? You mean his Dhalsim limbs? If you perfect parry those, you just chop off the sai. You do get a free Zandatsu if you perfect parry his sai combo.
I perfect parried his Dhalsim strike and I got a free Zandatsu on him too.
? You mean his Dhalsim limbs? If you perfect parry those, you just chop off the sai. You do get a free Zandatsu if you perfect parry his sai combo.
Funny thing was even when I did break the armor of the head, the game can still focus on it; so the camera can still fuck with you when you're trying to attack its legs and Ray is moving back.
I perfect parried his Dhalsim strike and I got a free Zandatsu on him too.
Huh. Weird. Is there a Perfecter Parry or something?
I'm thinking perfect parry = counter parry?
Does S-ranking R-00 count in the Revengence trophy? Because good lord, I have no clue how some of you S-ranked that going by the Very Hard ass-kicking I got simply trying to get to R-01 to start my Very Hard run.
Yeah, a perfect parry results in a counter. In my experience, and I've fought Monsoon a LOT, every time Raiden performs the counter on Monsoon's stretchy sai attack, it doesn't result in a Zandatsu... so I'm wondering if there's an even stronger parry or something.
Oh god, I know exactly what you are talking about with both those examples. Trying to get a No Damage bonus on Monsoon (revengeance mode) was driving me CRAZY.Regarding beating the bosses without taking damage (for the achievements):
Monsoon needs to GTFO. I beat Mistral without taking a hit but that cunt Monsoon cheaps out on you in the last segment of the fight. I get him down to like 18% health and then one of two things happen:
1. His final vehicle throw attack involves 5 vehicles and despite knowing full well that I cut them all to the point of blackness (showing that they won't hurt you now), some random explosion appears and hits me.
2. Every time you stun him and then do a charged Pincer attack, he gets thrown back (and naturally taking a shit ton of damage). However, after the final vehicle throw, you stun him, do a charged Pincer attack but somehow despite taking damage he still STANDSl, glows purple and throws in an unblockable cheap attack whilst you're finishing the Pincer animation.
Fucking bullshit.
Must have restarted like 20 times now. He's a cunt.
I perfect parry'd Monsoon's stretch attack and didn't stun him either. I had to Sai the fucker myself straight after to make sure he's stunned (otherwise if you don't stun him quick enough he'll throw his twattish hand at you again).
Perfect parrying him during his stretch attack will only stun the limb he's currently using. That only prevents him from further attacking with that limb for a short while, so like you said you'll still need to Sai him after you've stunned both his hands and his legs.
I've largely ignored individual weapon upgrades, focusing on skills, fuel cells, etc.
Now I'm farming BP before tackling R07, and I'm tearing things apart with a full strength sword.
I have been making this game much harder than it needed to be : (
The only part of the fight where it was troublesome for me blocking-wise was when he throws his hand at you and it fights for him towards the end of the fight. Cos of its size, it can be a pain to judge when to block.
Ugh I hate this game. I took monsoon down to 10% on a no damage run, and this motherfucker went purple and started attacking me straight after my last hit, I did not even see the wind up for his animation because of the visual effects made by the pincer blades when you hit him.
Eh, just don't use pincer blades then if the animation fucks you over. He's pretty easy with the Murasama.
On Very Hard atleast.
The EXACT same thing happened to me earlier. :lol Every other time prior to the final segment, he gets floored. For some reason this time he doesn't and instantly hits you back whilst the Pincer animation is finishing up.
When I tried again, this time I didn't equip the Pincers and just used the sword so I could easily tell (and not get caught in animations) when he will strike. Worked wonders.
The EXACT same thing happened to me earlier. :lol Every other time prior to the final segment, he gets floored. For some reason this time he doesn't and instantly hits you back whilst the Pincer animation is finishing up.
When I tried again, this time I didn't equip the Pincers and just used the sword so I could easily tell (and not get caught in animations) when he will strike. Worked wonders.
Hahaha Very Hard is ridiculous. Jesus. Fucking Fenrirs.
I'm slowly working through a Very Hard playthrough, and when I say "slowly" I mean it, because I'm trying to listen to ALL of the codec conversations, and holy hell, are there a lot -- each character seems to have five or six PER SCENE.
By this, I mean you can pull them up and get a fresh batch when you're fighting a Gekko, then again when you're walking down the street, then again during the Bladewolf battle, then again AFTER the Bladewolf battle, then again as you cross the bridge, then again while you fight choppers, then again AFTER you fight the choppers, and so on, and so forth.
