Oh well...yeah, Lethality is pretty cool too.I mean in Awakening.
Haha, yeah! I could never ever forget the assassins.@Crewnh: Heh, you got me. Quick poster, heh?Oh well, great minds think alike.
Oh well...yeah, Lethality is pretty cool too.I mean in Awakening.
Haha, yeah! I could never ever forget the assassins.@Crewnh: Heh, you got me. Quick poster, heh?Oh well, great minds think alike.
While I like the dynamic camera angles and the extra detail for the 3d stuff I really do prefer the spirtes. Nothing anybody does in this is close to being as awesome as the critical attacks for swordmasters.
Sol and Luna? Whats that?
Sol and Luna? Whats that?
Personally, for me it's Lyn with Sol Katti.
Not necessarily. You'll level up more slowly afterwards, so you don't need to rush it unless you want quicker access to new skills.
Sol is a strike where you recover half of the damage as HP.
Luna cuts the enemy's defense in half before you strike.
Two skills (which as said, are combined into Aether, following Ike's skill in FE9 and 10). Sol hits normally but heals you for half, and Luna negates half of the enemy resistance/defense. Both (and aether) have a trigger % = to your skill rating, but are boosted by Chrom's level 15 Great Lord skill.
Man, having Aether + Ignis would absolutely destroy things if they both could go off at the same time (not sure if they can). That would make Morgan absolutely tear through everyone.
Sol: Your unit will attack the enemy with a stronger blow, and heals its HP by the same amount of damage dealt.
Luna: Your unit will attack the enemy with a blow which will negates the enemy's defense stat (not sure if in this FE title the defense is cut by half or dropped to 0, though I guess it's the former).
Her regular critical animation with a sword as a Blade Lord is cooler, imho.
I am so sick of flying units in this game. It doesn't matter if they have 50 speed, they still get one-shot by the enemy reinforcements with the silver bows.
I prefer standard attacks in Awakening to the GBA games. The battles just flow much better, without the odd "walk back to our positions" animations and the addition of many extra animations for basic attacks rather than just repeating the same one twice.
On the other hand, the game basically has no special animations for critical hits and skill uses, aside from the cut in and some extra effects, and that's a bit disappointing, I guess. Still, overall I prefer watching Awakening's battles to the ones of any previous FE. I really hope they make another game with this engine just to perfect it, kind of like FE7 took the FE6 engine pretty blatantly, didn't cut anything and added tons of improvements everywhere.
Personally, for me it's Lyn with Sol Katti.
Two skills (which as said, are combined into Aether, following Ike's skill in FE9 and 10). Sol hits normally but heals you for half, and Luna negates half of the enemy resistance/defense. Both (and aether) have a trigger % = to your skill rating, but are boosted by Chrom's level 15 Great Lord skill.
Man, having Aether + Ignis would absolutely destroy things if they both could go off at the same time (not sure if they can). That would make Morgan absolutely tear through everyone.
I do agree, the flow for this game works a lot better. Though, don't really think it matches with Radiant Dawn's battles. Those definitely had the best flow of the games, the best seen since the SNES days.
Radiant Dawn still kept some of the stiff walking animations from Path of Radiance though, which could look rather silly and slow at times, especially with the generals and soldiers. Awakening sometimes ends up with characters just "dashing" through large spaces if the enemies end up far away from them and they'll follow up with a melee attack, almost like they're flying, but that still looks much better than just slowly walking all the way like in Radiant Dawn.
Yeah, the first western released one. Cool, strong, and kind. One of my favourite characters. Lucina definitely reminds me of her.Lyn is from the FE on GBA right?
She looks like she might be cool like Lucy.
Quick question, is DLC purchased on one file accessible to all files?
Yeah, the first western released one. Cool, strong, and kind. One of my favourite characters. Lucina definitely reminds me of her.
Seeing my Kellam slide across the battle might make the battles go faster but looks completely unrealistic.
Also this.
Hahahaha, I've never seen that before but it looks amazing. Kellam is awesome.
FE7 had such amazing animations.
Great, thanks.Yep.
