Gifted? Suuuuure.
Actually if someone gifted it to her they must really hate her...
I totally believe someone gifted her the game. The fact that she would play it says all there is to say about her.
Gifted? Suuuuure.
Actually if someone gifted it to her they must really hate her...
Sex or Cyberpunk 2077
What a choice to be left with!
You should never allow people who routinely dehumanize others in your forum. They'll scare off others posters and turn it into a radical hell hole. Happens every time. You need moderation to keep them in line or ban them.
Honestly yes. I’d rather people be transparent about who they are and call them the fuck out when they exhibit racist/homophobic/sexist behavior than create an online bubble where I can pretend it doesn't exist. And if they’re just trolling - I put em on ignore.
It's largely for arbitrary reasons/poor, albeit isolated marketing decisions on CDPR's part. The game really isn't that problematic. It just doesn't entirely align with some people's expectations and that's okay. Now, ResetEra likes to hyperbolize over stuff like that, and they like to infantilize trans people so the users over at "TransEra" many of whom likely aren't trans irl, took over the website because they didn't like the positive media reception of the game..Wow what is happening? Why is resetera losing their mind over cyberpunk 2077? Doesn’t that game have more LGBTQ support over any game out there? Sorry I haven’t kept up. I know you can create a non binary character as the MC in that game. That alone is more progressive than any video game media out there.
It doesn't instantly max level your character and change all the dialogue to be about how brave you are to be trans non-binary otherkin every other footstep so it's a transphobic step backwards rather than a representation step forwards.Wow what is happening? Why is resetera losing their mind over cyberpunk 2077? Doesn’t that game have more LGBTQ support over any game out there? Sorry I haven’t kept up. I know you can create a non binary character as the MC in that game. That alone is more progressive than any video game media out there.
I'm not entirely supportive of GoFundMe either but it's an unfortunate consequence of having no universal healthcare that doesn't care gender affirmation surgery.Legit question but why are there trans people asking for gofundme, sometimes I assume it’s just to support their surgery?? Sometimes it comes out as selfish and very “the world should revolve around me”.
I mean wouldn’t it better to donate to UNICEF organization or for those who are actually marginalized, cannot work enough to treat a dangerous illness of a relative (or for themselves), and victims of disasters?
I really dislike the mentality of “me” rather than “us”.
Holy shit, that's the dude that was putting down the trans game reviewer on twitter. I figured it was just a twitter nut who was acting like the people REEEEEERA but it was actually a REEEE memeber.![]()
this sounds familiar to a previous event involving the community but I can't quite put my finger on it...
I found a picture of this beautiful lady...Its fucking wild
CDPR is a transphobic company. It's time we stop making excuses for them.
I know everyone wants to know more about what happened with that dude, but I want to make a suggestion: let's keep this thread focused on what we should do for TransEra moving forward. They don't deserve this thread becoming mostly a discussion about someone who constantly disrespected them and...www.resetera.com
?I HIGHLY doubt that’s real. If it is - that actually is pretty disappointing.
If someone routinely does it I can understand that - I don’t know a lot about internet communities but the main issue you run into is the criteria for dehumanizing and who it applies and doesn’t apply to. Resetera was clearly okay with dehumanizing anyone who was center or right of center politically. You can say that’s not an inherent part of a person, it’s a choice, but people have different value systems and often if you take the time to actually discuss it, it may not be that conversation, or the next or the next, but many people change their minds after a while of being made aware of a problematic behavior in a non-hostile way. I know era was completely against this attitude but let’s look at the evidence presented in this thread. The site was full of actual morons. They are actually dumb enough to believe a random dude named black chamber came in and ripped apart their community through hyping up cyberpunk 2077. Like I’m talking big time dumb.
I'd rather people be transparant too, but if nothing gets people banned on a large forum I wonder how things will turn out when people call someone out for being racist for example and they don't leave and keep spouting nonsense. Definitely seen some weird forums over the years. That's why a some basic rules are fine as long as you don't overcomplicate things like Era, the rules over there are flexible and convoluted.
