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“Xbox Fans Are Paid”, Says Former World of Warcraft Designer

The weird thing to me about all of this is that some people actually, like, really care about what happens to these giant corporations. White knighting for either Ms or Sony is weird, IMHO. Some people are probably even having dreams about the court case. it blows my mind.
How much does sony pay you and all the other sony shills we have here?

america burn GIF


For the record, I'm just here for the memes and gifs. Folks take this shit too seriously.
I’m here to talk about games with people from the other side of the planet. I wish it was easier to have serious talks but the ABK deal has pretty much ruined all discussions imo, it’s infecting everything, so many has picked a side now and geared up and gone to war. It’s incredibly exhausting. I have 20+ ABK threads on ignore right now.


I notice your profile picture its actually advertisement, do you receive money for that?

Lol I totally should! 😄
But no it’s from an avatar bet I lost about the delay. It started off with some crossed over previous release dates and a question mark on the latest one, but the figures were mixed up with the backwards US date system so I just went with the real date cropped from a trailer. I’ll go back to my old crosseyed green pig once the game is out 😋
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What number is this Microsoft hate thread? I lost count.

Don’t act like the other gaming companies have plenty of shills. You guys just think Xbox is not organic because you have insatiable hate boners.
I think most of the people here are chill and just messing around. Of course, every gaming community has its share of hardline tribals, but just ignore, or better yet, pity them.
I’m here to talk about games with people from the other side of the planet. I wish it was easier to have serious talks but the ABK deal has pretty much ruined all discussions imo, it’s infecting everything, so many has picked a side now and geared up and gone to war. It’s incredibly exhausting. I have 20+ ABK threads on ignore right now.

Lol I totally should! 😄
But no it’s from an avatar bet I lost about the delay. It started off with some crossed over previous release dates and a question mark on the latest one, but the figures were mixed up with the backwards US date system so I just went with the real date cropped from a trailer. I’ll go back to my old crosseyed green pig once the game is out 😋
so you are forced to use advertisement for a game?


I’m here to talk about games with people from the other side of the planet. I wish it was easier to have serious talks but the ABK deal has pretty much ruined all discussions imo, it’s infecting everything, so many has picked a side now and geared up and gone to war. It’s incredibly exhausting. I have 20+ ABK threads on ignore right now.

Lol I totally should! 😄
But no it’s from an avatar bet I lost about the delay. It started off with some crossed over previous release dates and a question mark on the latest one, but the figures were mixed up with the backwards US date system so I just went with the real date cropped from a trailer. I’ll go back to my old crosseyed green pig once the game is out 😋
Ok now that explains all the tod Howard profile pictures.


Jokes aside, I just want to share my experience with the whole Ambassador program.

This will have a few images embedded, so bear with me.


This is my account, almost 2 years after I signed up. There are 4 "levels" to the Ambassador program, but reaching level 3 or 4 is ridiculously insane. It's been my experience that only actual influencers and people who have been here since the launch of the program are in the tier 4 level. Every 90-ish days (3 total months) they do a new 'season' with weekly and monthly 'quests'. Completing quests gets you XP toward both your lifetime level and your seasonal level. Seasons have their own reward tiers:


Almost all of these "rewards" are things like pointless digital wallpapers or 'pins' that you can only show off on your Ambassador profile. Not even your Xbox profile (only the Ambassador level shows there). The only thing that could be considered being "paid" is the one month of Game Pass Ultimate at the Diamond level. However, reaching Diamond is difficult. It takes 12,000 seasonal XP (used to be 15K until this season) to get there, but weekly quests only give anywhere between 10-100xp per 'quest'. Sometimes they'll give one or two quests around 150 or above. The big XP quests are the "Xbox Community Quests", but they can only be done once per month.


(Note: There's a fourth monthly one as well, but my screengrab cut it off.)

To get a single month of Game Pass Ultimate, you'd have to do almost every single quest they post over the course of a 90-day season. The closest I ever came to reaching Diamond was last season when they dropped a ton of Accessibility Quests, and even after doing ALL of those, I still fell 300xp short because I missed doing a month of the community quests. Conversely, I can earn a free month of Game Pass Ultimate through Microsoft Rewards significantly faster than via the Ambassador program.

As for the Sweepstakes tickets, well, here's a sampling of what they put up to win:


Hardly anything I'd call world shattering or rising to the level of becoming a paid shill.
I have never once seen contests or sweepstakes for hardware or new triple-A titles.

Anyway, that's just my experience with the program over the last two years.
I haven't found it any more or less rewarding than PlayStation Stars on the PS App, to be honest.
In both cases, most of what I get are digital fluff for my respective profiles.
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The Fuzz damn you!

Gold Member
How much does sony pay you and all the other sony shills we have here?
Give him some time to reply, probably coordinating with the discord ;)

Deflect, equivocate, normalise.

Every single one of you.

