Subete no aware
Remember, the guy who wrote for the James Bond Jr. cartoon also wrote the Dragon Age movie.
Tie-ins are nothing new in YA fiction anyway.![]()
This is amazing. I can't stop laughing.Remember, the guy who wrote for the James Bond Jr. cartoon also wrote the Dragon Age movie.
oh yeah .... don't stop the music !!!
lol , this is nowhere near the worst of this year ..dakara boku wa H wa dekinai exist for example a simple example to counter this statement ( and numerous other anime such as shining hearts , mine fujiko and so on)Oh forgot to get around to this
Oda Nobuna no Yabou 1-3
Why did you guys lie and say this was good? This was probably the worst series I've seen this year. This had the laziest setup I've seen in awhile and the characters really are flat. Why would anyone think this was good for reasons other than the character designs?
Sort of want .... i still don't know anything about it ...but idol & card are a strange mix.
oda nobuna no yabou - 05
- Man, why did Hanbei have to go from a dapper priest dude to a uguu~ loli.
- You'd think that after all this time he'd have to change out of his school clothes. I wonder how much he smells. Perhaps it's the musk that draws in all the lolis.
- I think Asai is a girl. That knife gives it away.
- Oda continues to be completely useless.
- Will keep watching.
I didn't plan to but know i defintly don't want to watch the dragon age movie.Remember, the guy who wrote for the James Bond Jr. cartoon also wrote the Dragon Age movie.
Asai sound like a dude though!
MPD was a great rollercoaster ride with many cliffhanger and twists. But it's not very remarkable imo.
The first stalker arc was too long and pointless for the story, any over-the-top symbolics and unexplained plotlines.
Wait, this doesn't look like a four leafed image board. How did the text transfer from there to here?I think Kyoanus should stop adapting boring, slice of ass novels and mango and use their fucking budget for something that actually matters.
Can't call yourself a true anime fan if there isn't an episode that occurs on your birthday.Sword Art Online 5
Oh hey, this episode takes place on my 37th birthday.
iDOLM@STER being in our top 10 makes us the better half. Also Chuhayafuru lost out on some votes because many were saving it for this year's AOTY poll.Just quoting myself because I found the two pairs of results.
And special mention of #11 Chihayafuru at 81 votes due to some Idolm@ster ten-point votes of dubious sincerity.
Amazingly 9/10 are still in the top ten even though only ~50% of the voters were AnimeGAF participants. In general, the only thing that changed were the individual series rankings within the top ten.
There are a few middle episodes in MPD wasted on ancillary characters (who actually gave a shit about Yuri?)
Guilty Crown 14
Why was this episode made?!
I did! One of the weaknesses of the show for me is that Keiju and Yuri are slightly abandoned by the end, but then I guess their story arc is pretty much finished and didn't really relate to.Kanba and Sanetoshi, except indirectly
I think Yuri's quite important to the show because she helps establish much more about. The show needed the older characters toMomoka and the fate transference spell. Also, without Yuri Ringo wouldn't get all the melodramatic Takarazuka fantasy sequences, and episode 15 is delighfully screwed up.really give us any detail on Momoka at all, especially since the Oginome parents are such minor characters
Arguably Yuri is handled better than Masako, IMO.
Guilty Crown
The story started off with a lot a cliches and wasn't anything amazing, but it wasn't bad either. It seemed like a typical show, then came part 2. The whole segment of the show with the students trying to survive the red line was bullshit and made me want to punch things. WHY DO THAT? It did't provide anything to the story besides showing how being a dick is bad and friendship is the key to winning. If they took out that entire chuck of story it would make almost no difference in the long run. Then came the endgame, at least it was better than CG's ending. Yeah it was pretty typical and there were no surprises but at least they didn't spend 5 episodes making characters do stupid stuff for no reason. The end was a pretty average ending, but super nice buddy scientist didn't need to die saving Daryl, and I don't get how Shu loses his sight afterwards.
How can you dislike friendship powerThat was one of the best things done in this.
I believe Shu lost his sight since he took in everything from Inori, she had already lost her sight in the final episode or the one before it. Just like how he can take in the virus cancer too.
not even Eden of the East?
Yes I would argue Nathan Drake is better than Indiana Jones. It's an easy argument too.
I don't understand why you'd watch an anime about cars that features awful CG cars.
so this is what you consider a masterpiece, then?
Boy do I have good news for you
Main cast for the Chūnibyō show:
- Maaya Uchida (Rea Sanka in Sankarea) as Rikka Takanashi
- Chinatsu Akasaki (Yasuna in Kill Me Baby) as Shinka Nibutani
- Azumi Asakura (Yukiho Hagiwara in Idolm@ster) as Kumin Tsuyuri
- Sumire Uesaka (Sora Takanashi in PapaKiki) as Sanae Dekomori
Hahaha. No. Nathan Drake reminds me of Nathan Fillion in Firefly which I think was Naughty Dog's intention sort of, but Indiana Jones is classic. You cant top Harrison Ford.
