"I Need a New PC!" 2016 Plus Ultra! HBM2, VR, 144Hz, and 4K for all!

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After sleeping on my previous build and going with some GAF suggestions I decided to upgrade a few components.

If someone could take a look at this build and let me know if it seems legit enough for the cash I would really appreciate it.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($234.69 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Deepcool GAMMAXX 400 74.3 CFM CPU Cooler ($24.88 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: MSI Z170A KRAIT GAMING 3X ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($122.89 @ OutletPC)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($101.93 @ Amazon)
Storage: PNY CS1311 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($74.99 @ Jet)
Video Card: XFX Radeon RX 480 8GB GTR Video Card ($279.87 @ Amazon)
Case: NZXT S340 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case ($64.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: SeaSonic 650W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($79.33 @ OutletPC)
Total: $983.57
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-01-18 00:55 EST-0500

I'm currently most concerned with the mobo since I haven't seen enough reviews on it.

Edit: I should mention I already own additional extremely storage as a short term fix to the storage weakness.

Every thing looks good to me. I don't care for PNY, but that's just personal preference.

After sleeping on my previous build and going with some GAF suggestions I decided to upgrade a few components.

If someone could take a look at this build and let me know if it seems legit enough for the cash I would really appreciate it.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($234.69 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Deepcool GAMMAXX 400 74.3 CFM CPU Cooler ($24.88 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: MSI Z170A KRAIT GAMING 3X ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($122.89 @ OutletPC)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($101.93 @ Amazon)
Storage: PNY CS1311 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($74.99 @ Jet)
Video Card: XFX Radeon RX 480 8GB GTR Video Card ($279.87 @ Amazon)
Case: NZXT S340 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case ($64.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: SeaSonic 650W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($79.33 @ OutletPC)
Total: $983.57
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-01-18 00:55 EST-0500

I'm currently most concerned with the mobo since I haven't seen enough reviews on it.

Edit: I should mention I already own additional extremely storage as a short term fix to the storage weakness.

I see nothing wrong with this, the mobo is fine as well. You could potentially switch over to this years Z270 over last year's Z170 but the differences are so minimal I wouldn't worry about it.

I just got a rx480, is it worth purchasing a freesync monitor?
what does a freesync monitor do that makes it worthwhile over just a regular 1080p monitor?

Might as well, Freesync typically doesn't add much to the total price of the monitor. Basically put, Freesync is a monitor solution that removes screen tearing by syncing up the refresh rate of the monitor to the actual output of the GPU. (I'm probably partially wrong on the technical part here, but the result is minimal to no screen tearing)


Unconfirmed Member
My first PC is arriving today ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡°) so hyped. Is there a recommended app that I can use to scan for all new drivers or do I have to update each one at a time?


Is a 430 Watts CX Corsair Bronze power supply enough to overcklock a i5-2500k and powering a gtx 680 plus ssd etc...? It ran fine for years now without overcklock.

I am asking because I got a hold of shiny "new" p8p67 motherboard from asus for free.
Åesop;228594453 said:
My first PC is arriving today ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡°) so hyped. Is there a recommended app that I can use to scan for all new drivers or do I have to update each one at a time?

Your mobo manufacturer will most likely have an app for that.

A lot of the generic drivers will be installed by Windows itself.

The only driver you will need to update manually once in a while is the GPU driver, that's it.


Åesop;228594453 said:
My first PC is arriving today ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡°) so hyped. Is there a recommended app that I can use to scan for all new drivers or do I have to update each one at a time?

I like to use this website when I format my PC or just build a new one to get the latest drivers available for each component: http://www.touslesdrivers.com/index.php?v_page=29

It's in French but you just have to download and install the plugin and go to the "Mes Drivers" tab in the website.


I just got a rx480, is it worth purchasing a freesync monitor?
what does a freesync monitor do that makes it worthwhile over just a regular 1080p monitor?

Yes definitely, it works like g-sync does for Nvidia's gpus. Basically it syncs the monitors frame rate with the GPU's output to give you buttery smooth video. In other words no screen tearing.

From the website:

"PC gaming has always been a contest between GPU rendering and monitor update rates. Even solutions like ”v-sync" don't always fix jerkiness, and come with associated downsides like reduced mouse responsiveness and lower frames per second. AMD FreeSync™ technology resolves those issues, delivering perfectly smooth gameplay and peak performance."


