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The Last Guardian E3 demo impressions

Shadow of the Colossus ran at a negative frame rate and is one of the best experiences I've ever had with a game. Chalk me up as not really concerned at all. Yeah, bad frame rates are a bummer but so many other elements can come together to make something work.

It's true - SOTC just released in a time when the technical aspects of games just got waaaaaay less press than they do today, but it was a goddamn mess. I was actually going to make a thread recently about Ueda as a visionary whose ideas have always to some extent outstripped both his own team's ability and the currently available technology. And yet, SOTC remains one of the most highly rated PS2 games of all time - and was at release too.

I understand the concerns of a site like Eurogamer, but I hope we haven't become so framerate and tech obsessed by otherwise well-intentioned sites like DF that we can't still see the value in this game. If the game releases to 6s and 7s solely on technical faults, I'm worried people won't play it and discover what he and his team are trying to do.

Anyways, a few months left I guess. Just sounds like they should give it until Spring 2017.
Nvm I bailed out. Shot for shot details scared me

Impressions sound good. Soul is what I expect from this game not the technical shits. Ico and SotC were always a bit clanky to me but I got used to it immediately


I have been waiting almost 10 years for this game. Bought a PS3 to play it and now I'm buying a PS4 for it.

Normaly I'm really nitpick about performance and resolution on my games, but with this I don't even care if it runs in sub-HD or have a shitty performance like the Shadow of the Colossus. Just give me this game and let me play it and cry. :(

Having said that, I believe the developers still have time to fine tune most of the complains of the demo until the october release.

And, you know, we always have post launch patches to fix these things. :p
Well, the demo makes it feel like they're certainly working on a lot of scripting. I would like to know how the game feels when it gets to more open exploration areas.

Should be interesting to see what the final product is like as the current impressions make the cynical part of me do this:
"Ah. So, I'm dragging a lumbering, whiny Nintendog through jaggy, clip filled PS3 environments to get to a five hour mark where the Nintendog eats me to fix it's wings while slow violin music plays over a female vocalist chanting in gibberish. This is going to be the best Vita game I play on a PS4 this year."

That said, I'm sure it won't ship with
too many
game breaking bugs and it will be a good experience. Already going to pre-order that collector's edition. Looks great! I hope they remaster Ico and SotC for the PS4 in anticipation.
People are saying the controls are unresponsive like they haven't played Ico or SotC before. Controlling both of the main characters in those games feels "stumbly", so I expect they'd go for the same feel in TLG. Camera issues suck, though, but that's nothing new either.


Nope, definately not reading any of this at all. None!

I may actually read some of it, all of it. :(


This all sounds great to me.
I don't even care about frame rate here. Heck, everyone's favourite game of all times struggles to keep 20fps :p
But really, the stuff that bothers people watching a conference or a showfloor demo is often not the same stuff that ruins your enjoyment of the game once you're sitting on your couch and the joypad is in your hands.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
People are saying the controls are unresponsive like they haven't played Ico or SotC before. Controlling both of the main characters in those games feels "stumbly", so I expect they'd go for the same feel in TLG. Camera issues suck, though, but that's nothing new either.

Yeah I felt SotC is one of those rare games that makes your character weighty and awkward, even clumsy, but makes it work with the controls and the gameplay. I loved how Wander would react atop a Colossus when he wasn't holding onto anything, he'd sway and tilt over, and try to keep his balance while you still had control. It all felt so damn good to me despite the fact I know some people hated it.


Seeing further first hand impressions on YouTube, the overwhelming opinion seems to be..

Trico is great and expressive and makes you care, but the game is negatively out of its time and is janky as fuck.


People are saying the controls are unresponsive like they haven't played Ico or SotC before. Controlling both of the main characters in those games feels "stumbly", so I expect they'd go for the same feel in TLG. Camera issues suck, though, but that's nothing new either.


controlling wander in SotC while climbing titans can be a mess soemtimes too.
i don't give a damn about some framerate hiccup or camera angle. 11 years has passed since SotC and i will play a game from fumito ueda one more time in a couple of months.

i thank everyone making this game real despite all the problems it had.

i'm ready.
Needs some polish, but there is still time. Hope it won't be delayed again though. The wait nearly ruined my excitement, and that's finally back after seeing the releasedate.


Sounds like there is a real reason to worry, the game is shaping up to be amazing but technical aspect can drag it down, I don't understand why the development of this thing is so hard even now on PS4 when they have more than enough power to fulfill their vision.

It would be so heartbreaking if an amazing game and experience will be ruined because of the technical aspects, please fix it till release or delay it again if there is no choice, don't release a game in a bad technical shape Sony!
If it's got some technical issues, I kinda wished they would have taken the inevitable negative press on the chin, and pushed it to February. It's not like the game's going to sell well sandwiched between Call of Duty and Battlefield and Titanfall; they should take the extra time to polish it to perfection, and screw the October date.

We've waited this long, after all.


If it's got some technical issues, I kinda wished they would have taken the inevitable negative press on the chin, and pushed it to February. It's not like the game's going to sell well sandwiched between Call of Duty and Battlefield and Titanfall; they should take the extra time to polish it to perfection, and screw the October date.

