Next Super Smash Bros. discussion thread, Community Edition

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If I would guess what the main character reveals would be for a trailer, it'd be Ghirahim, Paper Mario, Little Mac, the AC Representative and a Namco character. But that's going by the Brawl trailer template.

I'm actually expecting less characters in this game for some reason, but with heavily improved mechanics and shit to do in general

I am doubting Ghirahim would show up. Skyward Sword was the most weakly received and worst selling of the home console 3D Zeldas. He also probably won't show up ever again in another Zelda title.

Paper Mario is possible, though he has to compete with Toad and Bowser Jr. for a Mario newcomer spot.

An Animal Crossing character is unlikely due to Sakurai and the developers of AC's feelings about the subject.
Is the scan allowed to be posted? I'd like to see it.

It's from Edge. I'll just post the relevant quote.

It was rumoured around the development time of Super Smash Bros. Melee for GameCube that Sonic would appear as an unlockable character. Edge asked Naka-san if there is any foundation to this rumour, to which he replied, "It was very close but time constraints did not allow us to continue with the idea."

Then there's a quote from Naka saying that Sonic and Mario may work or fight together soon, which probably isn't a hint towards anything since it was all the way back in 2005.
That'd be the DS version, the Wii version came out in late 2007. Pretty sure the game was at least planned/talked about at the point of that quote, if not already in development.


Maturity, bitches.
Sakurai already confirmed that Haruka from the iDOLM@STER will be the only Namco rep he is considering and that is only because she is his waifu.


Namco-Bandai could make a truly ultimate console mash up game with so many of their franchises that could rival Smash Bros if they truly wanted. I know there is that one game they are working on, but they really should go for something big with it.

One Piece
Tales of
Soul Calibur

All the other anime/manga franchises they have access too.


Namco-Bandai could make a truly ultimate console mash up game with so many of their franchises that could rival Smash Bros if they truly wanted. I know there is that one game they are working on, but they really should go for something big with it.

One Piece
Tales of
Soul Calibur

All the other anime/manga franchises they have access too.

I think something like that wouldn't be plausible, mostly because dealing with lots of different IP owners makes it increasingly harder to release anything (like Jump Superstars, which was only released in Japan because IPs were spread accross too many companies in other regions). I'm not sure who the IP holders for those franchises are in the US, though, so it might be easier to make than I think.

I'd really like it if they gave Ganondorf's current moveset to Black Shadow and came up with something more in-character for him but, sadly, it's unlikely that they'd add a second F-Zero representative when there're other, more important characters people want... unless they're planning to bring the franchise back, that is.

They might switch Lucario with a new, current-gen pokémon. Zoroark could be cool, but Pokémon X/Y will probably be out by then, so they might end up choosing a generation 6 'mon. I'd love it if they'd add Mewtwo back this time, but I guess that won't happen since 75% of pokémon characters come from generation 1.

As far as additions go, I'd love to see a castlevania character in there. Most Belmonts would probably play a bit too much like Link, though, so they could always go with a different (albeit less iconic) character such as Soma or Shanoa.

I might be okay with three or four new characters and some fixes/balances to the previous ones, such as Samus not being nerfed so much or Ness getting better range for his recovery move (why did Lucas gets longer PK thunder range, better aerial maneuverability and the rope snake?). Oh, and don't forget nerfing Meta Knight without going overboard with the changes like they did with Kirby, Pikachu and Ness from SSB64 to Melee.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
It implies that a) Lucario will be switched and b) Zoroark is still relevant. Also I find it a hilarious sentiment to switch Lucario for... Mewtwo.


It implies that a) Lucario will be switched and b) Zoroark is still relevant. Also I find it a hilarious sentiment to switch Lucario for... Mewtwo.

I guessed they had added Lucario in for Brawl mostly to promote later gens (like Roy in Melee and... eh, forget about Lucas), that's why I said they'd probably put Zoroark or some 6th gen 'mon in to do the same in Smash 4.

Mewtwo had a relatively cool moveset in Melee, but it's probably an unrelevant Pokémon nowadays. I'd rather have them add a new character over having to remake it for the next game.

Also, we should totally get character specific victory themes the next time around. It was pretty strange how Meta Knight was the only character that ended up having one in Brawl.


Toad would be the worst Mario newcomer ever. It's just a species who all look the same, and if it is a character he's generic as fuck. Besides, he's already a move.

I don't get why so many people want him in.


Toad would be the worst Mario newcomer ever. It's just a species who all look the same, and if it is a character he's generic as fuck. Besides, he's already a move.

I don't get why so many people want him in.

Then they could use Toadette! Or Toadsworth!

Sillyness aside, I'd like to see several new assist trophies (Fawful, for example) and the return of the more random pokéballs (getting pokémon according to their in-universe rarity is kind of boring).

