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The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel |OT| Class Warfare

Nyoro SF

I remember the Asian forums I used to go half jokingly did a list of reasons on why Anton is the leader of Ouroboros because he appears at every game

OK, this is the best theory yet. lol

I have feeling it's going to be Aidios. It kind of popped in my head as I was leaving the church.

That's not a bad guess, though whatever form Aidios could take would be anyone's guess. Thankfully we'll be able to verify this in the year 2050


Rean Laura Emma and Jusis for best party.

Maybe Gaius for Laura cuz I like him but otherwise, this is the best party in my eyes.
Ch. 5
Hey, it's Those Two Guys! One's dressed better, and one got held back and still sleeps in class! Good times.

The storm coming out of the Old Schoolhouse's foreshadowing and theming was NOT unnoticed.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I just started this, and the first thing I've noticed after the first school dungeon is how tedious the regular battles felt. Tons of enemies with tons of health. Is this training for excessive use of those arts in your wheel? I always like to save those points for when it really matters, not trash mobs...
I just started this, and the first thing I've noticed after the first school dungeon is how tedious the regular battles felt. Tons of enemies with tons of health. Is this training for excessive use of those arts in your wheel? I always like to save those points for when it really matters, not trash mobs...

You build up CP points quickly in this game, don't be afraid to burn them on regular enemies.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
You build up CP points quickly in this game, don't be afraid to burn them on regular enemies.
Good to know this is the way the game wants it. I figured that's what they were trying to tell me with how the regular battles felt.
Good to know this is the way the game wants it. I figured that's what they were trying to tell me with how the regular battles felt.

They typically give you a recovery point before a boss too, so you'll know when you are about to fight one and will be able to restore HP/EP before hand, so there's little reason to hold back on using arts either.

The way the bonus XP system works also encourages you to wipe out enemies quickly with crafts or AOE arts.


Chapter 4:

Is there a reason why Alisa and Rean are both each wearing a fingerless glove from the same pair?
Feels like I missed a scene some where. lol
Also, the game's difficulty and ease of killing stuff is pretty much nonexistent 1/3rd into the game, and continues to be breezing easy with the exception of 2 Boss fights.

And even then, it's easy to break the difficulty the game's difficulty with the right micro management. I pretty much do none at all and it's still not hard.
I was under the impression that the regular battles were intended to be over quick and easy, like Persona. It keeps up the pacing from being slow by the nature of turn based.

That being said, I learn early game that one bad 'ambush' encounter even with normal mobs can still wipe half your party and leave the other half in bad shape.
I was under the impression that the regular battles were intended to be over quick and easy, like Persona. It keeps up the pacing from being slow by the nature of turn based.

Yeah, that's how I like it and that's how it was in TitS as well. Can't say much about bosses because I'm still only in Ch2, but regular battles don't have to be difficult imo
That being said, I learn early game that one bad 'ambush' encounter even with normal mobs can still wipe half your party and leave the other half in bad shape.

I had to use a Smoke Bomb a few times after being ambushed, 3/4 party members fainting before your turn isn't a great start


I'm literally the dumbest person ever. I was so cocky with the ease of destroying enemies... The Floor 5 boss has wiped the floor with me 4 times. WTF he's really fucking hard. And because I was a cocky idiot, I didn't save. Is there a penalty for weakening enemies then retrying, any trophies tied to it or anything?
I'm literally the dumbest person ever. I was so cocky with the ease of destroying enemies... The Floor 5 boss has wiped the floor with me 4 times. WTF he's really fucking hard. And because I was a cocky idiot, I didn't save. Is there a penalty for weakening enemies then retrying, any trophies tied to it or anything?

There are no penalties or trophies, retries are just numbered in your battle record.


That being said, I learn early game that one bad 'ambush' encounter even with normal mobs can still wipe half your party and leave the other half in bad shape.

And since you lost all CP if you die, it makes perfect sense to S-craft immediately when ambushed.

Why do character lose all CP but retain EP after fallen is beyond me. ;/


Welp, came down with a fever and with the 'opportunity' to stay in bed for two days, I finished the game! That...took a long time.