Hi guys! I'm buying a razer core egpu case soon and wanted to know if it supports water cooling for gpus? Specifically the GTX 1070. Country of purchase is the UAE and budget is irrelevant :)


Hi guys! I'm buying a razer core egpu case soon and wanted to know if it supports water cooling for gpus? Specifically the GTX 1070. Country of purchase is the UAE and budget is irrelevant :)
Depends on a lot of factors, but most likely it won't work as expected. The device itself was made for blower cards mainly; and a water cooled GPU will most likely not fit, or give minimal benefit compared towards getting a 1080 on air instead
Cool! Thanks.

How's the overall build quality of the case in terms of sturdiness?

Was it easy to build a system into?

What kind of GPU and cooling are you using? I'm looking at probably getting a GTX1070 and I'm still deciding between closed loop water cooling for the CPU or just using air cooling, depends on how much room there is for either option.
Solid, but the side panel attached screws are a bit of a pain

Yeah, plenty of room to hide cords in the side of the machine

My 970 is open air, but there is plenty of room for water cooling both the CPU and GPU. The case isn't wide enough to support most of the tall CPU coolers like the 212 evo, etc


I'm probably gonna pull the trigger on this build:

PCPartPicker part list

CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K 4.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($344.99 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212X 82.9 CFM CPU Cooler ($39.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: MSI Z270 GAMING PRO CARBON ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($174.99 @ B&H)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($103.22 @ Amazon)
Storage: Samsung 960 Evo 250GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive ($129.99 @ B&H)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 8GB G1 Gaming Video Card ($594.99 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: Corsair 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($132.10 @ Amazon)
Total: $1520.27
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-01-18 08:55 EST-0500

I already have a case (Cooler Master Storm Enforcer) from the PC I have now.
I want to spend around 1800€, if it's less then even better.
Does anyone have some suggestions to improve the build?

I have some questions too:

1) Is it worth buying the i7 7700K and overclock it to (hopefully) reach 5GHz on air cooling or is it better to just buy the i7 6800K and the corresponding motherboard? I don't mind paying 100€ more for the CPU. If it is worth it, which motherboard (with at least 5 USB ports in the back panel) do you recommend? I tend to have 2 VM open (as I'm learning computer security) but I also think that most games will start using more threads when Ryzen releases, so maybe buying a 6-cores CPU is worth it for gaming too in the long run.

2) My case only allows GPUs with a width of 270mm but the Gigabyte GTX 1080 G1 Gaming is 280mm. Do you think it will fit or will I have to go for a smaller GTX 1080?

3) The Samsung 960 EVO is temporally not available here (Spain) so I thought of going with an Intel 600p. Will it be a substancial upgrade from a SATA Samsung 850 EVO or should I just wait for the 960 to be available? I checked the speeds of sequential R/W and random R/W and the 600p is an improvement over the 850 EVO but then the speeds of the 950 EVO are a major update over the 600p.

4) I sticked with the RAM at 3000MHz because I think I read somewhere that it's better when it comes to overclocking but I'm not sure. Should I go for the 3200Mhz even if I intend to push the CPU a bit (would try to overclock the 7700K to 5Ghz or the 6800K to 3.6GHz).

5) I wanted to buy a Cryorg CPU fan at first but it's not available on the website I want to buy all the parts (www.pccomponentes.com), so I chose the CM Hyper 212X. Any other recommendation? Don't want it to be huge like the Noctua DH15 that doesn't let you use some RAM sticks.

Thank you and sorry for the long post...


1) Is it worth buying the i7 7700K and overclock it to (hopefully) reach 5GHz on air cooling or is it better to just buy the i7 6800K and the corresponding motherboard? I don't mind paying 100€ more for the CPU. If it is worth it, which motherboard (with at least 5 USB ports in the back panel) do you recommend? I tend to have 2 VM open (as I'm learning computer security) but I also think that most games will start using more threads when Ryzen releases, so maybe buying a 6-cores CPU is worth it for gaming too in the long run.

2) My case only allows GPUs with a width of 270mm but the Gigabyte GTX 1080 G1 Gaming is 280mm. Do you think it will fit or will I have to go for a smaller GTX 1080?

3) The Samsung 960 EVO is temporally not available here (Spain) so I thought of going with an Intel 600p. Will it be a substancial upgrade from a SATA Samsung 850 EVO or should I just wait for the 960 to be available? I checked the speeds of sequential R/W and random R/W and the 600p is an improvement over the 850 EVO but then the speeds of the 950 EVO are a major update over the 600p.