I don't which game started this, but I rather dislike flying units being weak against wind magic. Having high resistance and being the army's mage-killers is suppose to be Pegasus Knight's thing. Why diminish that role with them being weak to one of the three main types of (anima) magic? Also, in the Radiant games at least, wyverns were weak against lightning, which is fine since weakness to magic is suppose to be their main drawback. Strange that aspect has been lost.
Who's Kellam?
I don't which game started this, but I rather dislike flying units being weak against wind magic. Having high resistance and being the army's mage-killers is suppose to be Pegasus Knight's thing. Why diminish that role with them being weak to one of the three main types of (anima) magic? Also, in the Radiant games at least, wyverns were weak against lightning, which is fine since weakness to magic is suppose to be their main drawback. Strange that aspect has been lost.
Really I miss the magic triangle in general...they give us multiple types of "normal" magic which makes all the mages feel rather generic, but then also give us "dark" magic that's only usable by two classes and does nothing differently than the rest of the magic aside from Nosferatu? What was the point? Agreed on the pegasi weakness to wind magic as well. Yes, it makes sense, but then...what are pegasus knights supposed to be effective against? Myrmidons? It seems like they really limited their combat ability here for the sake of making them more of a support role.
I really don't like Fire Emblems that have a map and let you grind. They are impossible to balance and always end up too easy. I started playing this on hard because of this, and while I struggled at first, now I"m breezing past every story fight because I overleveled with the DLC. I think Path of Radiance handled things best, where you only had story fights, but then had bonus XP to help you catch up units that fell behind.
What should I promote Kellam to?
It's worse here because you don't even need to grind. Just playing through the optional paralogue missions will break the difficulty for the main game.
General. He becomes an impenetrable wall, watch your foes break their lances and swords and axes against him. Also their magic doesn't do shit either. He also hits hard. Kellam's way OP as a General.
Really I miss the magic triangle in general...they give us multiple types of "normal" magic which makes all the mages feel rather generic, but then also give us "dark" magic that's only usable by two classes and does nothing differently than the rest of the magic aside from Nosferatu? What was the point? Agreed on the pegasi weakness to wind magic as well. Yes, it makes sense, but then...what are pegasus knights supposed to be effective against? Myrmidons? It seems like they really limited their combat ability here for the sake of making them more of a support role.
Which FE are these from?
Which FE are these from?
Which FE are these from?
I don't which game started this, but I rather dislike flying units being weak against wind magic. Having high resistance and being the army's mage-killers is suppose to be Pegasus Knight's thing. Why diminish that role with them being weak to one of the three main types of (anima) magic? Also, in the Radiant games at least, wyverns were weak against lightning, which is fine since weakness to magic is suppose to be their main drawback. Strange that aspect has been lost.
Huh, I was looking back on it, and it seems like Wind magic was designated as effective against flying units since FE3.
So I guess it was a conscious decision to have a magic weakness for them.
Blazing Sword. The first Fire Emblem game to come to the West. I still think it had the best story. Also Lyn was a boss. She gets one game she doesn't even star in and Lightning (who is way worse) get like two or three? No justice in the world. None at all.
Huh, I was looking back on it, and it seems like Wind magic was designated as effective against flying units since FE3.
So I guess it was a conscious decision to have a magic weakness for them.
I don't see him.Remember how Kellam's face is obscured by Krom's knee in the 3DS Case?
Well, check out the official Wallpaper.
Sounds like Lucina: best character in their game, but not the star.
I really hope Awakening does get a direct sequel though.Lucina's unpaired ending is all sorts of bullshit.
Remember how Kellam's face is obscured by Krom's knee in the 3DS Case?
Well, check out the official Wallpaper.
Well let me put it this way. If you were to make a Fire Emblem with all the best and most memorable characters, odds are most of the cast would come from Blazing Sword. Lyn, Eliwood and Hector were each good enough characters to carry their own individual games. As it went, Lyn starred in the prologue (which was sort of it's own game), Eliwood was the star of normal mode and Hector starred in Hard mode (which featured a bunch of hard new maps on top of an already advanced difficulty).
After I beat Awakening on lunatic I am so going back and replaying Blazing Sword. Nintendo needs to put it on the 3DS virtual console already.