I don't even know...
lycan is awful and a waste of a hero slot that hero blows
Current Players Peak Today Game
500,122 524,566 Dota 2
Bam there it is.
#14Kapi/Dignitas lost to #2405 Can't Describe: http://www.gosugamers.net/teams/5929-can-t-describe
I don't know what it is about Russians but everytime I see one, they are always terrible players. Without fail.
EE-sama has shown mercy this day
Tip for watching MLG games: Join MLG Dota 2 Qualifier Chat Room, find player of team you want to spectate, right click name and watch game.
Watching the Stay Free game (They were the Complety team in HoN), but I can not stand Grandgrant's casting, so I found it in game.
Also, someone made a list of teams to watch out for:
I don't know about that, but they're never not assholes, and I don't think they ever pick up a support item that helps anyone but themselves.
I'm becoming a racist because of this game.
Jakiro steals last hits: Farm better pls Luna. No courier upgrade, nothing. What have I done to deserve this?
Anyone have a couple of extra Dota2 keys? I have a couple of friends who want to play and it looks like my keys expired.
Why so salty towards puppetyuber?Tip for watching MLG games: Join MLG Dota 2 Qualifier Chat Room, find player of team you want to spectate, right click name and watch game.
Watching the Stay Free game (They were the Complety team in HoN), but I can not stand Grandgrant's casting, so I found it in game.
Also, someone made a list of teams to watch out for:
Why so salty towards puppetyuber?
The worst teammate I've had has to have been a NP, who played that hero for the first time that game.
He never spawned his treelings for farming
Got killed by a neutral early on while farming
Gets angry at venomancer for not helping him farm in the laning phase (WHAT?)
Got a desolator before sb
Kept farming during all of the teamfights, only using his ult now and again
When I asked him why he didn't help out, he responded: ''I'm farming sb so I can push idiot''....
Meanwhile he keeps pinging the entire map like a crazy person, designating that we have to defend a tower or gank while he keeps farming. He was also berating Riki for feeding (which, to be fair, he was) and laughing when a teammate died.
Being bad is one thing, being an insufferable asshole while being bad is just....
Artyk Bear and Troll base breaking at 12 minutes. OP OP
edit: gg
no dagon - I'll take him
What's up with all gyros buying scepter?
How do you guys build Timbersaw?
Just had a game where I thought our carry would do well but they didn't, I ended up 20-6 but we still lost.
Felt like my item comp wasn't the best and maybe if I had less utility items we would have done better.
Anyone have a couple of extra Dota2 keys? I have a couple of friends who want to play and it looks like my keys expired.
Been playing limited heros since I'm still new to the game/suck. Last game last night randomed Zeus, so asked to go mid, grabbed my bottle, and then had a sniper come mid telling me to scram. And the whole team backed him up.
So I'm still fairly new at this - is that expected behavior? Once I saw a sniper picked, should I have planned to lane and not grabbed bottle?
Been playing limited heros since I'm still new to the game/suck. Last game last night randomed Zeus, so asked to go mid, grabbed my bottle, and then had a sniper come mid telling me to scram. And the whole team backed him up.
So I'm still fairly new at this - is that expected behavior? Once I saw a sniper picked, should I have planned to lane and not grabbed bottle?
Been playing limited heros since I'm still new to the game/suck. Last game last night randomed Zeus, so asked to go mid, grabbed my bottle, and then had a sniper come mid telling me to scram. And the whole team backed him up.
So I'm still fairly new at this - is that expected behavior? Once I saw a sniper picked, should I have planned to lane and not grabbed bottle?
Had random gold, so was able to afford it immediately. Figured I'd grab it off the bat to bottle first rune.Zeus is typically the better mid. He benefits from the runes and early levels more than Sniper.
Also, it is usually better to get the bottle after you are in lane, provided you can farm one quickly.
Tip for watching MLG games: Join MLG Dota 2 Qualifier Chat Room, find player of team you want to spectate, right click name and watch game.
Watching the Stay Free game (They were the Complety team in HoN), but I can not stand Grandgrant's casting, so I found it in game.
Also, someone made a list of teams to watch out for:
Had random gold, so was able to afford it immediately. Figured I'd grab it off the bat to bottle first rune.
Interesting that even among experienced players there's some disagreement, with two here saying I should have mid and shira saying sniper should bases on the hierarchy provided.
Been playing limited heros since I'm still new to the game/suck. Last game last night randomed Zeus, so asked to go mid, grabbed my bottle, and then had a sniper come mid telling me to scram. And the whole team backed him up.
So I'm still fairly new at this - is that expected behavior? Once I saw a sniper picked, should I have planned to lane and not grabbed bottle?
shira is kind of joking. The "trench" is the name for the supposedly existent level of MatchMaking where everyone but you is terrible.
More Nyx Assassins this month have bought a Dagon 5 than a TP scroll. I will never grasp the full depth of the trench.
More Nyx Assassins this month have bought a Dagon 5 than a TP scroll. I will never grasp the full depth of the trench.
More Nyx Assassins this month have bought a Dagon 5 than a TP scroll. I will never grasp the full depth of the trench.
Edit: Also, people in the mm wont trust eachother so is likely they believed you wouldnt go around trying to gank with your early game advantage.
There is nothing to it, dotabuff only counts the endgame inventory when most people won't likely have a tp.
Ended the game with, there is a difference.