We aren't too keen on utter buffoons?
Well I do not care for Europeans who display elitism(not saying all do it may very well just be a few)...
I love how so many people call Romney dumb because he is a Republican...
I am a Republican, I can admit President Obama who went to harvard is far smarter than me as most democratic and Republican politicians are smarter than me. I do not why people question President Bush's intellect (guess they fell for that act of his) or Romney's intellect.
Of course though when President Obama talks about his economic policies being inspired by Jesus he is called a secret athiest but every Republican politician is a gun toting, god fearing bigot though right?
President Obama is not even really a liberal President imo and the hypocrisy on the right and the left in regards to his Presidency in this nation is astounding.
I mean he was given the nobel peace prize for basically continuing Bush's policies that were shrieked about as being akin to Adolf Hitlers by some while the right suddenly is upset with President Obama's spending.