To save up for a boss you can't beat I guess. Lots of people complain the last boss is too hard without nanopaste, personally didn't have a problem so depends on how much cushion you want.
edit: Another tip, if you hold the Sai for 6 seconds, it will stun on the next attack. The charge is lost if you get hit as well. This is really useful if you've run out of EM grenades and a GRAD, Gekko or Gorillais pissing you off.or Monsoon
You are correctActually I think paste heals for less on Very Hard and Revengeance. Bout' 75% if I'm not going crazy.
Can you? I'm not talking about the wreckage being thrown at you part, I'm talking about the "aim at the fists" part right at the end.
Like, the fight was over and I absolutely blew it...
*puts on hipster glasses*I don't understand how the Story Mode can be so good but the VR Missions are pure shit. They feel like a punishment to even complete, much less get the top rank in.
I lost it when the security guard at Solis was reading Hentai.
I figured. Guess I have to retry it. Oh well, the fight's so goddamn fun I don't care.
I also took a hit without noticing on Sam. Thankfully he's don't need to replay a whole chapter to get to him.
Anyone got any tips for getting no damage on (chapter 3 boss)? I have no idea how to even approach it. All the other ones I can handle.Monsoon
BTW if anyone wants to see the Gray Fox skin with the MGS1 colors play Chapter 6, the lighting looks just like it.
I lost it when the security guard at Solis was reading Hentai.
Remember you can lock onto a target with the right trigger. And whenever an enemy flashes in color, meaning they're about to attack, push in the direction of that enemy and hit attack yourself. This is how you parry, and it can be done even while taking damage or in the air (with upgrade). There is a VERY generous window of timing, where you'll go into a blocking stance, deflecting their blow, and if you time it right, doing so at the exact moment they strike, you'll even stagger them, perfect for a counter-attack.
Also remember that when you go into Blade Mode, with L1, you aim with the left stick and adjust the cutting angle with the right stick, and then release the right stick (or hit Triangle) to cut. Alternatively, simply mash X for horizontal strikes, and Y for vertical strikes. You can get through most of the game doing so. (Technically ALL of the game.)
Another cool trick -- you run with R1, so hold R1 and run at an enemy. Then, right before you hit the enemy, hit Triangle (heavy attack) to sliiiiiiiiiiide into them. This will launch them in the air, sending them flying over you as you slide under them. Hit L1 to initiate Blade Mode at this time -- you can then freely slice them as they soar overhead in slow-mo! A lot of horizontal strikes will likely hit the target containing their fuel cell, which you can then extract by hitting Circle when prompted. Fuel cells juice you up for more Blade Time! (So does simply hitting enemies.)
Those are just some starter tips, the basics that will make the game a lot of fun right from the start.![]()
EU folks , when does the Gray Fox skin unlock?
It was more like ecchi moe girls.
I don't understand how the Story Mode can be so good but the VR Missions are pure shit. They feel like a punishment to even complete, much less get the top rank in.
I have to agree. I just got to VR Mission 17 and I haven't been having as much fun as the story mode. I mean, aside from the Ninja Kill missions (which are nice because stealth kinda works in this game, even when you have zero upgrades) the rest are just either plain boring, awful because of no upgrades, or force you to use the worst part of the game (the sub-weapons like grenades... eurgh).
The only thing I'm thankful for about Mission 17 is that I now know how to toss grenades without the arc.
I hate you Monsoon
I was listening to the Game Informer podcast today, and they talked about this game. Their thoughts on the game are...uh...interesting. I think they just suck at the game.
I just got his no damage trophy
that's the problem
Just reading their review i knew they wouldn't get this game.
Nothing quite like all those times the camera would wig out when he did his dive attack costing me a run. Definitely the most annoying of all the no damage runs for me.I just got his no damage trophy
that's the problem
I was listening to the Game Informer podcast today, and they talked about this game. Their thoughts on the game are...uh...interesting. I think they just suck at the game.
They expect you to do that shit in 1:30:00.
H-H-How... is that... possible?!
The camera fucking sucks! I'm fighting the stupid ass robo-dog and I can't see where he's coming from much less block correctly.
It isn't you have to do it in 3:30 for gold.
The grenade one with the dwarf gekkos?
Can you? I'm not talking about the wreckage being thrown at you part, I'm talking about the "aim at the fists" part right at the end.
Like, the fight was over and I absolutely blew it...
The camera fucking sucks! I'm fighting the stupid ass robo-dog and I can't see where he's coming from much less block correctly.
The skin works fine for me and I'm from Australia. I redeemed the code last night.
I finally got all the achievements apart from the lightning god one and the VR training ones. How long do you guys reckon it takes to finish all the VR training missions with gold ranks? I'm starting uni again next monday and won't have time to play the game anymore. If I can't finish them I'll probably just not even bother and start revising instead. Thanks!
Really enjoying this game, but the machine gun enemies not having a "tell" when they fire combined with the troublesome camera is making parts of it excessively frustrating. Or I just suck at the game.
Even with the RPG guys, ninja running the fuck out of there seems like the only possible defense.
VR training won't take too long for most, I think. I did have to try VR 17 for like two hours though, because the sub-weapons are ass.
Just reading their review i knew they wouldn't get this game.
I learned very early on that GI's reviews are garbage. Nice to know they keep the tradition alive.
Try locking on with rb/r2
When he jumps around a lot, he'll always attack you on the 3rd jump (maybe after 3rd jump?). Turn off the target lock and run away while spinning the camera around. This helps you get into a better position to parry while getting him back into your sights.
Nothing quite like all those times the camera would wig out when he did his dive attack costing me a run. Definitely the most annoying of all the no damage runs for me.
Why the hell didn't they mention you can lock onto a target? I was wondering this entire time why there was a target icon on enemies... shit.
I just beat him. Thanks you two.
Oh and I'm on the PS3 version.