4) I sticked with the RAM at 3000MHz because I think I read somewhere that it's better when it comes to overclocking but I'm not sure. Should I go for the 3200Mhz even if I intend to push the CPU a bit (would try to overclock the 7700K to 5Ghz or the 6800K to 3.6GHz).

5) I wanted to buy a Cryorg CPU fan at first but it's not available on the website I want to buy all the parts (www.pccomponentes.com), so I chose the CM Hyper 212X. Any other recommendation? Don't want it to be huge like the Noctua DH15 that doesn't let you use some RAM sticks.

Thank you and sorry for the long post...
1)A very interesting question that's up to your own decision really. Could hold more usage in your case, but then again Ryzen might send prices on the high end market falling in a few months time. Just remember, it's going to be 6 slower cores that make a lot more heat for the CPU cooler.

2)you can remove the HDD cage and fit the GPU in, otherwise you might need to go for a shorter one.

3)600p is still wildly fast compared to SATA SSDs, sure the 960 EVO is faster but also more expensive

4)faster RAM means more heat from the CPU as the memory controller works overtime on it, about 10ish C increase on my 6700K from 21xx stock to 3200 Mhz XMP profile

5)Don't really know of any, I got some some watercooling setup for my PC which isn't half used due to the motherboard cheaping out on the voltage management


So i finally got my ram like an hour ago, and ran into a bit of an issue. I got an Asus z270 prime K Motherboard, but it doesnt recognize my asus strix 1070 gpu. No input sign, nothing shows on bios.

I've tried everything and nothing seems to work. Do i need to install windows and search for the drivers first? Shouldn't the bios recognize the device ?


So i finally got my ram like an hour ago, and ran into a bit of an issue. I got an Asus z270 prime K Motherboard, but it doesnt recognize my asus strix 1070 gpu. No input sign, nothing shows on bios.

I've tried everything and nothing seems to work. Do i need to install windows and search for the drivers first? Should the bios recognize the device ?
is the GPU powered with PCI-E cords? Do you get any video out of the GPU's ports?


DIY side panel LCD window mod! (Just sharing, I take no credit for this mod)


Check out the video on the source page.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/5ooept/pioneering_a_new_front_for_the_glorious_pc_master/


Check with different cables and ports if you haven't already. Even something that was working previously may have issues all of a sudden.

Its a brand new build. The ram just arrived today so i was just going to set everything up. I'm going to try the other pci e port to see if that fixes it.


Well the other pcie port apparently works. Does that make a difference? or will the gpu output the same power graphically no matter where it is placed?

Well tried the initial pcie port, and now it works? i did nothing lol
Well the other pcie port apparently works. Does that make a difference? or will the gpu output the same power graphically no matter where it is placed?

Well tried the initial pcie port, and now it works? i did nothing lol

Maybe it wasn't seated properly the first time around? So having moved it, now it is.
Depends on a lot of factors, but most likely it won't work as expected. The device itself was made for blower cards mainly; and a water cooled GPU will most likely not fit, or give minimal benefit compared towards getting a 1080 on air instead

Solid, but the side panel attached screws are a bit of a pain

Yeah, plenty of room to hide cords in the side of the machine

My 970 is open air, but there is plenty of room for water cooling both the CPU and GPU. The case isn't wide enough to support most of the tall CPU coolers like the 212 evo, etc

Thanks for the answers! The 240 is definitely on the table.


Cool! Thanks.

How's the overall build quality of the case in terms of sturdiness?

Was it easy to build a system into?

What kind of GPU and cooling are you using? I'm looking at probably getting a GTX1070 and I'm still deciding between closed loop water cooling for the CPU or just using air cooling, depends on how much room there is for either option.

Just wanted to add my experience with the Air 240.

Case is sturdy, but the side panels are relatively flimsy. Could be better, but at the price point the case it's at I wasn't expecting anything amazing. They could line up a bit better maybe.

I'm using an H100i on the front with a push/pull config for the cpu.. I have 2 fans on the top for exhaust. and I have an H75 mounted on the back side cooling my GPU in a Pull config. Not using the 80mm fan slot. You can fit a lot of cooling in here, considering I have 2 closed loop systems in this small case.

I Have a 6700k and 1080.


1)A very interesting question that's up to your own decision really. Could hold more usage in your case, but then again Ryzen might send prices on the high end market falling in a few months time. Just remember, it's going to be 6 slower cores that make a lot more heat for the CPU cooler.

2)you can remove the HDD cage and fit the GPU in, otherwise you might need to go for a shorter one.