Overall stuff:
- combat was waaay swingy at times. Put Domination on Laura and S-craft at the beginning of battle near the end of the game and you're looking at her doing around 50k damage in one shot. She's an absolute beast. But there were definitely some enemies where battles got really tough if they managed to get a leg up. Especially if you get ambushed by a big enemy...I learned very quickly that was a good sign everyone was going to die and that saving the s-crafts is not so good an idea.
- Speaking of hard battles (chapter 6 spoilers!)
C was really hard. His S-craft close to annihilated my party and then some, and more than once too. I don't know, maybe some warning would have been nice :( Getting your entiiiire party annihilated and just hoping you kill them before that happens is a pain, although Machias and Alisa's auto-recovery were decently nice for that.
- I barely used arts in this game. I remember saving up EP charges in Sky for casters like Kloe because their physical attacks were fairly weak, but Elliot and Emma hold themselves pretty well (and their recovery crafts are awesooome).
I do wish someone had a recover S-craft though. Kloe and Kevin were absolute life-savers.
Aside from that, arts were just ridiculously expensive in EP cost, so I ended up not using them much.
- I had way more fun piling up stats with the master quartz system though. I was kind of liberal with it in Sky, but I was really trying to do the best I could with some characters here. As in, Laura was a beast and Fie was a speed demon.
- Link system was...I think I'm undecided about that. (ending spoilers)
Wish I'd done...any bonding events with Crow, I guess. I KNEW TOO, but it was too late when I figured it out fully.
I didn't really spend much time trying to optimize links and just spent time with characters I liked, even when they were maxed, so I didn't really play it very well. I probably would have preferred more bonding points! And not spent some
on Emma. For shame Rean.
- (end spoilers)
worth it though, 'danced' with Jusis and was sent off with love. Or something about nobles? No ragrets.
- (final battle spoilers)
Someone please tell me the mech battles are improved later? Or they never happen again? That was really annoying, and I still feel like I won due to dumb luck. C kicked my ass over and over again and it was really difficult to judge when to use crafts and when to attack. I felt like the battle wasn't really under my control the whole time considering most of it was new and the options were fairly limited, and it was just not a very fun send-off compared to say, the last schoolhouse boss. And anyway one-on-ones are never fun.
- It's still fresh right now, so opinions might change down the line, but I think I enjoyed the cast as a whole more than I did those in Sky, although Sky had more standouts. Estelle is also so much more enjoyable than Rean, it was sort of a letdown to get a cardboard box as a protagonist. The occasional quip from him was very much appreciated though.
His sister though, that was...not welcome.
- (chapter 6)
How exactly was that "find Fie" quest supposed to go? I literally walked in a straight line and right into the cutscene where Rean finds her. I didn't realize it was extra until I got 2 AP for it.
- I have to say, I enjoyed the voice acting quite a bit. A lot of the characters sounded much less anime than I would have expected, and I think they benefited from it. Unfortunately that did mean the few voices that did seem rather stereotypical stood out as a little grating, but most of those characters were minor enough that I didn't mind.
- I'm going to assume the models and animations are going to be improving in the future, so I won't say much about that. But uh...yeah. Framerate was...really bad at times, but thankfully this isn't the kind of game where that's anything more than slightly comical. Loading times were really just the worst part of it.
- I didn't like the old schoolhouse anywhere near as much as the field study parts, (final chapter spoilers)
but going full circle with it was kind of nice, I guess. And the principal's letters turning into what they did was pretty funny.

All in all though, I enjoyed it. It was soooo long, probably because I spent so much time talking to everyone (think I missed, what, two quests at the beginning?), but worth it! I loved the academy and getting to know each character there, especially when I'd have quests that dealt with them and I could go "oh, I know that person!" and be able to find them without prompts. I can't wait for the second game, my only hope is it comes out when I'm on break so I won't be tempted by it.


- I barely used arts in this game. I remember saving up EP charges in Sky for casters like Kloe because their physical attacks were fairly weak, but Elliot and Emma hold themselves pretty well (and their recovery crafts are awesooome). Aside from that, arts were just ridiculously expensive in EP cost, so I ended up not using them much.

That's a bit strange, I thought arts are way op in this games as you can either have that quartz which recovers EP on the field or have that M. Quartz which converts 2% of damage to EP; Combined that with the fast pace battle of CS, the EP practically never runs out.