Politics, geography, science, technology, industry, ethics, philosophy, local cuisine, stripping hostages (ninja run and slice at a fleeing civilian for a funny Easter egg) -- EVERYTHING is discussed, in tremendous detail, to the point it's dizzying.
And yet... It's very well-written, and acted, with a good ear for pacing, even if they're throwing a lot at you. It's the enriching sort of informative, not the monotonous lectures some (including the in-game characters!) make them out to be.![]()
Yes, wholeheartedly agree. As you said, explaining the science of everything is a nice touch. CNT muscle fibers, electrolyte absorption and compatibility, brain-jacking, neuro-optic AIs, partial vs. whole body cyborg-ification, civilian cyborgs, white paste, holographic storage, remote-piloting UGs, soliton radar, AR mode, high-frequency blades, pain inhibitors, emotion control, etc.A Metal Gear staple if there ever was one. I enjoy the scientific tangents Doktor goes on because he explains things in the game that don't really need explanation, yet it is fascinating that the developers/writers of the game thought this stuff up even if it's pseudo-science fiction.
Yes, wholeheartedly agree. As you said, explaining the science of everything is a nice touch. CNT muscle fibers, electrolyte absorption and compatibility, brain-jacking, neuro-optic AIs, partial vs. whole body cyborg-ification, remote-piloting UGs, soliton radar, AR mode, high-frequency blades, pain inhibitors, emotion control, etc.
Those last two, btw, have a codec conversation where Doktor makes a couple points explicitly clear:
Doktor even says to Raiden, "This must reduce the guilt you feel" (I paraphrase). So yeah, it was debated earlier in this thread whether the soldiers are "screaming on the inside," but no, they're not -- they never even feel fear in the first place.
- Enemy cyborgs have pain inhibitors that keep them from feeling pain.
- Enemy cyborgs have emotion control that keeps them from feeling afraid.
Doktor then goes on this fascinating tangent about why we feel pain in the first place, how sometimes it stops self-destructive behavior, but in other cases where it's so great as to be debilitating and perhaps LOWER one's chance of survival, it may function this way because on a social level, one's expression of pain clues others into their plight and gets them help.
These codecs, man. I hope someone uploads them all to YouTube -- would love to revisit them on a moment's notice.
No, after Doktor's codec on the subject, it seems clear to me now that whole sequence you spoiler-tagged is really justI thought cyborgs were screaming on the inside whichDoktor also talks a lot about the VR environment with regards to the rescuees.triggered Raiden's Ripper persona (that part where he "mind reads" the other cyborgs), it's just surpressed.
Good to hear. If you have link, do share!Pretty sure they're all up on Youtube, cut into 17 videos.
They're actually really easy. Just mash the light attack till you get the button prompt. They stagger after almost every hit.
Not going to lie. Not really a spoiler but people are weird about this kind of thing.
I wanted Snake to pop out in that post credits scene.
I'm also surprised no Rose or Raiden's son appearance. I think Rose was mentioned one or twice. Shame really as she is an important character.
Remember you can lock onto a target with the right trigger. And whenever an enemy flashes in color, meaning they're about to attack, push in the direction of that enemy and hit attack yourself. This is how you parry, and it can be done even while taking damage or in the air (with upgrade). There is a VERY generous window of timing, where you'll go into a blocking stance, deflecting their blow, and if you time it right, doing so at the exact moment they strike, you'll even stagger them, perfect for a counter-attack.Buying this shit tonight. The talk in this thread is scaring me; these games really aren't my forte.
Give me some seminal tips, yo!
No, after Doktor's codec on the subject, it seems clear to me now that whole sequence you spoiler-tagged is really justRaiden imagining what led each cyborg to join the PMC, and what they would be thinking and feeling, IF NOT for nanomachines.
In other words, in that moment, they're not -actually- thinking or feeling those things -- they're thinking and feeling nothing other than "Destroy the target, destroy Raiden." There's no pain, no screaming on the inside.
Doktor notes this, and then poses the question: So, should this relieve you of guilt? Does the absence of physical and mental pain you inflict in the moment, excuse you from knowing full well the context of your actions, namely the fact this is still a thinking human being?
Good to hear. If you have link, do share!
Yeah, how they handled explaining the game world in Rising is how they should've handled it in MGS4. Rather than forcing you to listen to Drebin drone on and on in a cutscene, Rising lets you -choose- to listen to characters -- and fast-forward, if desired -- for details on the particulars of the game world.Holy shit you guys were not wrong about the CODEC stuff. At the start of File 02 and just been talking to Kevin for 10 minutes on various topics. Some real corkers in there, including a great quip from Raiden. If this stuff was mandatory the game would be as long as a mainline MGS title!-