3)600p is still wildly fast compared to SATA SSDs, sure the 960 EVO is faster but also more expensive

4)faster RAM means more heat from the CPU as the memory controller works overtime on it, about 10ish C increase on my 6700K from 21xx stock to 3200 Mhz XMP profile

5)Don't really know of any, I got some some watercooling setup for my PC which isn't half used due to the motherboard cheaping out on the voltage management

2) Forgot to mention that I have a 1TB HDD so I need to have the HDD cage. Will probably go for a shorter GPU.

Thaks for the help!
Has anyone here ordered any PC components through Jet.com?Just looking through places that PC Part Picker lists and want to see what other's experiences have been with them.


I can't decide between a headset or headphone/microphone. The mic quality of headsets seem bad.
Go with headphone/microphone. I recently switched from headset, and honestly should've way sooner.

Just also suggested a buddy go this way when he was looking for a new headset.
Has anyone here ordered any PC components through Jet.com?Just looking through places that PC Part Picker lists and want to see what other's experiences have been with them.

I've ordered twice and haven't had any issues. I'd buy from them again.
Go with headphone/microphone. I recently switched from headset, and honestly should've way sooner.

Just also suggested a buddy go this way when he was looking for a new headset.

I've ordered twice and haven't had any issues. I'd buy from them again.

thanks...ordered from most of the other major places before so just wanted to see what others said about them


Go with headphone/microphone. I recently switched from headset, and honestly should've way sooner.

Just also suggested a buddy go this way when he was looking for a new headset.

Ok. I already own some Bose headphones, just gonna get a Blue Yeti and I'll be done on the peripheral side of things.


My system is as follows;

CPU: Intel Core i5-6700K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor (will OC soon)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H60
Motherboard: Z170 Pro Gaming
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory (XMP at 3200mHz)
Storage: Samsung 850 Pro 256GB (Boot Drive), Samsung 830 120GB (Second drive I had lying around from an old build.)
Video Card: KFA2 GTX 1070 (Slight OC +125/300)
Case: Corsair Spec Alpha Red
Power Supply: Corsair 750W

I wanted to see what I could still do to enhance my system. Obviously the main components are set but perhaps some additional peripheral or recommendation on some extra storage for cheap (just to hold photos and videos etc). What about LED lighting for the system or a front panel control panel?


For those of you with 1440p displays, do you scale your display in Windows to 125%? After 10+ years of 1080p, I can't used to seeing everything so small on 1440p and scaling makes it feel more natural. Just curious.


My system is as follows;

CPU: Intel Core i5-6700K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor (will OC soon)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H60
Motherboard: Z170 Pro Gaming
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory (XMP at 3200mHz)
Storage: Samsung 850 Pro 256GB (Boot Drive), Samsung 830 120GB (Second drive I had lying around from an old build.)
Video Card: KFA2 GTX 1070 (Slight OC +125/300)
Case: Corsair Spec Alpha Red
Power Supply: Corsair 750W

I wanted to see what I could still do to enhance my system. Obviously the main components are set but perhaps some additional peripheral or recommendation on some extra storage for cheap (just to hold photos and videos etc). What about LED lighting for the system or a front panel control panel?

System looks solid. Maybe a Blu-ray drive, mechanical keyboard, better mouse or monitor? I think it's always good to have at least one high capacity mechanical hard drive as well.


For those of you with 1440p displays, do you scale your display in Windows to 125%? After 10+ years of 1080p, I can't used to seeing everything so small on 1440p and scaling makes it feel more natural. Just curious.

Transition was relatively easy. I tend to zoom some webpages with a lot of texts. Like GAF.
GAF is at 125%.


System looks solid. Maybe a Blu-ray drive, mechanical keyboard, better mouse or monitor? I think it's always good to have at least one high capacity mechanical hard drive as well.

M/K are
Logitech G710+
Steelseries Raw CS:GO Fade Edition

So I think I am set on those. Monitor could be better but doesn't really warrant upgrading at the moment.

I agree about the HDD though, any recommendations?


For those of you with 1440p displays, do you scale your display in Windows to 125%? After 10+ years of 1080p, I can't used to seeing everything so small on 1440p and scaling makes it feel more natural. Just curious.

depends on the size of your screen I suppose. I'm used to using 15" 1080p screen on my laptop, so when I got my 25" Dell, the recommended 125% was too big for me and I had to scale it back to 100% lol. I guess it'll be different for 25" 4k though.


For those of you with 1440p displays, do you scale your display in Windows to 125%? After 10+ years of 1080p, I can't used to seeing everything so small on 1440p and scaling makes it feel more natural. Just curious.

