June Wrasslin' |OT| Break Out Naan And Do The Needful, It's Time For MaharaJEEEEEZUSS


Hard to see Lonzo washing out when he's playing with Lebron James (god I hope that happens)

If James did go the Lakers, the Western Conference is the NBA league itself. The East is just...there. LOL.

Lebron going to the Lakers would ensure that the Celtics make the Finals for the next 5 straight years and that Lebron never sees a Finals again. LeBron is nuts if he jumps to the Western Conference.

Lebron signs with the Warriors instead
I like Lonzo and will be watching Laker games for the first time in several years. Can't wait to see how he adapts. His dad just knows how to play the media game and it has worked in Lonzo's favor.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
What's up WrestleeeeeeeeGAF, I'd like to thank all of you so much from the bottom of my heart, my successes are your successes I don't post for me I post for you, I didn't slay Heroman, we all slayed Heroman. This post isn't just my post it's our post.

I get angry simply seeing Lavar Ball. This guy is so disgustingly exploiting his children.

I don't know about exploiting his children, but the guy's killing it as far as media presence goes. People who don't even know the first thing about basketball know of him/BBB/his kids and I'm sure the first Lakers game with Lonzo in it will get a lot of attention.
I met FallingEdge in Ponchatoula Louisiana for a beer and the dude threw up after his first sip of Sangria. I then had to defend him against 6 bikers. Afterwards, he was so grateful he asked me to stay with him at a Motel 6 to cuddle. I was short $3 so had to refuse.

Yep, I believe you, owensisalways.

I think we need to discuss the future of FallingEdge's future in this community during our next Court session.



You can't just spend months publicly pining after Data West and then when he rejects you, immediately cast your lustful eyes in my direction.

I'm taken. By my girlfriend.

On an infrequent basis.

Data West?? I've never even hinted at enjoying that weirdo's company!



Dato's hushpuppies are delicious.

There are bad people everywhere. I don't know why. I ask God all the time. I say "God, why is it like this? Why can't people be good to each other?" And He says "child, you must go to Dato." And I say "yes, my Lord."

Dato can go Broadway every night. Trust me.

Yas, Queen Dato.

I'm dead to Bluekaveli ever since I put the kibosh on his proprosed three-way with Data West.

You could be on my family plan if you'd just settle down, Dato.

I do, Dato. I want to have a life together. A life of shared interests.

Scissor me, Dato.

Listening to a special WOR, apparently wwf is doing really bad on sky right now in the uk.

It's no longer on sky one, sky sports tv viewership has halved in the last couple of years, and obviously ppv is down a lot.

makes me wonder what sky will do when the contract is up.

Jamie OD

Listening to a special WOR, apparently wwf is doing really bad on sky right now in the uk.

It's no longer on sky one, sky sports tv viewership has halved in the last couple of years, and obviously ppv is down a lot.

makes me wonder what sky will do when the contract is up.

Premier League football rights will be up for grabs in the next year or two. How Sky handles that will effect the rest of their sports channels.


Huh, didn't know John Morrison was in that GLOW Netflix show. I suppose after Boone The Bounty Hunter was amazing
ly dumb and hilarious
, that the offers have been rolling in.


Sky Sports is so fucking expensive. I'll just go to the pub and watch football/F1 races that aren't on C4.

Wouldn't be shocked if ITV put in a bid for WWE after that World of Sport bollocks failed courtesy of Jeff Jarrett.


I heard BT are hurting from all the money they paid for footy though, makes me wonder how competitive they'll be in future bids.

BT have said they are willing to make loses in order to compete with Sky, it's mad.

Sky Sports is so fucking expensive. I'll just go to the pub and watch football/F1 races that aren't on C4.

Wouldn't be shocked if ITV put in a bid for WWE after that World of Sport bollocks failed courtesy of Jeff Jarrett.

ITV are part owned by SKY...


BT have said they are willing to make loses in order to compete with Sky, it's mad.

Obviously BT have more money, but that's what Setanta Sports said as well.

So much media watching is moving away from traditional networks that I don't understand wanting to triple-down on it in 2017 and beyond.

ITV are part owned by SKY...

Yeah, but they are run very separate. They have bid against each other before.
G1 prediction and NJPW prediction.

Omega wins the title before the end of the year. Ibushi wins the G1.

Omega vs Ibushi at WK for the IWGP Heavyweight Title.


Obviously BT have more money, but that's what Setanta Sports said as well.

So much media watching is moving away from traditional networks that I don't understand wanting to triple-down on it in 2017 and beyond.

Yeah, but they are run very separate. They have bid against each other before.

Least with Sky they have Now TV etc. BT are just trying to rival Sky, while not willing to invest in better presenters etc.

So is World of Sport ever actually happening?

It dead, WWE are already signing up wrestlers from it.
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