Expect more Mech battles in CS2. Unfortunately they play exactly like the one in CS1, basically you test the weakness location of the particular stance and slash away. I was awestruck the first time I play the mech battle and quickly realized it was the low point in the CS' battle system. ;/


- (final battle spoilers)
Someone please tell me the mech battles are improved later? Or they never happen again? That was really annoying, and I still feel like I won due to dumb luck. C kicked my ass over and over again and it was really difficult to judge when to use crafts and when to attack. I felt like the battle wasn't really under my control the whole time considering most of it was new and the options were fairly limited, and it was just not a very fun send-off compared to say, the last schoolhouse boss. And anyway one-on-ones are never fun.
Yes, the sequel makes those kind of fights actually enjoyable. The one at the end of Cold Steel is more like a badly designed puzzle.


That's a bit strange, I thought arts are way op in this games as you can either have that quartz which recovers EP on the field or have that M. Quartz which converts 2% of damage to EP; Combined that with the fast pace battle of CS, the EP practically never runs out.

Expect more Mech battles in CS2. Unfortunately they play exactly like the one in CS1, basically you test the weakness location of the particular stance and slash away. I was awestruck the first time I play the mech battle and quickly realized it was the low point in the CS' battle system. ;/

Yeah, I used them on bosses. They were strong, but since I didn't optimize for cast time very well, they ended up being cancelled or the caster died first. Some boss battles ended up being a rush to get Laura to S-craft, so if I play again I'll probably try harder to actually make all the characters good and not just the obvious ones. Reading through the thread it seems I screwed up Jusis and Machias since I just made them as balanced in physical attacks and arts as possible.

And...that's a shame, but

Yes, the sequel makes those kind of fights actually enjoyable. The one at the end of Cold Steel is more like a badly designed puzzle.

I'll be optimistic!
Treat it like a minigame, lol.
Welp, came down with a fever and with the 'opportunity' to stay in bed for two days, I finished the game! That...took a long time.

- (final battle spoilers)
Someone please tell me the mech battles are improved later? Or they never happen again? That was really annoying, and I still feel like I won due to dumb luck. C kicked my ass over and over again and it was really difficult to judge when to use crafts and when to attack. I felt like the battle wasn't really under my control the whole time considering most of it was new and the options were fairly limited, and it was just not a very fun send-off compared to say, the last schoolhouse boss. And anyway one-on-ones are never fun.

I think this where they didn't really explain that well for mech combat but basically every time C takes a stance 1/3 of the part can be unbalanced which will grants you an additional attack. Pretty much u want to get to rush mode asap for huge damage
I think this where they didn't really explain that well for mech combat but basically every time C takes a stance 1/3 of the part can be unbalanced which will grants you an additional attack. Pretty much u want to get to rush mode asap for huge damage

Please add endgame spoilers or some such warning.

Context is important for spoilers!

EDIT: Okay, you did just that disregard this. >_<


Generally speaking, Cold Steel II addressed most of my technical complaints with first game. There are also some narrative shifts, of course. One is that Rean will take the spotlight rather than his classmates and their hometowns/backgrounds, which formed the overall structure of the first game. Another is that the pacing moves from structured, slow-paced world-building to more fast-paced action in the world you've come to love and pretty much neglects the conventions of chapters the series has followed so far.



Oh, is that the VIta version?

The PS3 one runs fine and I haven't really noticed much slowdown outside of a cutscene that had some alpha effects.

I bought the Vita version for cross-save (so I can bring my progress from home with me while i'm at work, which works flawlessly), but i've only been doing the bonding event stuff while using that version.
Just saw the DLc costumes on the store.
It's weird , i really like the CLass VII uniform , i have no need to change them.

Am i weird ?

Not to say that the casual wears are bad , i think they are very good but i prefer the class VII uniform more.
How many set of Costumes was there in the japanese version ? More casual wears ? some falcom cameo costumes ?
Just saw the DLc costumes on the store.
It's weird , i really like the CLass VII uniform , i have no need to change them.

Am i weird ?

Not to say that the casual wears are bad , i think they are very good but i prefer the class VII uniform more.
How many set of Costumes was there in the japanese version ? More casual wears ? some falcom cameo costumes ?

