All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Stalking is one of the leadups to violence in the work place, violence at work is the largest cause of workplace deaths for women. One employee stalking another is a major red flag, many employers treat it the same way as actual violence at work.I was with you until the bolded bit. You're okay with someone losing their fucking job and risking their livelihood over a boneheaded mistake?
I'd rather date a girl that stalked me online than a willing participant of a classic GAF dogpile thread.
Stalking is not a good thing to do in any context, stalking a coworker is not the kind of thing that managers should look upon lightly, and if somebody gets fired for doing it I'm not going to say "well why didn't you give them another chance?" Everyone knows you don't stalk people, it's not some obscure social norm.