DriveClubs shutdown/lack of Pro patch is this gens biggest disappointment


There have been quite a few moments this gen that I’ve been blown away by what I’m seeing on the screen, graphically speaking.

My first “next gen” game Battlefield 4 and seeing the weather effects on paracel storm map. The first time I saw infamous second son and the lighting / how Seattle looked and the neon effects. The order 1886 and the materials/lighting, etc etc

Recently I finally got a 4K HDR tv and bought God of War and this game/tv is a revelation. Feels like next gen compared to early ps4 games

That said, nothing has blown my mind more than Driveclub in terms of lighting, clouds, weather effect and time of day stuff. Aesthetically it’s still a Gorgeous game but no doubt it could greatly use a pro patch to 4K, and could you imagine what the lighting would look like with HDR?!

I know the launch was messed up but I loved the game from day one and the game ended in a fantastic state with great content and quality of life improvements

It’s a shame to think how much better and immersive it could be and we will never see it

Btw I do own gran turismo sport but haven’t played since the new TV. Does hdr and 4K change a lot with that game?

Fox Mulder

It's my favorite racing game this generation. It's not getting servers shut down until next year, it had a long run.

It is a shame we never got a sequel, a PS4 motorstorm, or even a ps pro patch before Sony kicked Evolution to the curb, but they also failed at Codemasters with OnRush. Just how it goes sometimes.

The arcade racing genre is pretty bare these days and I just don't like Forza Horizon anymore with how little challenge it actually has.
I really liked it and it would look amazing with a Pro patch.

That being said the shutdown makes perfect sense from a business perspective.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
I hate sony soo much for this, its one of the best looking games on PS4 but the iq is soo bad on a 4k tv compared to other games that got a PRO patch. If they just patch it to 1800p CB and 16xAF it could done wonders to this game. Really sad to see it go down like this, the potential the second game had. I get mad even thinking bout it pff :messenger_unamused:


Gold Member
Yep. Ps4 has been my main platform this gen and generally I've found some of the recent negative threads about Sony a bit hyperbolic.

But this definitely sucks. Some cool earlier games like Bloodborne and Driveclub not getting Pro support really sucked and it's one of the elements which makes the pro look like a half assed upgrade.

And then the complete desliting of Driveclub as well as the server shutdowns are not just concerning for the all digital future of games, they also make Ps+ look bad. We have third party devs supporting online servers for last gen games but Sony can't be bothered to do the same with current gen ones despite asking for $60 a year
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Nobody plays the game online so it needs to be shutdown.

I played a bit of it from the free version but get bored fast while I continue to play GTS at least twice per week... so I don't see these quality most here see in DriveClub, I really didn't find anything that catch me when I played it and I'm one of these that things GTS graphics are better than DriverClub plus it plays at 60fps.


All the driveclub saga is unbelievable. Delays, confusion over the free for plus sku, paid sku, servers, performance, and evolution studios demise. Great looking game, horrible...everything else.
All the driveclub saga is unbelievable. Delays, confusion over the free for plus sku, paid sku, servers, performance, and evolution studios demise. Great looking game, horrible...everything else.
Yeah. I would buy it if it were a complete game on disc... But no.


All the driveclub saga is unbelievable. Delays, confusion over the free for plus sku, paid sku, servers, performance, and evolution studios demise. Great looking game, horrible...everything else.
You seem to be pretty blinded by all the fuzz surrounding this game.

The game started from the deepest bottom, but made its way up to god tier racing game.
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Driveclub need a Pro Patch and VR support or the Bikes extension.

And Bloodborne needs a Pro Patch, too.

Not doing either were Sonys biggest mistakes this gen from my perspective.
In the context of this thread, that game and Bloodborne for me, even though I don't own a Pro. I would love to see DC running at 60FPS, and considering it is a rock solid 30, they could have probably squeezed out a 1080/60 mode on the Pro along with higher fidelity options at 30fps.

Was there ever an official statement on why BB never got Pro love?


You seem to be pretty blinded by all the fuzz surrounding this game.

The game started from the deepest bottom, but made its way up to god tier racing game.
No fuzz. Are you going to deny the fact that it was heavily delayed? it was offered as a plus game, delayed, then there was a different sku on stores. The dev is now gone, and the game will be, soon. What fuzz are you talking?
I played it. It looks incredible, even for 30 fps, it looks so good that 30 fps doesn't bother me.

I actually defend the game cause it tried some new things, but it was clear that the developments wasnt smooth at all.


Neo Member
CPU wise PS4 Pro and Normal version are very similar, so i would not be so sure it can hit locked 60 FPS


Gold Member
Shutting down Evolution was a huge mistake. Sure I didn’t buy DriveClub because it’s not my type of game but had they made a new Motorstorm I would have been there day one.


You'd think with all the money that Sony is making from PS+ it could afford to leave a few servers dedicated to Drive Club and Gravity Rush 2. Given the number of players, the cost couldn't be that great. It seems unnecessarily petty on Sony's part, combined with a lack of concern about the legacy of these games.