No I don't like most of them either. Probably would have only gotten Emma if the Vita wasn't account bound. The JP version also only had these costumes.
I kinda saw it coming, but that made me more excited when it actually happened. Playable Mechas in Trails? YES PLEASE!
It was interesting.
i thought that might happen when George mention someone could fit in there but still I wasn't expecting that. Well maybe since I expecting a different type of ending. Crow being C was given away IMO I did like how you got to know Crow before he showed his true face.
damn I wish I waited till cold steel 2 was out.

P.s huge end game spoiler so be careful if you haven't finish the game.
I'm kind of irked that you can't change the costume of characters not actively in your party. I put everyone back into their winter clothes between the school house and chapter 4 except Emma so she keeps showing up in cutscenes looking out of place :X

It would also let me roleplay better putting everyone into their casual clothes for free days


Until they started fighting, I thought Mr. G was Alisa's dad.
I need to stop being a glasses bigot.

The framerate was beyond horrendous this chapter...
Also, 40 hours, and I don't think this is even the half yet...


I'm having some trouble, GAF. Minor Chapter 3 spoilers:

I just finished taking the midterms and the third floor of the Old Schoolhouse. I went though the next story/free part and wound up in my next practical exam. You know, the one against Patrick and his three bootlickers.

Problem is, I'm playing on Hard and it seems to be one of the harder boss fights in the game. Each of the four opponents can use instant-activate crafts that hit multiple nearby targets for ~800 along with a larger range arts spell that hits for ~1100. Even with HP quartz, I'm averaging about 3500 HP. The worst part is that I'd like to get the bonus objectives so no one is allowed to fall and I can't use any goddamned arts.

This might be doable but I'm forced bring Elliott, Mathias and Gaius, the latter two are three levels below the rest of my group with comparatively few quartz slots unlocked. If I want to level them up, I have to load an earlier save since the Old Schoolhouse is currently closed. Thankfully, I kept a nearby save so I won't lose too much time.

Anyway, fuck this fight. Fuck the restriction on arts in particular. Elliott's healing craft (30% heal per turn) is great but it's not enough to avoid getting pasted if the enemies decide to gang up on one target. I guess I can also use Mathias' healing craft but it's not as useful since it only works for a single turn and it only affects other party members. Oh, the enemies also like to use Speed Down and the restriction means that It's hard to counter.

ALSO, I can't cheese the fight with S-Crafts since Rean is the only character in my party that can use them, and it's not powerful enough to one-shot anyone.

ALSO ALSO, I've been keeping a full monster guide so I'd have to waste four turns casting Analyze or using battle scopes to see each opponent.

Just venting, I guess. I'll try again tonight or over the weekend.

[Character Speculation based off the entire game]

feels especially suspicious imo.

Through all the conversations with all the NPCs throughout the entire game, you pretty much learn about the upbringing and general family history of Makarov, Heinrich, Mary.. but not Thomas.

You don't learn about the familial history of Vandyk, Beatrice, Sara and Neidhart, but we do get a general idea of where they were, who they are before joining Thors... but not Thomas.

Also, among all the Instructors, even though Makarov and Thomas both weren't military/bracer-experienced, only Thomas was the one called out by Neidhart for possessing combat abilities, which implies he's more like Mary/Heinrich and was hired for his academics, not any sort of combat know-how.
I'm having some trouble, GAF. Minor Chapter 3 spoilers:

I just finished taking the midterms and the third floor of the Old Schoolhouse. I went though the next story/free part and wound up in my next practical exam. You know, the one against Patrick and his three bootlickers.

Problem is, I'm playing on Hard and it seems to be one of the harder boss fights in the game. Each of the four opponents can use instant-activate crafts that hit multiple nearby targets for ~800 along with a larger range arts spell that hits for ~1100. Even with HP quartz, I'm averaging about 3500 HP. The worst part is that I'd like to get the bonus objectives so no one is allowed to fall and I can't use any goddamned arts.

This might be doable but I'm forced bring Elliott, Mathias and Gaius, the latter two are three levels below the rest of my group with comparatively few quartz slots unlocked. If I want to level them up, I have to load an earlier save since the Old Schoolhouse is currently closed. Thankfully, I kept a nearby save so I won't lose too much time.

