc would help.

What do you mean "recognize"? Just that button presses aren't doing anything?
Is it a DS3? A DS4?
What operating system are you on, Windows 10?
If you're using ds4windows/inputmapper, is your controller in exclusive mode?
Might be that it's your first dinput+xinput issue... might be something completely different...

The simple reason for not removing is because, despite the uproar, they continue to make more money this way. In most cases of this sort of thing, the backlash and protests screw up the money they are earning, and then they revert back, or there PR is too negative that they don't want to go any further. Not here though.

Eh, it will bite them in the ass in the long run. The "whales" who actually play the game regularly will just go with getting drills from loot drops. Casuals might buy one or two drills to try out the system, but the likelihood of it putting hooks in them and eating all their steam wallet funds seems unlikely.

I had been picking up the DLC at 75% discount level with plans to go spend more time with the game in the future. But I'm done now... (which reminds me, I need to uninstall it if I haven't to get some space back since I won't be playing it any time soon).

Yeah, except for that mouse cursor in the gif.


I look forward to the start of the stream, where he will reveal that he was playing us like a fiddle all along and he has been building PCs for decades.
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