Just started playing and have done a few of the side operations. How do I get the 2 pickups that are in the HQ? They are hidden somewhere below the stairs but dont see a way to get to them?
I just got to *that* part of the game, so I think I'm near the end. In particular, I'm referring to (big spoilery moment, don't click if you're unsure):My mouth was agape the entire time. I have a lot of strong opinions on the game thus far, mostly positive, but for now I just wanted to gas on about how awesome that moment was.hacking from orbit and then hijacking servers from across the globe, down to Blume's big database room.
Just started playing and have done a few of the side operations. How do I get the 2 pickups that are in the HQ? They are hidden somewhere below the stairs but dont see a way to get to them?
Just completed themission. Had to do the mission three times, as I couldn'tEscape from Alcatrazdespite being on the other side of the map.escape Alcatraz
It's like.The Matrix. Wherever you go, you are always in Alcatraz
I have already resorted to Fast Traveling everywhere as I pretty much see zero reason to drive around. There really is no gain to it especially now that I cannot Hack drivers themselves and just the vehicle. Also let's face it the driving is not the best either. Honestly all driving to places does is distract the shit out of me with side missions.I'll return to this game at some point, but I think I've lost steam quickly.
Between grinding side missions to save up for the Drone (which should be unlocked from the start) and then feeling exasperated at driving around the entire bay area *again* for the graffiti side mission, I just can't do this Ubisoft scattered icons of tiny tasks across the map kind of design.
They really need to rethink their entire approach to open worlds. Putting more content on the map rather than instances is great, but like Far Cry 4's camps, each location is very shallow and quickly solved.
That said, the game looks and performs great, and its a strange feeling to get lost in my own home city ;p
Nobody ever pukes in my game. The pier never has one. There was one time where a woman yelled about someone who was going to be sick, but he'd either finished by the time I took a picture or it was a false alarm.
Anyways, I just finished, and don't have any main missions active right now. I'm going to work on 911 in the time being, while I wait for one.taking over Lennie's bunker
It seems like I'm getting closer to the last act.
Not sure if this was mentioned anywhere but do we know when the preload for the pc version will start?
I'll return to this game at some point, but I think I've lost steam quickly.
Between grinding side missions to save up for the Drone (which should be unlocked from the start) and then feeling exasperated at driving around the entire bay area *again* for the graffiti side mission, I just can't do this Ubisoft scattered icons of tiny tasks across the map kind of design.
Nobody ever pukes in my game. The pier never has one. There was one time where a woman yelled about someone who was going to be sick, but he'd either finished by the time I took a picture or it was a false alarm.
Anyways, I just finished, and don't have any main missions active right now. I'm going to work on 911 in the time being, while I wait for one.taking over Lennie's bunker
It seems like I'm getting closer to the last act.
I'll return to this game at some point, but I think I've lost steam quickly.
Between grinding side missions to save up for the Drone (which should be unlocked from the start) and then feeling exasperated at driving around the entire bay area *again* for the graffiti side mission, I just can't do this Ubisoft scattered icons of tiny tasks across the map kind of design.
Good lord, that Eye For An Eye mission.. That was crazy.
Fucking Horatio, man. I always expected him to be a mole for Devon, considering how he's never around during team activities and stuff. but after this and the Nudle mission, he was just working really, really hard while being treated like shit. Feels bad man.
I didn't spend the first 30 minutes hunting down large money bags though - I ran a mix of missions and side missions and exploration - including missions that seemed either meant for either the drone or to go guns blazing, but not as well tailored to stealth + jumper. By the time I finished those missions and looked at how much money I had acquired, I only had 25K.You need to steal three large money bags. You can literally have the drone within a half hour of starting the game. I really don't get this complaint.
Are you sure youre playing Watch Dogs 2
Really? They need to get that working.Huh, the co-op missions are basically gang hideouts. Nice.
Shit I would've known if the online was working (I've been avoiding all purple icons).
I don't think so. You have to buy them/earn them and use the car on demand app.Can one store cars? Cause I have not figured out how to do so yet.
Has anyone found any references to Abstergo or the Assassins in the game? There was a pretty important interaction between Aiden and Abstergo in WD1.
Really? They need to get that working.
No, just means its an event.Are purple people always other players?
Someone tried to hack me I guess and I intercepted them. Had no idea what I was doing, but I guess I won.
Second time I ran into a purple something prompted me to join a chase. I kept hacking their car and they kept setting traps for me. Eventually I managed to crash their car into a cemetery. After a brief foot pursuit I accidentally shot them in the head. Thought I had my stun gun. The only character I've ever shot in the game.
Are purple people always other players?
Someone tried to hack me I guess and I intercepted them. Had no idea what I was doing, but I guess I won.
Second time I ran into a purple something prompted me to join a chase. I kept hacking their car and they kept setting traps for me. Eventually I managed to crash their car into a cemetery. After a brief foot pursuit I accidentally shot them in the head. Thought I had my stun gun. The only character I've ever shot in the game.
I can't find pukers or puppies. Feels bad.
Huh, the co-op missions are basically gang hideouts. Nice.
Shit I would've known if the online was working (I've been avoiding all purple icons).
guys I love this game
...fuck. I lost. Those were my favorite and now they're co-op??
And I don't know what people are talking about, it seems like there's LESS stuff in this game than WD1 ever had.
How do people get to the top of the Golden Gate Bridge ? Or is that something that opens up later in the story ?
Yeah, my friend won't give the game a chance either because of WD1 which really is unfortunate because it's a great game but there isn't much we can do unfortunately. But that aside, GAF is full of shitposters that wouldn't have bought the game anyway. Remember when it was "I'll wait for reviews" and then most of the reviews were great aside from two so they decided to use those for confirmation bias that the game was poor before ever really giving it a chance.I don't know if people here followed the UK sales thread... Sad to see so many people drive-by dismissing the game. I can sort of understand if you've been disappointed by the original (you won't convince me to play an AC after III either), but seeing how amazing this game is... disappointing either way.
I don't know if people here followed the UK sales thread... Sad to see so many people drive-by dismissing the game. I can sort of understand if you've been disappointed by the original (you won't convince me to play an AC after III either), but seeing how amazing this game is... disappointing either way.
I don't know if people here followed the UK sales thread... Sad to see so many people drive-by dismissing the game. I can sort of understand if you've been disappointed by the original (you won't convince me to play an AC after III either), but seeing how amazing this game is... disappointing either way.
The Driver SF missions are a ton of fun. They feel literally like playing the side missions from Driver San Francisco (one of my favorite games from last generation) but with a different main character. I wonder if the writer was the same person.
I really should pick up syndicate shouldn't i
IMO Syndicate is the only AC game that is a legit good game, like outwith the series' confines. AC2 and Brotherhood and 4 are still great, but they're great within the series limits. Compare them a non-AC open world game and usually I'd laugh them out the park (uh, or at least, criticise them heavily).
But Syndicate? It's practically GTA Victorian London. It's actually just fun to play and they've made it an actual sandbox with loads of streamlined and dynamic gameplay systems. Not to mention the best protagonist the series has ever had (Evie, ignore Jacob).
I think if you've played an AC game shortly before trying it you might still be bored of it, though.
Edit: Not to derail, I think Ubisoft are doing admirable work now and hopefully Watch Dogs 2's gains more popular traction because of that. I think it will, personally.