You'd think with all the money that Sony is making from PS+ it could afford to leave a few servers dedicated to Drive Club and Gravity Rush 2. Given the number of players, the cost couldn't be that great. It seems unnecessarily petty on Sony's part, combined with a lack of concern about the legacy of these games.
Are you sure there are people playing these games online?

Fox Mulder

Shutting down Evolution was a huge mistake. Sure I didn’t buy DriveClub because it’s not my type of game but had they made a new Motorstorm I would have been there day one.

A PS4 Motorstorm could have been a slam dunk, but it might also not have been entirely up to Sony. Maybe Sony and Evolution weren't getting along with Driveclub struggling. Evolution couldn't make a successful game at Codemasters either by going for an odd racing game with OnRush.


Gold Member
You'd think with all the money that Sony is making from PS+ it could afford to leave a few servers dedicated to Drive Club and Gravity Rush 2. Given the number of players, the cost couldn't be that great. It seems unnecessarily petty on Sony's part, combined with a lack of concern about the legacy of these games.

I just platted DC recently, nobody plays it online really anymore. The game was really built for offline play, with a network connection through challenges send to one another to beat "ghost data" etc., locally.

The online element was novelty. I love the game, but nobody is really vs. online racing in it, they are all in GTS. Still have until 2020, but by then, people will have moved on even more with the cusp of next gen. Gravity Rush 2, even more dismal.
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Codes 208

Was there ever an official statement on why BB never got Pro love?
I’m guessing the game came too early and the time needed for a patch just made it redundant. Same goes for DS2:SotFS and DS3. Seems a lot of developers just have a cut off point. Unless they announce BB2 and want to shoot up sales for BB why go back?
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We've discussed this a few times before, it's unfortunate what happened to DC and EVO, but it is what it is......Maybe Sony wants to hold back till next gen to do a 4k 60fps remaster of DC, or perhaps even for Bloodborne......It's business, I think more folks after spending some time not playing BB, will lose their stuff if they announce a 60fps 4k remaster with graphical improvements, CA off/on toggle, better AA and AF...for PS5, I guess they need to hold back some stuff for the remaster treatment next gen....


It's insane how Sony treated them compared to how much crap other studios got away with, damn British development studios, always the first to get cut. You'd think Sony would put in some small work somewhere to at least make sure all major first party games got a PS5 patch as it would generate so much goodwill for them and entice new comers to buy the games.


Yeah, this one really stings. It seemed like the studio closure cut off just as a beautiful 1440p/4K version of DC would have been possible. Of course, Driveclub remains a wonderful looking game for its time (still, in some ways), with tons of content, and a lot of fun, but it feels like a missed opportunity.

I’m glad we still got VR as a goodbye, but I find myself frustrated with everything about how Sony handled the studio and game.

I feel like we could have seen years of great work from them. Onrush never looked like a particularly interesting game, but that could be down to switching companies, losing staff, publisher direction, all of which didn’t have to happen.


It's insane how Sony treated them compared to how much crap other studios got away with, damn British development studios, always the first to get cut. You'd think Sony would put in some small work somewhere to at least make sure all major first party games got a PS5 patch as it would generate so much goodwill for them and entice new comers to buy the games.
It's prob very expensive keeping a dev team in the UK.

Would have loved to seen them kept on but the drive club launch was a disaster even after a long delay. Motorstorm was peak evolution though. What a launch title for 2006!


Gold Member
It's prob very expensive keeping a dev team in the UK.

Its no more expensive than many of the other places Sony keep studios going, but it is all part of the Sony narrative of not giving two flying fucks about anyone or anything outside of the Japan & US markets.


Driveclub was such a better game than granturismo 4 upwards
GT 4 was my last GT I enjoyed every moment
GT is only about recycling assets and releasing full price
That's why I went to play Forza such a better game than GT
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My favorite racing game last gen. At least after all the patches and expansions. If it was released in that complete state, it would've been an all time classic. The launch was unfortunately fucked up real bad.


What even did DC do that was so wrong? I’ve never heard anything but praise for the game.

It got bad press at the beginning and sold bad. Renewing the car licenses was to expansive for Sony, so they dropped the PSN version.

I agree that DC was by far the best racer on last gen consoles. It had everything I wished for, apart from 60fps support. DC just nailed it.

Forza Horizon comes next, because the sim-racers this gen somehow disappointed me. I have high hopes for GT7 though, because of the comeback of GT mode.


Given another chance
I find it baffling that Evolution was let go in the 1st place.
OK Driveclub didn’t release in a good state to begin with, but their successes with the Motorstorm series should have indicated a return to said series.
To think we will get neither a DC nor a Motorstorm with technologies founded on the new power PS5 provides is rather sad and a missed opportunity.
Evolution Studios refused to make their racing games 60 fps. I don't think the problem is with Sony.

The Motorstorm games ran at what felt like 15 or 20 fps, which was completely unacceptable for a racing game. Driveclub was I suppose better at a pretty consistent 30 fps but when the main competitors are at 60 fps I still have no idea what they were thinking.
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