Azure J

Toad would be the worst Mario newcomer ever. It's just a species who all look the same, and if it is a character he's generic as fuck. Besides, he's already a move.

I don't get why so many people want him in.

I want him in only if they play up the nimble power lifter angle he had going in Super Mario Bros. 2 USA. How Smash as a series still doesn't have a striker/heavy lifter/judo type is beyond me and Toad already has two attributes towards that ideal playstyle in size (nimbleness coming from small stature) and a canon ability to lift.

Daisy ranks just a bit higher up on the scale for a hypothetical 5th character from the Mario series just because I feel like it's a raindrop's chance in hell that anyone would design Toad in that manner in SSB4. That and she could also represent the Mario Land/Party/Tennis/Golf/Strikers side of things with her own move set.
Toad would be the worst Mario newcomer ever. It's just a species who all look the same, and if it is a character he's generic as fuck. Besides, he's already a move.

I don't get why so many people want him in.

They could have a Blue and Yellow Toad team with one being in a Penguin suit and the other in a Flying Squirrel suit and you can switch between the two or something.


Despite Toad's iconography and history, I can't help but feel that he's very boring and generically designed. Sure, you can design a great moveset--you can do that for ANY character--but I think even Waluigi has more wow factor than Toad. Despite that, I have no problems if he ends up as a representative in Smash, as he's somewhat relevant with the most recent game.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I'd say Toad was unique during the NES-SNES era. It's in some time during the 64 era where we see how Toad has become more of a "race".


They could have a Blue and Yellow Toad team with one being in a Penguin suit and the other in a Flying Squirrel suit and you can switch between the two or something.

Don't give them ideas.......but every time they make a hit a BAH is heard.

If there must be a taod tag team, Give me toad and toadette instead of 2 generic toads.
I said it before in this topic and I'll say it again--Toad is just about the least interesting potential newcomer ever. If we are really to the point where Toad is the next best representative for a Mario newcomer that character slot really aught to go to another franchise. Good lord.


I said it before in this topic and I'll say it again--Toad is just about the least interesting potential newcomer ever. If we are really to the point where Toad is the next best representative for a Mario newcomer that character slot really aught to go to another franchise. Good lord.

Yeah. I fully agree. If he gets in over Litte Mac, i.e. I'd probably lose some sleep over it =D
I'd prefer Toad, Toadette, Toadsworth, Blue Toad, Yellow Toad, Green Toad, Pink Toad, Baby Toad, Toadbert and Mailtoad as being the only newcomers to SSB4 over Geno or Krystal.

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As much as I hate most Geno fans, I would rather have him over Toad since he seems much more interesting. Even though Toad is way more likely (given how Geno is not really relevant these days).

But I agree with the Krystal part, one of the worst characters ever.
While we're talking about unexciting Mario newcomers I'm just gonna say, screw Waluigi.
What an awful choice that would be, I don't even dislike the character outright but he's done nothing worthy within his own series and at this point his popularity feels more like an ascended meme, so lacking in his own series that the Brawl in the Family version of the guy that basically made up a character for him (outside of the exciting traits of Luigi doppelgänger and inferior Wario made for Tennis doubles) might as well be the real deal.

To top it off the idea is that he'd represent the Mario sports games, he's only considered to represent this idea because he's done nothing else within the series. Oh actually he busted some dance moves in that one game, yeah that's his grand contribution to the series, being one of many characters in the spin off games and dancing, it's like a twisted celebration of the Mario series GC era spin off session of a million Mario parties instead of actual Mario games, maybe he could punch dice as well.
A better plan would be a trap and trickster style move set made from the ground up using various Mario items from Kart to Party to the RPGs, even then it's still Waluigi.

"Oh but Owl" I hear some cry, "he does a crotch chop in Strikers and it's outrageous!"
Well shit, lets put Triple H in the game in that case, he's been a better villain on my Nintendo consoles to boot.

I think the best Mario newcomer is no Mario newcomer, when you factor in Wario and Yoshi, hell maybe even DK and Diddy if you want to stretch the umbrella further (and i'd hate you for it )you've basically got that franchises major players in and a great representation number.


I think the best Mario newcomer is no Mario newcomer, when you factor in Wario and Yoshi, hell maybe even DK and Diddy if you want to stretch the umbrella further (and i'd hate you for it )you've basically got that franchises major players in and a great representation number.

Thumbs up.
Plus one.

Though in all seriousness, we're probably getting one.

EDIT: I wonder if a Luigi's Mansion "rep" would work King Boo or something?
I'm actually expecting less characters in this game for some reason, but with heavily improved mechanics and shit to do in general

Sakurai already said he's pretty much "hit the limit" of what's feasible when it comes to character number, so yeah, more depth and modes would be enough to make me happy. (A way to make Event Matches longer and more involved would be wonzaful.)

