Baraka in the White House
2-Terms of Kombat
Dat soundtrack.
Workout material right there.
Workout material right there.
Whoa, nice detail. I was too busy whacking back Dwarf Gekkos it notice!I like that Mistral' becomes more unkempt and loose as the battle progresses
Remember two things:
1. Dodge attack, don't parry
2.Blade mode his back when he's healing
Makes the fight considerably easier.
Also the cutting section is optional, you can Ninja Run to dodge it all.
EDIT: How do bosses on Reveangence fair against full upgrades?
Only bad moment is when he keeps moving at a high speed, good luck figuring where he will attack with the fucked up camera.
#MGRising Xbox owners, we are happy to inform you that issues with Gray Fox DLC codes have been fixed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Wait, whaaat.Or am I reading this wrongWhere he tosses shit at you?
does anyone else practically lol every time theyhave a serious discussion about saving brains?
i am not complaining, by the way. it's ridiculous and fun.
Exactly what it says: OHKO's enemies. You upgrade it, you increase that chance. Apparently (haven't unlocked it yet) it's pretty gamebreaking.
And it's no good for getting collectables/arms since that chance = you losing your arm chance.
I like when Sam licks the blood off his sword in the first battle
First bossis basically a tutorial for parrying.Doggie
Only bad moment is when he keeps moving at a high speed, good luck figuring where he will attack with the fucked up camera.
I like when I can't do anything with my hands for days after playing because I play it for so fucking long.
Honestly, the "set piece" moments of this game are more entertaining than the recent God of War Ascension demo.
The setpieces are fantastic. The very first mission alone, my god,.lifting and throwing a Metal Gear Ray, leaping after it, and slicing it to bits with this playing in the background just about made me jizz rainbows
Edit: I started on Hard and I can't even imagine how easy Normal must be. Looking forward to unlocking the next difficulty level.
Yes, that section. It's for rewarding you with health items, and is optional.As soon as it starts, Ninja Run in a direction you have a lot of room in. When the debris is passing by, you'll get the blue-screen slowdown prompt to Blade Mode but you can just keep Ninja Running and it'll go away after a second.
I was really surprised that part takes place literally in the first five minutes.Yup, same hereAmazing introduction to the game.
You know what I don't like? That the awesome - and IMO best vocal track - "It has to be this way" track isn't the music for the fight againstand it's instead the music for the less appealingSamuel. It would have been the PERFECT song for the former.Senator
You know what I don't like? That the awesome - and IMO best vocal track - "It has to be this way" track isn't the music for the fight againstand it's instead the music for the less appealingSamuel. It would have been the PERFECT song for the former.Senator
Does that happen casually during the battle? I never noticed.
I was really surprised that part takes place literally in the first five minutes.
First bossis basically a tutorial for parrying.Doggie
Only bad moment is when he keeps moving at a high speed, good luck figuring where he will attack with the fucked up camera.
I have to say I was very disappointed in the last mission., and it's over in the blink of an eye, final boss out of nowhere.You see this massive base, and it starts off with the promise of amazing stealth elements
Relevant for every time Bey is discussed in PopGAF.
I think this game is amazing but for the life of me I can't figure out the parrying. I either screw up and don't aim at the enemy exactly or I'm stuck in an attack animation.
No. The only boss that has checkpoints in it is Mistral, and the game saves automatically between them.
I failed Mr. Coldman, if anyone wants an Inferno Armor code for the PS3 (for US PSN, I think):
The final series of bosses as well.
Those are really two separate bosses with some meaningless bullcrap inbetween.
Dat soundtrack.
Workout material right there.