We've waited this long, after all.

I agree, yea people will laugh at them, it will be pathetic in a way, but fuck this, when it will come out perfectly polished and a masterpiece, nobody will laugh and the wait will be worth it, much better than to release a disappointing game on time and get a "this is what we waited for all this time?!" feedback.
Sounds a bit rough. I'm actually a bit surprised though. You'd think the majority of issues would be primarily AI based, given that's a huge part of the experience, but they seem to be graphic based.


Definitely not an STD, as I'm a pure.
So it's going to be a 6-7/10 with cool moments, but one that ultimately disappoints?

What a surprise.

What the fuck are you even talking about ? How can you conclude that ? They're saying the games have the making of a masterpiece, but has slight performance issues.



Really hope they sort out the technical stuff. I could accept Shadow of the Colossus because I was young and easily impressionable but I don't think I could take a technical car crash like that today.


http://www.polygon.com/2016/6/16/11955636/last-guardian-hands-on Polygon updated with a video of their impressions around 3:15 they show about 5 seconds of Offscreen footage of the shield ability. Nowhere near as much footage as Game spot, but well we are that starved for video. Hopefully someone will leak offscreen of the entire play through the gamespot video sold me more on tho game than words can.

Good impressions right there

boo for not liking Trico though lol.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Quotes in the OP have me very excited, that's exactly what I wanted from this game, technical problems aside. I'm sure they will get around them
I have a feeling that performance issues will drop the score below 90 MC

what a shame, but then again I only played the remastered version of SotC and Ico and they were outdated mechanically and nothing was special about the controls and they were still some of the best games I have ever played in my life.

I won't buy it if its less than a 95 metascore! Freaking press, ruining this game with their review scores and such.


Not worry about technical performance one bit, the game still in development, they are not ready this demo for E3, all the polish is not done yet.
Ueda don't event want them to show it at E3. They obviously just take the early alpha and put in on the show floor. Final game should be fine.


SOTC is the best game I have played in my life and if this one is half as good I will be more than happy, technical issues be damned.


I'm not that worried. 4-ish months seems like enough time to refine the controls and framerate if they're content complete otherwise.
People complain about the game looking like the cross gen title it is and a little self-clipping here and there, but fall over themselves to praise PS2-level-textures, giant-Styrofoam-rock-physics, clipping-right-in-the-middle-of-tree-branches and pop-in-galore that is Breath of the Wild.


It's true - SOTC just released in a time when the technical aspects of games just got waaaaaay less press than they do today, but it was a goddamn mess. I was actually going to make a thread recently about Ueda as a visionary whose ideas have always to some extent outstripped both his own team's ability and the currently available technology. And yet, SOTC remains one of the most highly rated PS2 games of all time - and was at release too.

I understand the concerns of a site like Eurogamer, but I hope we haven't become so framerate and tech obsessed by otherwise well-intentioned sites like DF that we can't still see the value in this game. If the game releases to 6s and 7s solely on technical faults, I'm worried people won't play it and discover what he and his team are trying to do.

Anyways, a few months left I guess. Just sounds like they should give it until Spring 2017.

This was really well put, I agree 100%. Can't wait for this game!


Did Giant Bomb, or any of their guests get time with this? They can be a little jaded sometimes but I like them overall. I'd be curious to hear some if their groups thoughts. I just haven't had time to parse like the 15+ hours of content they put up.
Kotaku just published their E3 interview:


Basically vr game is next, design of the last gaurdian was simplified to express storytelling limiting new mechanics to speed up development ironically etc.

Ueda: The game, as a whole, is complete. You can play it all the way through, from beginning to the end. Right now, we’re focusing on brushing up various parts and doing tweaks here and there—things like cut scenes, little events here and there. Just getting all those cleaned up and ready.

Ueda: First, with Ico, we lead with the visual aspects and it lead to a title from there. With Shadow of the Colossus, we started with the climbing mechanic, climbing on the backs of the colossi. When Shadow of the Colossus was released, I initially thought that the important relationships in the game were the man, the woman, and the colossi. But many players actually were strongly involved with the horse; they felt that relationship was a very powerful relationship in the game.

When we first started the project, I was looking back at my other titles—Ico and Shadow of the Colossus— [and] they took time themselves. They were not short development periods. The reason for that was the new technologies we were adding. In Ico, we had the holding hands mechanic. That was something new that required us to create new techniques to work on. With Shadow of the Colossus, it was the climbing mechanic, the riding. That took a lot of time.

For The Last Guardian, we wanted to avoid that issue from occurring, so we said ‘we’re going to focus on story, we’re going to focus on game balance’ to create a game experience that people can enjoy in a shorter amount of time. So I think I would warn him that it wouldn’t be as short as you thought it would be. We thought it would take less time than the other titles did.

I guess Ueda is not a never ending story fan? Anyways way more at the link. Nice interview.
Kinda disappointed that he's looking toward VR next after TLG wraps up, since I'm not on the hype train for that new tech at all, but we'll see what he conjures up. Could be the thing that convinces me to invest in a PSVR. Could be a new Jumping Flash!!
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