If only!
What's the required level mate? I'm guessing 75 ;-(
Recently hit 56 but doubt I'll get anywhere near 75 before the refresh.
75 it is my man
204 BMAK, please.
You gonna be around tonight?
If only!
What's the required level mate? I'm guessing 75 ;-(
Recently hit 56 but doubt I'll get anywhere near 75 before the refresh.
75 it is my man-- hopefully the trend will continue & we will have something to look forward to this week!
204 BMAK, please.
You gonna be around tonight?
What is wrong with the grand central station mission? We keep falling through the floor lol.
Sucks reading about people having issues with this considering it seems so random. I've never experienced it myself but I can easily imagine how shitty it would be to have that repeatedly happening.
I just came out of that mission with no issue.
One odd thing when Chaf and I were doing the dailies was we had other guys in the mission who weren't part of the group like the old times when running 5 or more on the dailies. It started as one guy didn't move so I kicked him but he stayed in the mission and other players joined him. Did the latest maintenance break their previous patch for running more than 4 man dailies?
lol no wonder this perk is broken.Sorry if this has been posted, had a quick look but couldn't see it. This is what is "wrong" with the balanced weapon perk according to Hamish.
"So I've talked to one of our Senior Game Designers for you and hopefully this can clarify the talent:
Balanced is reaching max accuracy very quickly when shouldering your weapon, as intended. The unintended part is that Balanced is currently stopping your reticle from leaving a "max accuracy" status when you fire your gun."
Sorry if this has been posted, had a quick look but couldn't see it. This is what is "wrong" with the balanced weapon perk according to Hamish.
"So I've talked to one of our Senior Game Designers for you and hopefully this can clarify the talent:
Balanced is reaching max accuracy very quickly when shouldering your weapon, as intended. The unintended part is that Balanced is currently stopping your reticle from leaving a "max accuracy" status when you fire your gun."
3. In the DZ, and this is definitely fueled by all the ganking happening to me, and probably will be the most divisive. Players without loot should not be able to get killed. This does 2 things, stops the DZ from becoming a COD deathmatch, and makes having loot that much more tense. Players with no loot could still go rogue, which should make seeing an agent with no loot be a tricky situation when carrying loot. This would also make going solo in the DZ much more viable.
Is it worthwhile picking up the Pahkan?
Just thinking if SMGs are gonna get nerfed into oblivion...
Can anyone tell me what % I should have my scavange at? It's currently at 126% and I've yet to have a set item drop from a boss in the DZ.
Scavenging doesn't affect the drop rate, so 15% = 126% = 220%.
Basically, it's useless and don't bother with it.
It looks like it's meant to be a quick scope type of skill rather than one that just makes any weapon a laser.So basically he found it too useful for the players and we can't have non of that noise lol.
Didn't he also mentioned that he's a bit of a masochist or was it the other CM?
New information about the actions that will be taken against cheaters and exploiters.
That's incredibly flawed. You're basically allowing people to camp at extraction sites with impunity.3. In the DZ, and this is definitely fueled by all the ganking happening to me, and probably will be the most divisive. Players without loot should not be able to get killed. This does 2 things, stops the DZ from becoming a COD deathmatch, and makes having loot that much more tense. Players with no loot could still go rogue, which should make seeing an agent with no loot be a tricky situation when carrying loot. This would also make going solo in the DZ much more viable.
New information about the actions that will be taken against cheaters and exploiters.
That's incredibly flawed. You're basically allowing people to camp at extraction sites with impunity.
3. In the DZ, and this is definitely fueled by all the ganking happening to me, and probably will be the most divisive. Players without loot should not be able to get killed. This does 2 things, stops the DZ from becoming a COD deathmatch, and makes having loot that much more tense. Players with no loot could still go rogue, which should make seeing an agent with no loot be a tricky situation when carrying loot. This would also make going solo in the DZ much more viable
I've only just noticed the lose XP mechanic in the Dark zone.
Who's the utter idiot who thought this was a good idea? This is as bad as the FFXI level down mechanic.
Seems reasonable to me, honestly.
People on reddit keep crying for immediate permabans on cheaters but as far as I am aware there is a legal reason they can't do this,right?
Not sure, but there's definitely a financial reason. Can't sell expansions to people that can't play them, right?
I wonder what the implication would be for perm-ing season pass purchasers. They've paid for services or goods that are, in effect, undeliverable.
New information about the actions that will be taken against cheaters and exploiters.
They lose that right when they deliberately cheat/hack. Not Massives fault for some idiot paying $100 then hacking the game ruining other players experiences.
Good point, hadn't thought about that. Still think something needs to be done to balance out PvP experience.
Some sort of normalisation, ofc better gear/weapons should have an impact but not like today.
DZ isn't meant to be fair
It sounds like they're not actually going to permaban cheaters even on multiple repeated offenses. I recall reading somewhere that they're worried of legal repercussions from doing it. At best they'll just keep extending the ban periods.
Second, sanctions will be implemented for players who repeatedly abuse exploits and will vary depending on the severity of the abuse, as well as the history of the player. Possible sanctions include character rollbacks, account suspensions and permanent bans.
So basically, the majority of the player base? I can see reprimanding actual cheaters in the DZ that are going god-mode etc, but permanent ban for exploiting a bug seems a bit much. But maybe they will start with character rollback and move up for the most "egregious" offenders.
Anyways, finally hit DZ75 recently and debating scooping up the 204 ACR blueprint since I normally run Assault Rifle primary. I have around 500K DZ credits, and it costs about 300K right.
Should I grab it now or wait to see what is available after refresh later? I'd love to have it but it's quite expensive, especially since I have a decent 182 ACR, Warlord and a solid 204 SCAR-L already. Also have a 204 AUG that I use but would prefer to have an arsenal of great 204 Assault Rifles instead! VE3TRO and crew recommended to hold off last night, I'm leaning that way..
DZ isn't meant to be fair
Second, sanctions will be implemented for players who repeatedly abuse exploits and will vary depending on the severity of the abuse, as well as the history of the player. Possible sanctions include character rollbacks, account suspensions and permanent bans.
So basically, the majority of the player base? I can see reprimanding actual cheaters in the DZ that are going god-mode etc, but permanent ban for exploiting a bug seems a bit much. But maybe they will start with character rollback and move up for the most "egregious" offenders.
Anyways, finally hit DZ75 recently and debating scooping up the 204 ACR blueprint since I normally run Assault Rifle primary. I have around 500K DZ credits, and it costs about 300K right.
Should I grab it now or wait to see what is available after refresh later? I'd love to have it but it's quite expensive, especially since I have a decent 182 ACR, Warlord and a solid 204 SCAR-L already. Also have a 204 AUG that I use but would prefer to have an arsenal of great 204 Assault Rifles instead! VE3TRO and crew recommended to hold off last night, I'm leaning that way..