Ghost is Bad
they should increase the cd :^)
Exactly that is gross.30s at 40% cdr
i miss the days of 24s cd, those days were great
Exactly that is gross.
Rengar feels good to me, but i see why he should be nerfed.feels pretty good to me :>
i love messing with junglers and constantly ulting their shit lol
no nerf him again so he never gets picked ever again
give him the eve treatment
why should i put effort into something i dont even care about
oh it was srs conversation?Rengar feels good to me, but i see why he should be nerfed.
no nerf him again so he never gets picked ever again
give him the eve treatment
Yeah i just hate her kit. I way rather lane against other mid laners. Lux is kinda like annie but harder to play. I personally dont like her because all with her is just poke then hit your snare and you just use all of your skills and they are dead. Then middle and late games you just hit your snare and they are dead even if they are grouped with there team. She is more like a ranged assassin, rather than a mage.oh it was srs conversation?
well then rengar should probably reworked rather than nerfed, his kit being garbage is his problem, not really how strong he is (although he's prolly a bit stronger now than he should be)
lux doesn't really have those kit issues, tho could be improved quite a bit for sure
laser cd is just part of how she works, she has to have a low cd on the laser because of the low dmg-high cd on her basic spells.
for comparison (ignoring slow+vision zones, passives and how ziggs q is much quicker and easier to land)
i think ziggs q is 240+.75 on a 4s cd at rank 5.
lux e is 240+.65 with 10s cd
other poke champions like ori, xerath and azir have similarly low cooldowns on their basic spells
that's why it's fair for lux to have a short cd ultimate
Synergy between Ashe and Sona isn't that good.You guys probably know this but Sona and Ashe have so much Synergy. Played with 3 ashes today and yesterday and we dominated our lane in each one of them
<3 Ashe
Rangar is fine as he is. He is OP when fed (obviously) but manageable if you are close or above him in lv, but again, I am talking this as someone who mains in bot lane.
Synergy between Ashe and Sona isn't that good.
Both of you are squishy, immobile and have low survivability.
Yeah i just hate her kit. I way rather lane against other mid laners. Lux is kinda like annie but harder to play. I personally dont like her because all with her is just poke then hit your snare and you just use all of your skills and they are dead. Then middle and late games you just hit your snare and they are dead even if they are grouped with there team. She is more like a ranged assassin, rather than a mage.
Yeah thats what i did when i played annie.yeah, ranged assassin is just right, that's why i like her
i love hiding in the jungle during a siege and fishing for snares
Because it's Garen's best skin? I made the mistake of getting edgy Garen and it's so damn bad. Here I was hoping it'd be like a Deathknight or something but nope.I already own manly-ass-man Garen, why would I use Warlamer 40000 Garen?
Rengar needs to be buffed lol. Hard enough to carry these shitter Rengars as it is.
wow lots of fiora
That feel when you have no rp and the snowdown sales just make you sad.
that's pretty good
That feel when you have no rp and the snowdown sales just make you sad.
what about commie lux tho
literally never seen that skin before
Meh, commando lux or sailor lux
I hate mine, but whatever. Luckily there aren't to many more skins I want.![]()
so tempted to get challenger ahri
so tempted to get challenger ahri
So I played two games today.
Game one: I see I claimed support on my client's chat, but several others say I didn't. They prod me to go top and I pick Lulu despite not being comfortale with her in solo lanes. I feed while our jungle Warwick does absolutely nothing and their jg Lee wrecks our lanes all the time. The one time WW says he's on his way he turns back and goes farm more jungle after I die to Fiora, and he leaves the lane alone allowing her to deal considerable damage to our first tower.
Game two: I get support this time, but nobody asks for mid and two guys who were playing together say one of them can't mid at all. I reluctantly agree to go mid with Lux and proceed to suck at staying alive. Meanwhile, our lovely jungle Shaco says he won't be ganking until level six, and the best part is that by the time he gets to that level I'm already lv8 despite having died three times already.
TD;DR: My teammates don't want me to play the one role I'm comfortable in, and then they whine when I suck at other positions, so nobody's happy in the end. I'll probably pick up the habit of not even choosing a champ until everybody's ready so I can dodge if this kind of crap happens again.
Edit: My winter offers are -30% on Koi Nami, Namitee and some Lulu skin I don't care about, -70% on bard + its old skin (I would've bit if it was the winter one), and 20% on Commando Lux because WTF. I'm <30 RP short for koi nami, the only skin I actually wanted.
Today just isn't my day...
its her best serious skin. You need one skin for norms (popstar) and another skin for ranked climbing (challenger)
so tempted to get challenger ahri
That Zyra skin is pretty great IMO
and she will definitely be changed in the mobile mage rework
buy zyra stock today