Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
You are just coming across as rude and ignorant now. You embody those TNA fans threatening to take over the arena and just won't admit it. I have the right to say anything I fucking please about a wrestling organization attempting to reach out to ME to view their product. If they succeed then much like I did with WCW, I will learn about their history as I go along. So far their history I have learned has been trying to bank off past superstars and if you actually read my posts I don't have a problem with that.
Then you owe it to yourself, so you don't come off as such an uninformed asshole, to actually WATCH a product to have something to ACTUALLY FORM AN OPINION ON.
You said yourself you have only READ what's going and not actually seen the product. Well things read VERY differently than what they actually display on TV. If you're not willing to give it a chance, then how is it possible for them to reach out to you? You refuse to give it a chance.
It's like bitching about the president, and yet you didn't vote in the election.
I may not like where ROH is right now, but I at least have watched some of their stuff lately so I can decide that.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
TNA isn't a family, it's a business. They are in it to profit. WWE is the major leagues of the business, you would be foolish to disagree. The whole purpose of signing Hogan is to compete. NOBODY would have been interested to tune in that Monday night to watch AJ Styles. Hate the old timers all you want but they are recognizable. They attract people interested in an alternative.
They signed Hogan to gain more exposure here in the US. TNA is doing just fine overseas. Hell, they were doing just fine here. They were reaching 1.5-1.8 million viewers a week. Damn solid number for cable. Is it WWE numbers? No. It doesn't have to be though. They signed Hogan so more people would watch AJ Styles, Daniels, Joe, etc...
We're not disagreeing here.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
I respect some of the individuals in these threads for their wrestling hobby . You see them posting matches out of Japan, forgotten vignettes, and silly things. Many are casual viewers like me who tune in Monday nights for nostalgia and because there really isn't that much on/to do.
Ok then, nothing wrong with that. But you really don't have the right to bitch about something unless you've actually given something a chance to grab your attention.
Watch a TNA PPV and a couple weeks shows... THEN you can actually form an opinion. Don't form a baseless opinion off of what you read off of some internet dirt sheet.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
I've talked to you about wrestling before bjork. We have differing opinions as well but you are dead wrong here. I would like to see TNA do well and I absolutely would watch Monday nights. They just aren't going to get their audience leaving their show on Thursday night. They need to keep going head to head and pull out the stops to get viewers like me to hit that "lastchannel" button.
Why do they NEED to go head to head? I feel it serves them better to stay on their own night to have their own audience without the worry of dividing said audience.