Yeah, you asked for real yuri, and so I supplied it.
Anyway, simoun is good, Mai-Hime is a bit infamous for it's ending, but there's lots of yuri teasing, I don't know if I would personally recommend it, but if you want to give it a try, go ahead!and one instance of yuri rape
Now you're making me iffy on Mai-Hime (
the "infamous ending", not the yuri rape lol
It's the best kind of yuri after all.
Oh yeah, Taishou Baseball Girls has 1920s yuri. Watch that, SDBurton!
Sports yuri? I'll check it out!
You guys are just stuffing that man's mouth full of "yuri"!
And he's still not stuffed!
It's like a thirst that can never be quenched!
Simoun 01

Within the first 5 minutes we're already off to great start! Jokes aside the first episode was really cool. Looks like I'll be introduced to a diverse and colorful cast of characters in the next few episodes. What weirded me out though were
the older women who I guess decided to become guys? I thought they were going to remain looking like a girl but just have a penis. Hahaha. Here I was thinking there was going to be some futa action.