Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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Can anyone tell me where the last key is for the
Definian Downfall quest in the Ganglion Antropolis cave?

I found the one in the
area with a level 80 boss
and the
one close to the entrance when you climb up to the left

Ive been running around looking for the last red jewel thingy and I can't find it :(
Can anyone tell me where the last key is for the
Definian Downfall quest in the Ganglion Antropolis cave?

I found the one in the
area with a level 80 boss
and the
one close to the entrance when you climb up to the left

Ive been running around looking for the last red jewel thingy and I can't find it :(

one is held by an enemy near the entrance to the area with the super powered enemy


I just got the game and even though I logged in almost 200 hours into Xenoblade 1, I don't remember feeling this overwhelmed by all the menus. Also, is there really only ONE save file?

And is there a way to increase the font sizes? My TV is wall mounted only 5 feet away from me and the font is stupidly tiny.


Is this the right place to look for the 6 Savage Skecthes for the "Off the Record" quest? :(

Ok, thanks. Been here for almost 20 minutes and was starting to getting worried lol

edit: of course as soon as I post I get one :p

Don't even bother going beyond the shore - just pick up the first 7-8 collectibles you see when you teleport to FN515, and then teleport again to reset them. I got the six I needed (plus one for the Collectopedia) within about 5-10 minutes that way.
On divine roost I was able to use Auroral cloak XX to get the treasure chest without aggroing the level 86 tyrant. It contained a
EZ-debuff probe

For a similarly guarded one in Cauldros just south of FN505 I had to use visual cloak XX and I think X or V as well (XX on its own wasn't enough). It had
nothing useful in it :(

Nearly 60 hours in and I just realized that I never officially got the nopon to start migrating to NLA. Everyone's complaints about getting stuck in the affinity missions made me put doing off all but the required ones so I never did the BFFs one.
Funny thing is late game many affinity missions literally turn into fast traveling and flying for a few seconds as you'll generally have all the materials needed and killing any bosses really quickly due to being higher level.

Is this the right place to look for the 6 Savage Skecthes for the "Off the Record" quest? :(


The FN site south of that I find easier to collect things but you might need to be higher level to avoid being aggro'd...also don't get in your Skell. Xe-Dom likes to trash those.

El Odio

I can get past a lot of the more debatable voice choices in this game (L, the Ma-non) and actually like them but Celica's side kick's voice is just... why?


60 hours into the game and I haven't even started Chapter 7. Some of these normal and affinity missions are better than the main story.
Hmm. I'm level 50 and don't see the option yet D:
Someone suggested it might need getting at least one AM to highest level or something like that, but dunno. I'd remember that they were there already when I was lower level, but I just couldn't buy them back then.


To make matters worse, the shopping and equipment menus for Skells feel like they often omit some pretty important information. You can't view what a weapon's associated art is unless you buy and equip it first? Supposedly each skell is assigned a level that you have to be to pilot it, but this also doesn't seem to appear anywhere in the frame purchasing menu. It makes it awfully hard to properly construct what you want when you can't tell what something will do without equipping it.

Not seeing the art in the buying menue is some huge oversight, yes.
You can however see the level of the skell (which is the minimum level the character has to have to ride it, and the maximum weapon level the skell can equip) under its name IIRC.

All that and I still feel like I have no idea what to actually do with overdrive, or the random instances of cockpit-view when in skell combat. The game and the UI tends to get too busy for its own good, at times, which makes it hard to actually plan and execute combat strategies properly.

Like often, I find it easier not to look at the center of the screen at those time, but only the HUD (namely your postion to the enemy, its life and your arts).
Cockpit-view is happy time cause you get all your arts out of cooldown.
Overdrive increases the chances to get into cockpit-view (and thus doing damage). When the counter ends, depending of the number of cockpit-view you had since the start of the overdrive, you have the chance to go to the next stage of overdrive. Which then works again like the previous one, only for each prolongation, the chances to get another prolongation is diminished.
You can get up to 6 stages IIRC.


Someone suggested it might need getting at least one AM to highest level or something like that, but dunno. I'd remember that they were there already when I was lower level, but I just couldn't buy them back then.

Correct - you need level 5 Sakuraba Industries.


How do I get the party members I've unlocked back into my party? Is their a panel for that somewhere?

You have to go talk to them (yes, it gets annoying).
Their locations should be displayed on your map. If you don't remember (as there isn't a specific symbol to distinguish their position on the map from other completed hexes), I think you can go into the affin ity chart, call up their info menu, and it should be written there where you can find them.

Be warned that they may be absent from their usual hanging out place if you have an available heart to heart with them, as they will hang out where the heart to heart takes place.
Just started Chapter 5 and
destroyed the first turret, but I cannot for the life of me reach the second one because the lv.22 "Sword Pugilith" spots me and somehow wipes my entire party out (I'm level 19). Am I missing an alternative path or just severely underleveled?