Anyway, fuck this fight. Fuck the restriction on arts in particular. Elliott's healing craft (30% heal per turn) is great but it's not enough to avoid getting pasted if the enemies decide to gang up on one target. I guess I can also use Mathias' healing craft but it's not as useful since it only works for a single turn and it only affects other party members. Oh, the enemies also like to use Speed Down and the restriction means that It's hard to counter.

ALSO, I can't cheese the fight with S-Crafts since Rean is the only character in my party that can use them, and it's not powerful enough to one-shot anyone.

ALSO ALSO, I've been keeping a full monster guide so I'd have to waste four turns casting Analyze or using battle scopes to see each opponent.

Just venting, I guess. I'll try again tonight or over the weekend.

Give Gaius the Quartz that lets his attacks have a chance to seal an opponent then use his craft that can seal opponents 50% of the time. S/L till it sticks to 2-3 of them on the first attack and then target fire down the ones that aren't sealed. Impede anyone who tries to cast magic. Resounding beat can be used twice to stack the def buff so do that asap. Also since you can't use arts rearrange master quartz on Elliot since 1.5x healing arts is useless in a no arts battle, give him fie's speed increase or Machias def buff and give machias Laura's and combined with Rean's motivate craft so he can deal a lot more damage with his aoe regular attack. Also stock up on cooked food items both healing and offensive since you take less of a penalty after using them.
Just saw the DLc costumes on the store.
It's weird , i really like the CLass VII uniform , i have no need to change them.

Am i weird ?

Not to say that the casual wears are bad , i think they are very good but i prefer the class VII uniform more.
How many set of Costumes was there in the japanese version ? More casual wears ? some falcom cameo costumes ?

Not at all. I much prefer their default uniforms. Pretty disappointed by the DLC offerings. Oh well... thankfully they are not necessary.

[Character Speculation based off the entire game]

feels especially suspicious imo.

Through all the conversations with all the NPCs throughout the entire game, you pretty much learn about the upbringing and general family history of Makarov, Heinrich, Mary.. but not Thomas.

You don't learn about the familial history of Vandyk, Beatrice, Sara and Neidhart, but we do get a general idea of where they were, who they are before joining Thors... but not Thomas.

Also, among all the Instructors, even though Makarov and Thomas both weren't military/bracer-experienced, only Thomas was the one called out by Neidhart for possessing combat abilities, which implies he's more like Mary/Heinrich and was hired for his academics, not any sort of combat know-how.

What made me extremely curious is that
he said he knew his way with a staff because he was quite engrossed with ancient magic or something like that during the scene where he and Makarov comment at Neithardt about their skills.

I really do wonder what kind of history he possesses. As a history teacher it IS ironic we don't know his.


Give Gaius the Quartz that lets his attacks have a chance to seal an opponent then use his craft that can seal opponents 50% of the time. S/L till it sticks to 2-3 of them on the first attack and then target fire down the ones that aren't sealed. Impede anyone who tries to cast magic. Resounding beat can be used twice to stack the def buff so do that asap. Also since you can't use arts rearrange master quartz on Elliot since 1.5x healing arts is useless in a no arts battle, give him fie's speed increase or Machias def buff and give machias Laura's and combined with Rean's motivate craft so he can deal a lot more damage with his aoe regular attack. Also stock up on cooked food items both healing and offensive since you take less of a penalty after using them.

That's good advice. I had no idea that buffs stacked like that, and I didn't know that cooked food is used faster. I haven't even bothered making any food even though I probably have all of the recipies so far!


What made me extremely curious is that
he said he knew his way with a staff because he was quite engrossed with ancient magic or something like that during the scene where he and Makarov comment at Neithardt about their skills.

I really do wonder what kind of history he possesses. As a history teacher it IS ironic we don't know his.
Orbal staff? Ancient magic? That hair colour? Sounds a lot like another character to me.
I'm literally the dumbest person ever. I was so cocky with the ease of destroying enemies... The Floor 5 boss has wiped the floor with me 4 times. WTF he's really fucking hard. And because I was a cocky idiot, I didn't save. Is there a penalty for weakening enemies then retrying, any trophies tied to it or anything?

This game's balancing is after some thought VERY much like Atlus' recent games in that there's no fighting for control of a fight there's "get advantage, OP them down" and that works for enemies too. I wonder if the same criteria led them here as Atlus did.

