PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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Lol don lemon went directly at Jason Miller for talking about speaking truth to power but him never doing so.

And as bad as he is...he’s still invited back to the show though sooooooo



Thanks to Cable tv and social media, our country is pretty much broken for good. People will forever live in their own tribal bubble, absorbing whatever content validates their worldview regardless of how fake it is. And others will make money on feeding that need for validation, often leaving destruction in their wake.

If it can be fixed at all it will probably take generations, if we can somehow teach enough young people to distinguish legitimate news from propaganda.



Thanks to Cable tv and social media, our country is pretty much broken for good. People will forever live in their own tribal bubble, absorbing whatever content validates their worldview regardless of how fake it is. And others will make money on feeding that need for validation, often leaving destruction in their wake.

If it can be fixed at all it will probably take generations, if we can somehow teach enough young people to distinguish legitimate news from propaganda.

I’m pretty fucking tired of social media


social media might not be the right thing to blame for polarization.

Well that at least confirms that the older generation has been brain washed by Fox News. The older generations have seen by far the most polarization.

Although.... I’m convinced that when the older generation found the internet it was a bad thing. All my relatives were able to find garbage that validates their thinking
The commercial internet is one of those technologies where the original intent was largely pure, but as it grew it's turned into a "in the hands of the wrong people" doomsday devices. Social media is an easy thing to pick on, and though I don't disagree I don't think it's inherently evil. Again, started as a novel concept for the bettering of mankind. And then smart phones happened.

Except Twitter. Fuck Twitter. That shit never made any sense from day one. Twitter was shit way before misogynists and literal Nazis weaponized it. Time machine? 1) Kill Hitler. 2) Stop 9/11. 3) Prevent Twitter from being founded.
So John Kelly is supposedly responsible for the flow of information to Trump.

But now after Kelly was caught lying about Congresswoman Wilson, the real question is who is responsible for the flow of information to Kelly?

The entire White House has succumbed to Trumpism even the supposed "paragon" generals.
Seems like the GOP expected Kelly to make a difference. It's obvious that he is not. In fact, by all appearances it seems like he is compromised. Maybe hanging around demented man baby Trump has caused him proximity dementia. Seriously, whatever thread of hope I had in Kelly being around is gone now.

Billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer launches a $10 million campaign to impeach Trump


No story attached.

edit:Found it http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/20/politics/tom-steyer-ad-impeach-trump/index.html


I always thought it was weird that people thought Trump would listen to Kelly — it seemed to me that Trump likes military people because they follow orders.
Btw, anybody else think Pompeo (Trump appointed CIA Director) won't survive past Trump's presidency? It's pretty clear he's a Trump stooge. When the day of reckoning happens on this White House (whether via impeachment or elections), I don't see how Pompeo survives.
I always thought it was weird that people thought Trump would listen to Kelly — it seemed to me that Trump likes military people because they follow orders.

I think the strangest part of this presidency is the amount of people who have ruined their reputations and possibly compromised themselves legally to please trump for an hour. It's baffling.

What did Kelly gain by lying the other day? Nothing, he ruined his reputation for no reason.


Unconfirmed Member
Still waiting on alien #Disclosure

That needed to come prior to this administration. You know the current one would insert all kids of lies and propaganda like "The aliens visited us and said that the world has never seen a President as great as Trump!"
Wonder why his approval ratings might be slipping on Gallup.

Normally I’d be annoyed this story is getting such play over the Niger stuff being so botched, but the stories are intertwined so it’s all good.

I mean, it’s fucking horrible overall, but just in that one aspect.


Like no brown people were cowboys back in the day.

Though popularly considered American, the traditional cowboy began with the Spanish tradition, which evolved further in what today is Mexico and the Southwestern United States into the vaquero of northern Mexico and the charro of the Jalisco and Michoacán regions. While most hacendados (ranch owners) were ethnically Spanish criollos,[22] many early vaqueros were Native Americans trained to work for the Spanish missions in caring for the mission herds.[23] Vaqueros went north with livestock. In 1598, Don Juan de Oñate sent an expedition across the Rio Grande into New Mexico, bringing along 7000 head of cattle. From this beginning, vaqueros of mestizo heritage drove cattle from New Mexico and later Texas to Mexico City.[24] Mexican traditions spread both South and North, influencing equestrian traditions from Argentina to Canada.


18th century soldado de cuera in colonial Mexico


Vaqueros in California, circa 1830s

Sorry Texas, you didn't come up with the Cowboy
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