Cow Goes Moo
i think it's safe to say this game is revolved around trust
Shadow of the Colossus ran at a negative frame rate and is one of the best experiences I've ever had with a game. Chalk me up as not really concerned at all. Yeah, bad frame rates are a bummer but so many other elements can come together to make something work.
oh boy! Another fiddly cumbersome game to push through for "the feels"
People are saying the controls are unresponsive like they haven't played Ico or SotC before. Controlling both of the main characters in those games feels "stumbly", so I expect they'd go for the same feel in TLG. Camera issues suck, though, but that's nothing new either.
People are saying the controls are unresponsive like they haven't played Ico or SotC before. Controlling both of the main characters in those games feels "stumbly", so I expect they'd go for the same feel in TLG. Camera issues suck, though, but that's nothing new either.
If it's got some technical issues, I kinda wished they would have taken the inevitable negative press on the chin, and pushed it to February. It's not like the game's going to sell well sandwiched between Call of Duty and Battlefield and Titanfall; they should take the extra time to polish it to perfection, and screw the October date.
We've waited this long, after all.
So it's going to be a 6-7/10 with cool moments, but one that ultimately disappoints?
What a surprise. Polygon updated with a video of their impressions around 3:15 they show about 5 seconds of Offscreen footage of the shield ability. Nowhere near as much footage as Game spot, but well we are that starved for video. Hopefully someone will leak offscreen of the entire play through the gamespot video sold me more on tho game than words can.
I have a feeling that performance issues will drop the score below 90 MC
what a shame, but then again I only played the remastered version of SotC and Ico and they were outdated mechanically and nothing was special about the controls and they were still some of the best games I have ever played in my life.
I won't buy it if its less than a 95 metascore! Freaking press, ruining this game with their review scores and such.
First trophy after your press start.
"It's been 84 years"
Good impressions right there
boo for not liking Trico though lol.
It's true - SOTC just released in a time when the technical aspects of games just got waaaaaay less press than they do today, but it was a goddamn mess. I was actually going to make a thread recently about Ueda as a visionary whose ideas have always to some extent outstripped both his own team's ability and the currently available technology. And yet, SOTC remains one of the most highly rated PS2 games of all time - and was at release too.
I understand the concerns of a site like Eurogamer, but I hope we haven't become so framerate and tech obsessed by otherwise well-intentioned sites like DF that we can't still see the value in this game. If the game releases to 6s and 7s solely on technical faults, I'm worried people won't play it and discover what he and his team are trying to do.
Anyways, a few months left I guess. Just sounds like they should give it until Spring 2017.
Ueda: The game, as a whole, is complete. You can play it all the way through, from beginning to the end. Right now, were focusing on brushing up various parts and doing tweaks here and therethings like cut scenes, little events here and there. Just getting all those cleaned up and ready.
Ueda: First, with Ico, we lead with the visual aspects and it lead to a title from there. With Shadow of the Colossus, we started with the climbing mechanic, climbing on the backs of the colossi. When Shadow of the Colossus was released, I initially thought that the important relationships in the game were the man, the woman, and the colossi. But many players actually were strongly involved with the horse; they felt that relationship was a very powerful relationship in the game.
When we first started the project, I was looking back at my other titlesIco and Shadow of the Colossus [and] they took time themselves. They were not short development periods. The reason for that was the new technologies we were adding. In Ico, we had the holding hands mechanic. That was something new that required us to create new techniques to work on. With Shadow of the Colossus, it was the climbing mechanic, the riding. That took a lot of time.
For The Last Guardian, we wanted to avoid that issue from occurring, so we said were going to focus on story, were going to focus on game balance to create a game experience that people can enjoy in a shorter amount of time. So I think I would warn him that it wouldnt be as short as you thought it would be. We thought it would take less time than the other titles did.