No scaling here. Never felt text looked too small on 1440p, smallest monitor I've used at that res was 27" though.


1)A very interesting question that's up to your own decision really. Could hold more usage in your case, but then again Ryzen might send prices on the high end market falling in a few months time. Just remember, it's going to be 6 slower cores that make a lot more heat for the CPU cooler.

2)you can remove the HDD cage and fit the GPU in, otherwise you might need to go for a shorter one.

3)600p is still wildly fast compared to SATA SSDs, sure the 960 EVO is faster but also more expensive

4)faster RAM means more heat from the CPU as the memory controller works overtime on it, about 10ish C increase on my 6700K from 21xx stock to 3200 Mhz XMP profile

5)Don't really know of any, I got some some watercooling setup for my PC which isn't half used due to the motherboard cheaping out on the voltage management

4) Likely because you used XMP which over volts VCCSA/VCCIO for a hammer and nail approach. Tweak these and temps will drop.

7700k IMC is very strong. I'm running 3000mhz 14-14-14-34 2N with 1.05v VCCSA+VCCIO. XMP would usually push this to 1.15-1.20v range. These chips should do 3400mhz without a sweat.


For those of you with 1440p displays, do you scale your display in Windows to 125%? After 10+ years of 1080p, I can't used to seeing everything so small on 1440p and scaling makes it feel more natural. Just curious.

No scaling here but Windows automatically changed the scaling of apps and text to 125% when I changed my screen resolution on my main monitor. The secondary monitor is at 1080p and stays at 100%.
Also noticed than when using resolutions above 1080p, Windows changes the font type to a much more crisp font. Looking at apps in my secondary monitor now they just seem blurry.

4) Likely because you used XMP which over volts VCCSA/VCCIO for a hammer and nail approach. Tweak these and temps will drop.

7700k IMC is very strong. I'm running 3000mhz 14-14-14-34 2N with 1.05v VCCSA+VCCIO. XMP would usually push this to 1.15-1.20v range. These chips should do 3400mhz without a sweat.

Thanks for the info!


The CPU support list of the H170 mobo I've ordered has KabyLake... I thought I would need H270 for KabyLake?

Edit: I've cancelled my i5-6600 order and ordered the i5-7500 instead. £10 cheaper and it will arrive 1 week quicker. There has been some misinformation in this thread on needing 2xx mobo series for KabyLake.


The CPU support list of the H170 mobo I've ordered has Kaby Lake... I thought I would need H270 for Kaby Lake?

Edit: I've cancelled my i5 6600 order and ordered the i5 7500 instead. £10 cheaper and it will arrive 1 week quicker. There has been some misinformation in this thread on needing 2xx mobo series for Kaby Lake.
make sure the bios on the board you get is the latest one or the new CPU won't work on it

EDIT: oh no you got the non-Z version of my board, be aware the board has a nasty flaw where if you put the thing on a full, hard load (video rendering, stress test, etc), it will throttle the CPU unless you get some heatsinks for the specific parts
4) Likely because you used XMP which over volts VCCSA/VCCIO for a hammer and nail approach. Tweak these and temps will drop.

7700k IMC is very strong. I'm running 3000mhz 14-14-14-34 2N with 1.05v VCCSA+VCCIO. XMP would usually push this to 1.15-1.20v range. These chips should do 3400mhz without a sweat.
That explains a lot that my motherboard couldn't, guess I can go fix that while cursing this board's confusing overclocking options
this gigabyte board has worse OC options than my cheap ass sandy bridge asrock board, just how and why. And the power supply for the CPU on the motherboard overheats on full load without any overclocking unless I go spend money for some stick on heatsinks
So to choose whether to go KabyLake or not...

Kabylake on a 170 mobo? Hmmm

It's been such a long time since I even looked at HW specs and I'm building a PC spec set for a mate.

I think I'll go KabyLake on a 270, more futureproofing yes?

Got G403 wireless mouse today.
Its just amazing mouse! Cant recommend enough!

Wireless mice are the future!

I've got a Razer Mamba (getting old now that I think about it) and it's Wireless but I never use it in Wireless mode ha... I used to but I just find it less hassle to keep it plugged in.


M/K are
Logitech G710+
Steelseries Raw CS:GO Fade Edition

So I think I am set on those. Monitor could be better but doesn't really warrant upgrading at the moment.

I agree about the HDD though, any recommendations?

Any of the HGST Deskstar NAS drives. You pay a little bit more but they are rock solid and have a stellar reputation.
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