Rolling Girl
But I need the health.
Well it also nets you a somewhat big chunk of damage if you get the last one to hit.
But I need the health.
Wow, no damage Sundowner run was super easy. 4/5 down. Just got the final boss.
No kidding, when I saw the Fenrirs in R-00 after getting knocked to 45%, I said "fuck this" and just sliced through the fence.
The ray battle was pretty cool, though. It was much more aggressive than usual, and unlike the previous modes (where you can initiate the sword sequence after destroying the legs and guns), I think the developers were expecting players to parry and destroy the tail, since it still had 25%+ life after destroying the guns and legs.
I've not been keeping up, so how long is the story mode on average?
Even with that stupid helicopter constantly shooting at you? I tried killing it but it was never close enough.
I seriously need a trick to get the boulder slice to work. I run out of time way too quickly and I struggle to line it up. Oh how I wish Move support was added...
But I need the health. Edit: and the extra damage that sequence dishes.
Wow, no damage Sundowner run was super easy. 4/5 down. Just got the final boss.
Thanks. I've moved the camera while also fiddling with the position. Maybe I shouldn't. Is there a VR mission that I can practice something like that? That'd be really helpful.Move the camera, I couldn't get the right position after dozens of attempts but once I read here that moving the camera helps I sliced through that shit like butter.
You can almost move the camera enough that it becomes a sideways cut instead of a diagonal one.
Heh, good luck with that one. Once he hits you during, there's a checkpoint right before the next QTE, so there's no way to restart that shit. You gotta get it all in one go after a certain point.fisticuff part
Even with that stupid helicopter constantly shooting at you? I tried killing it but it was never close enough.
I can't help but hear Viewtiful Joe's "JUST GO FOR IT!" whenever Raiden puts on his visor during boss fights.
....I feel like an idiot. How in the world did I beat the game while missing so many things!?When locked on, the right stick cycles through targets.
....I feel like an idiot. How in the world did I beat the game while missing so many things!?![]()
If it makes you feel better, none of the reviewers were doing it either.....I feel like an idiot. How in the world did I beat the game while missing so many things!?![]()
What's with the first-person view during? It's the only time in the game where it happens. Seems like there must be some sort of easter egg in there, but I haven't found one.Monsoon's speech
What's with the first-person view during? It's the only time in the game where it happens. Seems like there must be some sort of easter egg in there, but I haven't found one.Monsoon's speech
Having a shit ton of fun with the game up to this point, but now I'm having a hell of a time at the second phase of the final boss. I have no health items, and for the life of me can't beatCan anyone offer assistance on this?Armstrong due to the part where he throws debris at you that you need to cut or else you die.
My biggest problem with the game after beating it is that the second half gets really redundant. The pace is just not good. It felt like the end of an 8 bit mega man.
6. When the song vocals kick in, you'll have to parry him a bunch. Parry his left hand, then his right hand, then his legs. Don't mash parries out too fast. When his upper body is floating around, EM grenade, knock off his head, then pincer. You'll have to survive one more round of crap. After that, EM grenade+pincer should end it.
If you parry his hands and get the following counter hit to hit his body, it'll put him in zandatsu state straight up. without having to do his legs and upper body patterns
Worth going for since his hands are alot easier to handle than the following patterns
His body is at the other side of the arena at that part.
You can close the gap between the first and second hand
Generally speaking the campaign is anywhere from 8-9 hours give or take, depending on skill.
I'd give the game somewhere between a 9/10 and a 10/10. Not perfect, but pretty damn near close to it. A contender for game of the generation for me.
yeah I didn't know you could even dodge the smoke bomb lol
glad there are ways to avoid his most annoying shit. really interesting boss
Ahhh, that's almost double the time everyone has been completing it in. More like 4-5 hours to beat the campaign.
OK I haven't had any major trouble with the game until now, but the final boss is annoying the shit out of me and I can't complete it for all the wrong reasons. Another quick question:
What the hell do I do when Armstrong glows green? He recharges his health and conventional attacks aren't working for me.