Edit: Chapter 5 not 4. It's late.


Man this game is just too good. 1 hour of just playing a little bit easily gets to 3-4 hours without problems...very dangerous for me. I now got my level 30 Amadeus Skell and a G Buster... Let the grind begin. :O

Just started Chapter 4 and
destroyed the first turret, but I cannot for the life of me reach the second one because the lv.22 "Sword Pugilith" spots me and somehow wipes my entire party out (I'm level 19). Am I missing an alternative path or just severely underleveled?

Underleveled. For story missions be at least 2-3 levels of the enemies, but you can skip the Pugilith if you dodge him on the right (I did it like this after I killed him two times, but always fell down against the turret and I was bored with this enemy)


I entered chapter 12 at lv 45 ( and Irina at 40), you can't save , got my skells wrecked, after some time, beat the boss with overdrive, i thought it was over but now there's those damn lizards lv 43 killing us quick, do I quit or there is a chance lol


Just started Chapter 4 and
destroyed the first turret, but I cannot for the life of me reach the second one because the lv.22 "Sword Pugilith" spots me and somehow wipes my entire party out (I'm level 19). Am I missing an alternative path or just severely underleveled?

I took the looong alternate path of going north of the ravine and doing the turrets in what to me appeared the reverse order.
Is manageable at lv 17-18.
I took the looong alternate path of going north of the ravine and doing the turrets in what to me appeared the reverse order.
Is manageable at lv 17-18.

Underleveled. For story missions be at least 2-3 levels of the enemies, but you can skip the Pugilith if you dodge him on the right (I did it like this after I killed him two times, but always fell down against the turret and I was bored with this enemy)

Managed to take down No. 2. Let's see if I can destroy the third one... Thanks for the advice! Guess I tried to rush things a bit because I want that Skell so bad :p


Black Canada Mafia
Just around level 25... I feel like I am leveling really slow, can't figure it out. I want to hit 30 so I can buy skells for everyone. I'm actually still a bit overwhelmed with all the stuff to do and find it hard to focus at a particular task at a time.


Man that moment during NO.EX01 when the lyrics kick in during a boss fight is the best.
Just around level 25... I feel like I am leveling really slow, can't figure it out. I want to hit 30 so I can buy skells for everyone. I'm actually still a bit overwhelmed with all the stuff to do and find it hard to focus at a particular task at a time.
You should be able to fight some (smaller) enemy mobs that are 5 to 10 levels above you for decent EXP. Once you get your level 30 skells though...ohhhh boy. You can easily take on some level 50+ mobs for maximum power leveling.


What's the best way to farm for reward tickets? I think I'm just going straight to the ares-90 but that twins time attack is impossible for me to beat so I'm just gonna farm the tickets.

Beat the game yesterday btw, with 100 hours on the clock. Ending was a bit lackluster, but I guess the whole story was like that so whatever.


This... this game is really making me get affinity points up for a party member I literally forgot existed until now? This late in the game too?

Fuck Gwin. If it was Celina or even Nagi, that would be cool, but this fucking wimp? God damnit, I just want to get to the end of the game.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
You should be able to fight some (smaller) enemy mobs that are 5 to 10 levels above you for decent EXP. Once you get your level 30 skells though...ohhhh boy. You can easily take on some level 50+ mobs for maximum power leveling.

Just north of FN107 in Primordia at night there are 3 level 60 enemies that can be taken down fairly easily with a team of level 30 skells.

They give you 9999 XP if you're in the 30-40 range. Great place to power level your less-used squad members.


This... this game is really making me get affinity points up for a party member I literally forgot existed until now? This late in the game too?

Fuck Gwin. If it was Celina or even Nagi, that would be cool, but this fucking wimp? God damnit, I just want to get to the end of the game.

Don't talk shit about Gwin he's a beast
I barely use him either tho

El Odio

Man that moment during NO.EX01 when the lyrics kick in during a boss fight is the best.

You should be able to fight some (smaller) enemy mobs that are 5 to 10 levels above you for decent EXP. Once you get your level 30 skells though...ohhhh boy. You can easily take on some level 50+ mobs for maximum power leveling.
I've been looking all over for that song since I first heard it in game. The titling of the songs in the OST leaves a lot to be desired.


Just started Chapter 4 and
destroyed the first turret, but I cannot for the life of me reach the second one because the lv.22 "Sword Pugilith" spots me and somehow wipes my entire party out (I'm level 19). Am I missing an alternative path or just severely underleveled?

Beware of what you write, that one is not chapter 4 :p


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
So guys, about the water plant mission, the one title lakeside getaway?
Is it possible to save ajoa if I told her not to take a shower?
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