I'm 21. My hair is thinning and my hairline is receding. I'm stressing out because I always had really nice thick hair. Can this be prevented or do I just accept my fate, get buff and grow a beard?
How many situps, pushups, and squats have you been doing per day?
look at how happy they are now
Embrace it and join the bald bad asses.
Assuming the OP is also a good looking, rich Hollywood action star, but yeah no big deal.
accept it now breh, cause it'll only get worse from here. Start grooming that facial hair right now to compensate before you end up lookin like Slayven.
Get in a long term relationship, lock that down while you can.
Accept it before your self-esteem plummets into the abyss.
Thanks for the advice guys. I'm considering just buzzing my hair short and seeing if I can live with that. But I have a strange head shape so I doubt it'll look good.
Thanks for the advice guys. I'm considering just buzzing my hair short and seeing if I can live with that. But I have a strange head shape so I doubt it'll look good.
Thanks for the advice guys. I'm considering just buzzing my hair short and seeing if I can live with that. But I have a strange head shape so I doubt it'll look good.
My self-esteem is already plummeting.
I started slightly going bald right around 21 around the crown of my head. Remarkably, now 31, it hasn't thinned out any further since it started 10 years ago. An 1 guard against the grain and it practically vanishes. There's still hope OP if you're like me.
Best start that fedora collection, hats are gonna be your new best friend.
You provably never had MPB. Its likely that your natural hair whorl was making you paranoid.
Thanks for the advice guys. I'm considering just buzzing my hair short and seeing if I can live with that. But I have a strange head shape so I doubt it'll look good.
If you're over weight, you need good hair.
Rush: I Think I'm Going Bald
I feel you're pain, its happening to me too.