None of you criticise MS

I really hope, for your sake, that you’re getting paid in some way. The alternative is too pathetic to entertain.
I'm not sure about the messenger but it's a real problem that should be talked about because it has only gotten worse. The other site was absolutely disgusting and riddled with shills this place is a lot better with way more genuine fans and twitter is just lost. Maybe it's old age but I find it extremely easy to spot a paid shill just like Slimy said a lot of Sony fans seem to go at each other while a lot of Xbox fans stick together it's very strange 🤔 and when they do "call out" leadership they do it in unison accompanied with an apology tour in the media from Phil 😴 it's always the same song and dance. Last point, you can't tell me Microsoft didn't pay people to shove gamepass down our throat it was some odd messaging going on in 2017-2019.

The Fuzz damn you!

Gold Member
There is huge issue with equating that Microsoft pays for influencers and ambassodors, and then painting that all the xbox fans (including people here) are on Microsoft payroll. It is just adding to the polarization of this forum and is not helping anyone. Keep doing that and they only people who will stay here are those who are actually paid to do it.

Much as I hate the propaganda, it’s the lack of critical thought that irks me the most. The propaganda will always be there, but we don’t need to let it infect our communities.

If people are arguing passionately and in good faith for one side or another - great!

When they make disingenuous arguments, double-down on obvious falsehoods, thoughtlesssly spew slogans and sponsored talking points, and otherwise disrupt genuine, community-driven discussion, however, it really doesn’t make a difference whether they’re paid or stupid. The end result is the same.
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1- The moderation team on neogaf has done several purges of xbox astroturfers before. Evillore can confirm or deny, but it was well known that xbox astroturfers were found out by one of the mods and banned.
2- This isnt some hidden program. MS fanboys are known to have been invited to xbox events. We have seen pictures of them hanging out. they are flown out by MS which is a form of payment.
3- Judge, a former well known neogaf poster, now an era mod is an XBox MVP who regularly bans sony fans on era and has been for the last 6 years.
4- It's not console wars to point out facts. Facts that have been proven time and time again as posted in this thread. Here is one more from the astroturfing wikipedia page:

5. For once in my life, I would like to see xbox fans call out each other on these forums. I have seen people defend microsoft's every move, and while not all will agree, i have never seen one xbox fan call out the most obvious biased fanboys. I see a lot of Sony infighting but xbox team sticks together. It is very odd and a very poor look.
6- Back on gamespot forums, I saw this guy come out of nowhere around the x1 reveal and started defending them like no other. This is back when they were getting shat on from their own fanbase for their tv and kinect focus but this guy made everyones life on gamespot miserable. Some users remembered him from the xbox 360 launch era. Quite obvious that he was paid. We never saw him again a few weeks after launch.
7- Instead of getting upset over some kind of perceived persecution, maybe you should call out this shitty fucking practice for what it is.

We spend hours on forums discussing things, and it is an insult to find out that the person you were arguing with was a fucking paid actor.

1- The moderation team on neogaf has done several purges of xbox astroturfers before. Evillore can confirm or deny, but it was well known that xbox astroturfers were found out by one of the mods and banned.
2- This isnt some hidden program. MS fanboys are known to have been invited to xbox events. We have seen pictures of them hanging out. they are flown out by MS which is a form of payment.
3- Judge, a former well known neogaf poster, now an era mod is an XBox MVP who regularly bans sony fans on era and has been for the last 6 years.
4- It's not console wars to point out facts. Facts that have been proven time and time again as posted in this thread. Here is one more from the astroturfing wikipedia page:

5. For once in my life, I would like to see xbox fans call out each other on these forums. I have seen people defend microsoft's every move, and while not all will agree, i have never seen one xbox fan call out the most obvious biased fanboys. I see a lot of Sony infighting but xbox team sticks together. It is very odd and a very poor look.
6- Back on gamespot forums, I saw this guy come out of nowhere around the x1 reveal and started defending them like no other. This is back when they were getting shat on from their own fanbase for their tv and kinect focus but this guy made everyones life on gamespot miserable. Some users remembered him from the xbox 360 launch era. Quite obvious that he was paid. We never saw him again a few weeks after launch.
7- Instead of getting upset over some kind of perceived persecution, maybe you should call out this shitty fucking practice for what it is.

We spend hours on forums discussing things, and it is an insult to find out that the person you were arguing with was a fucking paid actor.
1- You can discuss my opinion whatever you want, but the reality is that allowing this type of thread is an example of the complete opposite of what is expected of a forum where you can discuss different opinions in a healthy and respectful way.

2- A thread, whose basis to open it is already ridiculous, is used by a group of users to condemn an entire community and, worst of all and what I censor, attack, try to ridicule and even harass users with preferences towards XBOX and They don't deserve such treatment. That you do not see it or want to see it as a situation where moderation should act ..... OK.