Sora No Woto 7
Well, the ED really killed the mood on this episode.
I'm still not a fan of Filicia's pretence of being an air-head, but she got some much needed screentime this episode to build her up. I wonder what significance Noel being the only one not to light a lantern might have. Also, it seems Rio has a very interesting background...
Hyouka - 16
- Being Mayaka is suffering. Show as usual replete with careful direction (blotting napkin, blotched paper in tune with her struggling to maintain composure, etc, etc), this time in an immediately sympathetic situation.
- What's nice is the feeling of cohesion, how everything is coming together, not too shabby considering the way this festival started. It's always a pleasure seeing a well-planned story unfold.
[*]Satoshi's envy and fascination re: Oreki coming to a head. I guess it's been a long time coming. Or maybe he's just coming out of the closet.- Dead eyes Chitanda is the best moe. This arc has done wonders for her likability--works wonderfully well as comic relief, but then displays reassuring competence in episode fourteen at the cooking contest. It makes her feel like something more than just a magic purple curiosity machine.
This arc is teh best.
Mal is also a better character than Solo but people are going to put on their nostalgia glasses and go 'lol'. Just because somebody is the first or most iconic doesn't make them the best.
E7 is anything but average. Sure it's not the greatest thing in the world but to call it average? That's almost insulting.
Muv-Luv Total Eclipse 6-
So how did we end up going from people getting their faces chewed off to beach hijinks? I mean I know this was based off an ero VN but come on. Those first two episodes were entirely misleading. I mean there seriously feels like a strong disconnect.
Hosoda's Wolf Children continues to power through the Japanese box office. It is #3 this week, and the total gross has surpassed 1.5 billion yen (19 million USD). Go go go!
To put that in terms animegaf can understand, how does that compare to the K-ON Movie?
To put that in terms animegaf can understand, how does that compare to the K-ON Movie?
The K-On film grossed $21.4 million in total, and had only grossed $12 million by the end of its third week (same point in its theatrical life as Wolf Children is now). Figures taken from Box Office Mojo.
So basically - Wolf Children is doing better than K-On.
Well shit. Looking forward to popping this preview disc in more and more now.
Such a tsundere moment...
Time before the ultimate troll in 5... 4... 3.. 2.. 1
Sora No Woto 7.5
SDBurton would approve.
There's one particular episode that was pretty much pure filler and I wasn't overly fond of it. It was pretty silly. I forget which episode number it is. You'll know when you come across it.
Mal is an awesome character. Hilarious and memorable. I like the way Josh Whedon writes characters. Would I put him above Han Solo? No I wouldn't. Both are sarcastic and fun but Han Solo benefited from being in a more grandiose franchise and his character was able to do a lot more interesting things. Now if Mal was in Star Wars, he would have had the opportunity to do more cool stuff. As much as I love Firefly, its no Star Wars. Whether thats fair or not I dont really care. Nathan is definitely a weaker character than Indiana Jones. One is part of a beloved franchise, the other stars in three videogames, two of which are decent, and one of which is excellent. They really aren't very comparable.
Episode 7.5 was practically all filler, but since it was an extra episode that wasn't aired like the rest were, I don't hold that against it.
Didn't read your spoiler, cajunator, but episode 7.5 wasthey hold a practice fight with the water guns, and kanata finds out about the brewing, and there's lots of yuri.
Mal is also a better character than Solo but people are going to put on their nostalgia glasses and go 'lol'. Just because somebody is the first or most iconic doesn't make them the best.
I don't like using Box Office Mojo numbers in comparison because they have them converted to USD at the time of the yearly charts. With the fluctuating exchange rate between USD and Yen, it can create pretty inaccurate comparisons.
How much competition does the movie have? what other movies are big right now in Japan?
Mal was in a 12 episode TV series where he was the main character. Han Solo is a supporting character in a film trilogy. Mal has more development by definition. Similarly, Drake stars in 6+ hour games, while Indy stars in 90 minute movies.
Your argument seems like "they're more 'complex' so they're better", but that seems like the sort of argument that'd make Xenosaga the greatest story ever told. The quality of writing matters more than the quantity.
The last top 10 was:
1. Umizaru 4 (long-running manga adaptation about coastguards)
2. Dark Knight Rises
3. new Naruto film
4. Wolf Children
5. new Pokemon film
6. Eight Ranger (Johnny's boyband promo movie)
7. Helter Skelter (psychological thriller - manga won the Tezuka award so might be vaguely classy? A little Perfect Blue esque from the sound of things)
8. Brave
9. Spiderman
10. Nanoha movie