And since you lost all CP if you die, it makes perfect sense to S-craft immediately when ambushed.

Why do character lose all CP but retain EP after fallen is beyond me. ;/

I just call it in my head the "super meter". Makes more sense that way.


Neo Member
I'm having some trouble, GAF. Minor Chapter 3 spoilers:

I just finished taking the midterms and the third floor of the Old Schoolhouse. I went though the next story/free part and wound up in my next practical exam. You know, the one against Patrick and his three bootlickers.

Problem is, I'm playing on Hard and it seems to be one of the harder boss fights in the game. Each of the four opponents can use instant-activate crafts that hit multiple nearby targets for ~800 along with a larger range arts spell that hits for ~1100. Even with HP quartz, I'm averaging about 3500 HP. The worst part is that I'd like to get the bonus objectives so no one is allowed to fall and I can't use any goddamned arts.

This might be doable but I'm forced bring Elliott, Mathias and Gaius, the latter two are three levels below the rest of my group with comparatively few quartz slots unlocked. If I want to level them up, I have to load an earlier save since the Old Schoolhouse is currently closed. Thankfully, I kept a nearby save so I won't lose too much time.

Anyway, fuck this fight. Fuck the restriction on arts in particular. Elliott's healing craft (30% heal per turn) is great but it's not enough to avoid getting pasted if the enemies decide to gang up on one target. I guess I can also use Mathias' healing craft but it's not as useful since it only works for a single turn and it only affects other party members. Oh, the enemies also like to use Speed Down and the restriction means that It's hard to counter.

ALSO, I can't cheese the fight with S-Crafts since Rean is the only character in my party that can use them, and it's not powerful enough to one-shot anyone.

ALSO ALSO, I've been keeping a full monster guide so I'd have to waste four turns casting Analyze or using battle scopes to see each opponent.

Just venting, I guess. I'll try again tonight or over the weekend.

I like to think of this fight as a lesson in using the various status effects to crowd control the enemy. Spam the linear AoE Gaius has on as many of them as you can. It has a fairly decent chance to shock the enemy (which makes them lose their turns). Elliot can also do this with his lullaby craft after using his regen (try to avoid attacking enemies who're sleeping of course). Use Rean's crafts to delay any enemies who aren't shocked. Machias and Rean can guarantee an impede to interrupt enemies when they try to cast aerial with Break Shot and Autumn Leaf Cutter respectively.

Also one of the biggest mistakes I've seen alot of youtubers make is ignoring the Move command. It's easy to feel like its a waste of a turn to move but it really helps you mitigate the damage from large AoEs for a very, very short delay (it has like half the delay of a regular action). If you can't impede the enemy in time, move as many as you can out of the AoE circle and you'll be able to reduce the damage you take to something manageable.

In terms of formation, keep Rean as the sole person in the front line so that they focus on him as much as possible. If you're following the rest above you shouldn't typically have more than 1 or 2 enemies able to attack him at the same time. It also helps to group all the enemies together as they will all move to focus on him in melee. My formation at the start was something like the below:

*Note: Rean will move around alot when using Autumn Leaf Cutter so outside the first 2 turns he'll typically be really far away from the rest of the group.


Also one of the biggest mistakes I've seen alot of youtubers make is ignoring the Move command. It's easy to feel like its a waste of a turn to move but it really helps you mitigate the damage from large AoEs for a very, very short delay (it has like half the delay of a regular action). If you can't impede the enemy in time, move as many as you can out of the AoE circle and you'll be able to reduce the damage you take to something manageable.

I want to add something to this comment. I'm just putting it into spoilers because the response is, as well.

People absolutely DO forget about Move. They also forget that you can just move a character to fiddle with the AT Bar, too. Moving generally has the shortest delay in the game, and as a result, you can keep enemies from certain bonuses by just moving to bump their position on the AT bar, or to get yourself into a more appropriate position.

Why do character lose all CP but retain EP after fallen is beyond me. ;/

Random lore lesson:
EP is energy in the orbment itself. A character's orbment will still retain energy regardless of whether they fall or not.
Rean somehow use the power of friendship to make Crow become "good friends " again...

Random thought on the 3rd game
based on anime cliches.
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