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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Sounds like the WW was bad and selfish however- you cant depend on the jg to help protect your lanes. Jg is just extra icing to help get ganks. Gotta ward and hug tower. dont feed

Yeah, I know. It's just that having a non-existent jungle player didn't help things at all on top of me being in a solo lane, which is a role I'm still not comfortable with. I died in top because I'm not used to any of the common top champions in 1v1s (Fiora, in that case), and in mid because I still suck at landing Lux's Qs reliably and I was fighting Lee Sin mid (!), which I've never played against in lane either, so he kept being more careful than I and doing his full combo for the win, while I often had to hide behind minions and panicked whenever he landed his teleport-enabling attack.

While I'm not a good support by any means, knowing most of the commonly played champions helps me immensely since that means I know what to expect when facing various champions. Playing outside of botlane means I'm often facing champions I don't even know, and getting outplayed due to not even knowing what to expect from them.

What is this mobile mage rework you speak of? I've been gone for sometime and I don't see anything on that.

Rito said they'd probably be looking to rework champions that fit that particular role in the near future. The latest changes for this season introduced many new things for adcs, as well as stuff such as a complete rework of the mastery system among other things.
You know one thing that would be really nice if they reworked was how controlling clones tibbers and stuff like that. Because right now the system is very weird and kinda unclear, i would love for it to be like dota, and just be a rts type system.


@Julian, Yeah Top lane is very intimidating to us Support mains. I just grab a tank with huge health pool like Malphite. You might give up 1 or 2 deaths in early game but your team will love you in late game :)

Top lane is a great fit for support mains if you go main tank

Yeah Fiora is hard. And shes dps. not a good fit for folks like us (support mains) really.


@Julian, Yeah Top lane is very intimidating to us Support mains. I just grab a tank with huge health pool like Malphite. You might give up 1 or 2 deaths in early game but your team will love you in late game :)

Top lane is a great fit for support mains if you go main tank

Yeah Fiora is hard. And shes dps. not a good fit for folks like us (support mains) really.

The worst thing for me is that in solo lanes I'm the one who's got to hit enemies, while as a support I can mostly focus on keeping my adc alive and giving him/her opportunities to score kills instead. That reduced focus on offense is also what allows me to be more aware of the map and stuff, while in solo lanes I tend to get too focused on last-hitting or poking and walking into gank setups due to not being aware of my surroundings.

Lulu having a single offensive ability was a real problem when dealing with her, since she'd be in my face and I didn't know how to shake her off. Polymorphing her while shielding/ulting myself worked a couple times, but after a bit she started getting better items and I began dying way faster than I could get away from her.


played first game of poopy

her animations feel really nice and i felt she was ok in lane but kind of difficult to play in teamfights since low range+not much aoe

not sure if i'll play her again, i don't even know what to build with bruisers anymore


The worst thing for me is that in solo lanes I'm the one who's got to hit enemies, while as a support I can mostly focus on keeping my adc alive and giving him/her opportunities to score kills instead. That reduced focus on offense is also what allows me to be more aware of the map and stuff, while in solo lanes I tend to get too focused on last-hitting or poking and walking into gank setups due to not being aware of my surroundings.

Lulu having a single offensive ability was a real problem when dealing with her, since she'd be in my face and I didn't know how to shake her off. Polymorphing her while shielding/ulting myself worked a couple times, but after a bit she started getting better items and I began dying way faster than I could get away from her.

oh ya last hitting :(

I've been practicing a lot with Zac lately in jungle. He's a pretty solid tank with gank potential. And you can still grab a sightstone to help all the lanes and provide extra vision. Plus no worries bout last hitting (well unless you in that crazy situation where you need to smite the drag or baron to prevent enemy)
Poppy is just so lackluster in my opinion. There are already champs in the game that do what she does but better and also with ults that are easier to use in teamfights.