3- Showing that the XBOX community is totally fanatical alone and wanting to make believe that one is better than another and not being moderated is also significant.

4- That MS has genuinely always shown closeness and collaboration with XBOX figures/fans and that they have even been rewarded does not give the right to generalization. You should look more at attitudes Of the fans, and in that the PlayStation fans are no different.

5- You talk about users with fake profiles or new accounts as if they only always had a tinted green color. It is clear that you are not one of those who receives hundreds of emoticons of mockery and empathy for each opinion that is not in the line of "Playstation good and Xbox bad" from accounts without a single message or written opinion.😉

6- Entering into comparisons with other forums and the moderation of these does nothing more than describe ourselves. Those of us who decided to participate here should only be interested in what happens here and try to do our part to make this a forum where different opinions are well received and respected. The impression that you leave in your answer is that you are here because it is a forum more akin to your preferences and not because of the healthy environment and healthy discussion.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
Ozriel Is mysteriously missing from this thread - Hendrick's too.

At least bumblebee tuna and Catlady showed up.

Now, imagine if Senjutsu Sage was still here...
1- The moderation team on neogaf has done several purges of xbox astroturfers before. Evillore can confirm or deny, but it was well known that xbox astroturfers were found out by one of the mods and banned.
2- This isnt some hidden program. MS fanboys are known to have been invited to xbox events. We have seen pictures of them hanging out. they are flown out by MS which is a form of payment.
3- Judge, a former well known neogaf poster, now an era mod is an XBox MVP who regularly bans sony fans on era and has been for the last 6 years.
4- It's not console wars to point out facts. Facts that have been proven time and time again as posted in this thread. Here is one more from the astroturfing wikipedia page:

5. For once in my life, I would like to see xbox fans call out each other on these forums. I have seen people defend microsoft's every move, and while not all will agree, i have never seen one xbox fan call out the most obvious biased fanboys. I see a lot of Sony infighting but xbox team sticks together. It is very odd and a very poor look.
6- Back on gamespot forums, I saw this guy come out of nowhere around the x1 reveal and started defending them like no other. This is back when they were getting shat on from their own fanbase for their tv and kinect focus but this guy made everyones life on gamespot miserable. Some users remembered him from the xbox 360 launch era. Quite obvious that he was paid. We never saw him again a few weeks after launch.
7- Instead of getting upset over some kind of perceived persecution, maybe you should call out this shitty fucking practice for what it is.

We spend hours on forums discussing things, and it is an insult to find out that the person you were arguing with was a fucking paid actor.
Pretty much sums up the situation on this forum right now

When their shill posts get called out or quoted. They follow the same pattern.

Carry on the same line of argument with someone else; abandoned thread and then repeat the same in the next thread

There are more Sony fans here, but they don't do this insane level of shilling and rightly complain about stuff they don't like or games they don't like. Never see that from the same Xbox posters.

Apparently calling out ms or Phil's lies or shitty tactics of buying the industry sis shilling for Sony? Whats to stop then making all their games exclusive not just to Xbox, but to game pass itself? I don't want to subscribe to their shitty service to play diablo 5.

The difference here is Xbox has been continuing letting down Xbox fans or pulling henuis shit. And instead of calling it out, they cheer it on.


I'm not sure about the messenger but it's a real problem that should be talked about because it has only gotten worse. The other site was absolutely disgusting and riddled with shills this place is a lot better with way more genuine fans and twitter is just lost. Maybe it's old age but I find it extremely easy to spot a paid shill just like Slimy said a lot of Sony fans seem to go at each other while a lot of Xbox fans stick together it's very strange 🤔 and when they do "call out" leadership they do it in unison accompanied with an apology tour in the media from Phil 😴 it's always the same song and dance. Last point, you can't tell me Microsoft didn't pay people to shove gamepass down our throat it was some odd messaging going on in 2017-2019.
But Gamepass really is the best deal in gaming.

Play new games on day one. Plus, enjoy hundreds of high-quality games with friends on console, PC or cloud. With games added all the time. There’s always something to play.
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He's basically telling you can't like Halo or other ms games like some pathetic Twitter accounts making the same arguments about what people should like, that attitude belongs to post ps2 era, what people should like is not anyone's business, they like what they choose to like.
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So a dev who doesn't care for the Gamepass model and is against the Activision merger is, deflecting from the blowback he's getting and people acting like they found a smoking gun...

Bored Season 3 GIF by The Office


Gold Member
I’m here to talk about games with people from the other side of the planet. I wish it was easier to have serious talks but the ABK deal has pretty much ruined all discussions imo, it’s infecting everything, so many has picked a side now and geared up and gone to war.
ABK might have made things a little worse but this started long before that. Remember before the console launches not that long ago? There is, and always will be, something for those emotionally invested to battle over. Especially when people are getting paid. By people getting paid, those tweets and stories that are constantly linked, not necessarily posters here even though we know of one recent outing.
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