So yeah, here's something different, but I feel like this is the right place to post it.
I'm afraid I fucked up a friendship pretty bad and it feels really bad. So, first things first, I met this girl at a party a few months back and we hit it off pretty good. She said she wasn't interested in my sexually and I was okay with that, since I'm not actively searching for love or something. Anyway, we kept talking on the party and the day after I added her on Facebook and since then we were chatting/playing games (she's a huge Age of Empires fan) just about every day. I really started to like her and started to care for her deeply. Of course I knew she wasn't interested in me, so I didn't try anything aside from some joke-flirtations.
Anyway, flashforward to a week back. We were going to the filming of a Dutch talk show and I offered to go and have dinner somewhere beforehand. She agreed and that evening we went to the Burger King (very classy, I know). That's where things started to go wrong, because I had no control over myself and started acting really annoying halfway through and this went on throughout the evening/night. I kept hanging around here and the day after she complained about me not giving her enough space. I apologized and everything seemed okay, but I noticed her attitude towards me had changed considerably. Her reactions were cold and our conversations weren't quite as lively as they were before. I could sense there was something about to go wrong... and that happened yesterday.
I was just talking to her about a party next tuesday to which we're going. I offered to get something to eat like the last time (again, Burger King), but she refuses. Then I made the big mistake of asking her why and she just flipped. She said that I have to look for someone else to pass the time with, because she's supposedly sick of being used by me as a time-waster. I tell her that isn't true and that I would never treat a friend that way. And that was it for her. She started ranting about what we have isn't friendship and said that while she thinks I'm nice, she would never want to be friends with me. Which struck me as quite odd.
Then she said she was going to sleep, but I noticed that she was just using this as an excuse to stop talking to me, so I confronted her about it, which lead to her saying that I'm acting like a girl and that I should just leave her alone and after that she went on full ignore-mode. This only got worse when she messaged her ex some time later that he should say to me (through Facebook) that "I should leave her alone forever and that she never liked me to start with".
Het ex kept assuring me that she's just like that sometimes and that she will probably calm down in a few days, but I feel really bad about it. As I said, I care for her a lot and I'm already quite fragile emotion-wise, so this hurt me quite bad. Hell, I could hardly sleep last night. What do you guys suppose I should do? Shall I just wait it out and see if I can talk to her again in a few days? Or should I just try to forget all about her?