There was a picture linked in IRC of a girl puking on a cat but the way it was drawn was really adorable to me. It was gross but still looked so cute with the cats reaction to it.
I think you're long overdue for some very serious soul-searching.
There was a picture linked in IRC of a girl puking on a cat but the way it was drawn was really adorable to me. It was gross but still looked so cute with the cats reaction to it.
I detected that "One more time, One more chance" was posted. Linking to the acoustic version:
I dont even know what to say
Be glad you don't visit IRC?
I think you're long overdue for some very serious soul-searching.
Oh my god, the dude in the yellow shirt right around 1:47.I like how one of the links related to it is the song that will make you feel worse if you listen to it while feeling bad.
Fine, I get it. you guys want to see it.
Be glad you don't visit IRC?
You need a break Cajun.
That's not cute, you have just a weird fetish.
that's kinda moeFine, I get it. you guys want to see it.
You need a break Cajun.
That's not cute, you have just a weird fetish.
Cap Tylor 5
ooh sexy nurse spy. Am starting to dig the crew. a good mix of folks.
That poor cat.
Well if it has the TeamSD seal of approval then I'm putting it on the list.Gokujo - 01
So, another show that had 'yuri' as one of its tags.
This show even gave me a full on lesbian who gets nosebleeds at anything yuri related. Thank you whoever responsible! Thaaaaaank yooooooou!
Apparently I ooze Britishness so I really can't hide it. Probably like how people realise I'm a Nintendo fan in real life even if I never mention it.We are all Anonymous.
I just assume everyone is male because I'm living in a 90s stereotypical world wide web.Sure, but it's the unfortunate truth that the English language is not equipped to handle gender ambiguity. You've got to be a he or a she, and people pick one based what can be deduced or assumed.
Perhaps online but that's not what I see when I look through the gender is alien penguin catgirl.
thats all you need to know.
Oh so you were participating in Real Pic July after all.But I am Yui
I was that shadow in the window looking at all the people below.I was a bear for last Halloween.
Medical eyepatches only. Sorry.Hmm, I think I have a pirate eyepatch somewhere. Those are moe, right?
Hmmm. Looking at my previous avatars I must have come off as a bit of a nutter.I just assume everyone is their avatar.
Well I started the whole TeamSD thing. Guess you can blame me.No! I'm actually a lesbian ;~;
Are you telling me you didn't see AKB0048 or you just want to rewatch the glory of it all over again? I certainly hope it is the latter otherwise I may have to start using TeamBillie.*yuri sense tingling*
Is this yuri I see?!
*adds to list*
If that's the case then its one studio decision I approve of.So, did Kawamori always intend for their to be more yuri undertones or did the studio slap them in there because they thought it would drive sales?
I always read this is the voice of the late great Sir Jimmy Savile.If someone wants suffering they should watch Now and Then, Here and There.
I wonder how they plan to fit the entire story of P3 into a movie. Nevermind, it just gets me a bit depressed to think about it.
That truck looks so much better than the CG one in Penguin Drum.
give it a few years and it just won't be Vehicles and Crowds that are consumed by the forever expanding shitty CG beastThat truck looks so much better than the CG one in Penguin Drum.
still not as bad as this monstrosity.
Hayate no Gotoku! - 27-28
In the words of Norio Wakamoto this episode: "Zettai unmei mokushiroku."
The second shot in particular does a great job of contrasting the bad CG with the beautifully drawn backgrounds. *21stcenturyanime.tiff*It's amazing how far backwards some aspects of anime have gone even as many other things improve.
gangsta as fuckI like how one of the links related to it is the song that will make you feel worse if you listen to it while feeling bad.
First anime character art for Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA:
There are so many variations of Rin's character appearance that yet another one isn't much of a surprise. Prisma Illya and Prisma Miyu are wearing their Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA 2wei costumes, which hopefully means they are planning to cover both the first series and 2wei. They would probably need 2 cours for that though. I wonder if they will bother with a longer series length for this. Judging from how well the first two series sold and the third series (Drei) has begun publication, I'm hoping for 2 cours.
This part of his plan was pretty obvious, but it seems there's more to it, and I really want to see how far he takes this.![]()
Freddie, you magnificent bastard!
Huh. That girl is pretty cute.
Wonzo said:that's kinda moe
captain tylor 8
you just can't kill someone with so much luck eh?
Also Swag
When Deen makes a cuter looking Ilya, you know something is wrong.