I'm not entirely supportive of GoFundMe either but it's an unfortunate consequence of having no universal healthcare that doesn't care gender affirmation surgery.
GotchaThat cyberpunk post calling reseteraf**ts - sorry should have made a break after that in text, the rest is dedicated to your situation which is clearly hilariously not true.
"ableist as fuck..."![]()
Game Informer: Cyberpunk 2077 Epileptic PSA
Seems like people who are prone to seizure due to flashing lights should be careful playing Cyberpunk 2077. It even includes a certain flashing light pattern very close to a pattern doctors use to trigger seizure on purpose. Be warned...www.resetera.com
That's a whole other aspect of this story.
I feel that her playing the game completely invalidates her sticky thread; as well as her motivations for making that thread. She says that she was "gifted" a code, because she doesn't want to support CD Projekt Red. Well, the person that bought that code for her gave their money to CD Projekt Red, thus her "gifted" copy is still supporting them.
It's hypocrisy at it's finest and I really feel it invalidates her entire crusade. I see right through it![]()
"ableist as fuck..."
I've seen that movie
Handed over a code of the game by a loyal servant
Her trans loyalist sacrificing their account to post your PM with Kyuuji
As for you, well we know how that went don't we
Wow what is happening? Why is resetera losing their mind over cyberpunk 2077? Doesn’t that game have more LGBTQ support over any game out there? Sorry I haven’t kept up. I know you can create a non binary character as the MC in that game. That alone is more progressive than any video game media out there.
That's a whole other aspect of this story.
I feel that her playing the game completely invalidates her sticky thread; as well as her motivations for making that thread. She says that she was "gifted" a code, because she doesn't want to support CD Projekt Red. Well, the person that bought that code for her gave their money to CD Projekt Red, thus her "gifted" copy is still supporting them.
It's hypocrisy at it's finest and I really feel it invalidates her entire crusade. I see right through it![]()
Game Informer: Cyberpunk 2077 Epileptic PSA
Seems like people who are prone to seizure due to flashing lights should be careful playing Cyberpunk 2077. It even includes a certain flashing light pattern very close to a pattern doctors use to trigger seizure on purpose. Be warned...www.resetera.com
Much like their made up killing of trans people, epilepsy is also not a fatal condition.![]()
Is the answer "nazi chuds"?
I thought that was the purpose of the transphobia... everyone was saying...
Is the answer "nazi chuds"?
It's hilarious to see era grasp every straw for a reason to hate on this game. Any time you load up a game, I'm pretty sure there is a seizure warning.
It's straw grasping bullshit. This has been around, and there is a huge probability that Cyberpunk has a warning about it.
Here are tons of games that are not seizure friendly according to a site that documents games. If they're so upset, go after these games too. But they won't, they have to grasp any straw against this game.
BOTW, an era favorite game is on the list.
I think so too.She's literally using the excuse ''for research purposes'', it's like she's pulling a meme.
I think she always was planning to play the game, she probably expected CDPR to cave with all her narcissistic screeching on Era but seeing as that didn't happen she had to pull out that bs excuse.
I think so too.
She was always posting in my Cyberpunk threads - sometimes snarkily and negatively criticising the game, sometimes just to troll and derail and surprisingly...sometimes just to talk about the game [Which I think was a front - the real "Trojan Horse" in this scenario].
It even seemed like at times she was actually excited for it; which I found really strange. Then I heard that she was planning on playing it; which went totally against the crusade she started there against it - so I decided to call her out to see what her real intentions were. I asked her what she was the most excited about in the game and as expected, she began with the transphobia issues she expected to see...but then she went into a few things that sounded suspiciously like hype that she had failed to mask properly.
Either way, I thought we were breaking the ice and finding common ground; but that was not to be, as she was plotting my demise the entrie time and after I was banned, she questioned why I called her out and said it made her uncomfortable.![]()
Warning: cyberpunk 2077 gives deep vein thrombosis, killing players that stay seated for hours playing and enjoying a videogame
fucking vile!