(Also, Palutena is really the only character that I would be utterly disappointed not to see playable.)
A better plan would be a trap and trickster style move set made from the ground up using various Mario items from Kart to Party to the RPGs, even then it's still Waluigi.

You know, a few years ago I was really into making movesets, and I made a moveset for Waluigi, and I exactly did that.
If you want I can try to find it.

As much as I hate most Geno fans, I would rather have him over Toad since he seems much more interesting.

No. Not at all. Geno is not interesting in the least.
You know what Geno does in SMRPG? He shoots his fist (cuz he's a puppet) and he summons generic star swirlies. That's all there is to it. He's basically a Star Rod with limbs.

A Toad with power-ups and moves based on the gigantic library of games he and his kin appeared in would be much more interesting than Geno ever could hope to be.

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Sakurai already said he's pretty much "hit the limit" of what's feasible when it comes to character number, so yeah, more depth and modes would be enough to make me happy. (A way to make Event Matches longer and more involved would be wonzaful.)

(Also, Palutena is really the only character that I would be utterly disappointed not to see playable.)

He also said he's looking for a change of direction... which could mean anything, honestly.

You know, a few years ago I was really into making movesets, and I made a moveset for Waluigi, and I exactly did that.
If you want I can try to find it.
Please do. I'd like to see it.

No. Not at all. Geno is not interesting in the least.
You know what Geno does in SMRPG? He shoots his fist (cuz he's a puppet) and he summons generic star swirlies. That's all there is to it.

A Toad with power-ups and moves based on the gigantic library of games he and his kin appeared in would be much more interesting than Geno ever could hope to be.

*shrugs* I guess I was just judging characters by appearance. I never played enough SMRPG to see Geno but he seemed interesting to me at least.

Toad does have potential now that I think about it... NSMB power ups would be cool I suppose. But IDK, I would still be underwhelmed if Toad is the Mario newcomer of the game. I wouldn't mind seeing both Waluigi and Toad haha
waluigi deserves to be in cool games
Wario and Waluigi partners in crime is all i'll accept, or maybe shoving him in a Wario Land or Wario Ware game.

Thumbs up.
Plus one.

Though in all seriousness, we're probably getting one.

EDIT: I wonder if a Luigi's Mansion "rep" would work King Boo or something?
I'm still a bit surprised that while Mario got FLUDD in Brawl Luigi didn't get the Poltergust, with a LM sequel coming out I wonder if they'll play that angle up more.
King Boo can't come before E.Gadd with his vacuums and bean coffee.

You know, a few years ago I was really into making movesets, and I made a moveset for Waluigi, and I exactly did that.
If you want I can try to find it.

Well there's no need to go out hunting but if you think you can find it then by all means go ahead, my mind is fixated on the chomp call right now from one of the Mario Party games as an attack.

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Wario and Waluigi partners in crime is all i'll accept, or maybe shoving him in a Wario Land or Wario Ware game.
They really should make such a game. Nintendo really needs to stop putting Waluigi in just sport games and give him the potential he has.

I'm still a bit surprised that while Mario got FLUDD in Brawl Luigi didn't get the Poltergust, with a LM sequel coming out I wonder if they'll play that angle up more.
King Boo can't come before E.Gadd with his vacuums and bean coffee.
It's really weird that they didn't do this in Brawl at all. Especially with the LM stage being present there.


I'm still a bit surprised that while Mario got FLUDD in Brawl Luigi didn't get the Poltergust, with a LM sequel coming out I wonder if they'll play that angle up more.
King Boo can't come before E.Gadd with his vacuums and bean coffee.

E. Gadd probably would have an interesting moveset, he could probably even release different ghost varieties from the vacuum as part of his moveset. And since he's an inventor, they could take liberties with various types of inventions we've "yet to see".
They really should make such a game. Nintendo really needs to stop putting Waluigi in just sport games and give him the potential he has.

It's really weird that they didn't do this in Brawl at all. Especially with the LM stage being present there.
The mainline Mario series is very odd in that they don't tend to bring in anything from the more expanded universe, even the spinoffs like Kart and Party don't reach out as much as they could.
I've always thought it a bit of a missed opportunity but I guess keeping it simple and not bogged down is the aim here.

E. Gadd probably would have an interesting moveset, he could probably even release different ghost varieties from the vacuum as part of his moveset. And since he's an inventor, they could take liberties with various types of inventions we've "yet to see".
I think he could make a nice Assist Trophy role in the grand scheme of things.
I'm sort of bummed that he never fell into the spinoff titles coming to think of it.

Wasn't hard to find. This is my take on Waluigi. If you want, you can ignore the damage/knockback/stats etc., I wouldn't pay too much attention to it.

You really went to every avenue for this moveset, even the pose for building up to a special dunk in the basketball game that makes me curse like a sailor.
It's pretty in depth as well, i'm still not sold on him as a character overall but tying in the trickster stuff with the spinoff games is a best of both worlds scenario.
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