I'm having a good time with jungle poppy. The more I play her the better I'm performing. She's a pretty typical melee bruiser but she has some nice tricks up her sleeves. The ult never ceases to be hilarious either. It's actually very good in teamfights too. Just knocking up a few people can do a lot. Sending half of them to their base does even more.

I like sieging a tower, ult away half their team then dive the remainder with W preventing their escape.



d5 kass legit raged at me playing lux lmao


What is this mobile mage rework you speak of? I've been gone for sometime and I don't see anything on that.

He(?) means immobile mage rework I think.

Kinda like the ADCs in how they are gonna try to make em feel more different from each other, but Riot said themselves it will be a smaller project overall since the mages they are looking at are overall in a better spot than the ADCs were. i am assuming this might mean some new Mage AP items as well

They didn't actually give out official rework names or a timer or anything yet, but I am guessing there are a few usual suspects already.


i might make the run for diamond after they add the new champion select

but i probably won't

btw if u care about star wars i recommend to mute everyone cos ppl are spoiling stuffs


Synergy between Ashe and Sona isn't that good.

Both of you are squishy, immobile and have low survivability.

We have been ganked countless times, and we haven't gotten into much trouble in our lane. Our Ult helps so much when escaping.

I just love playing with a good Ashe.


sealed with a kiss
We have been ganked countless times, and we haven't gotten into much trouble in our lane. Our Ult helps so much when escaping.

I just love playing with a good Ashe.

all the ashes i play with are like lvl 3 and still only have ghost and heal and don't know how to ult .___.


all the ashes i play with are like lvl 3 and still only have ghost and heal and don't know how to ult .___.

Lol maybe I am just lucky

The poke of Sona and then Ashe's Q is the right combination of just harrasing and both CCs of their ult just makes everything so much attainable.

Warding is really important though considering their escape is kind of weak (especially against Vi as jungler, Fuck her)

Then you're playing against incompetent opponents.

What elo is this at?

Silver/low Gold

But you can't say that when I struggle supporting hyper carries such as Vayne and Jinx, considering all the games I have played with them and just lose majority of my lane phase, while others Such as Ashe and Varus, I play amazingly well during that time. There is clearly a pattern and its not as easy as to pin on the opponent at all.


Oh, that has nothing to do with synergy and everything to do with champion traits.

Just as pure damage champions like Rengar naturally encourage stupid play, utility carries like Ashe usually encourage helpful and team oriented play.


Though I'm not denying Ashe and Sona have good lane synergy, it's probably just not great because you're really open to getting engaged on.


I keep running into this first time azir in my ranked queues. Is this guy just tracking me to first time azir with me or some shit?

6 times. 6 dodges.

Still 0 games on Azir.

What the fuck.


I keep running into this first time azir in my ranked queues. Is this guy just tracking me to first time azir with me or some shit?

6 times. 6 dodges.

Still 0 games on Azir.

What the fuck.

Maybe if you just played with him the next time wouldn't be his first time


So what's the consensus on second max for poppy? I've been doing E second, but I tried W second and I really really liked it.

I go E second. It's a big part of her damage and utility. The only thing you really get for maxing W second is a lower cool down. You don't use it as damage and I don't think leveling it increases the bonus defense passiv percentage.
I wish Sona was a viable solo laner. Been abusing her in Poro King and her power at full build is just absurd.

Q, AA with thunderlord's and luden's proc doing over 1500 dmg. Broken.



How literally all of my plat promos have gone so far. embarrassing game but gotta share it

I accidentally took mr runes against graves top. started the game with 26 armor and graves was just able to burst me so ended up playing super passive, and we get rekt by an off meta team. Ap lucian mid, fizz bot, full ap gragas jungle. Was 2-1 and we threw game 4 super hard so I guess i was probably too tilted to play this game.

Last time it was an ap mf mid that was 3-0 on our brand within 8-9 minutes and ended up with something like 25 kills. My game 5s are cursed
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