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2011 NBA Playoffs |OT| Don't Compare Refs to Cigarettes

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G***n S**n*bi
numble said:
Remember when Popovich said this?
"What they did in Memphis is beyond comprehension," Popovich told SI.com. "There should be a trade committee that can scratch all trades that make no sense. I just wish I had been on a trade committee that oversees NBA trades. I would have voted no to the L.A. trade."

Today we know why.
Oh. Shit.
Roy's 24 points were tied for the second-most off the bench by a Trail Blazers player in the last 20 seasons. Only Danny Ainge, with 25 off the bench against the Suns in the 1992 playoffs, had more.

He was more than just a scorer as he accounted for 33 of the team's final 43 points. Roy either scored or assisted on 14 of the Blazers' final 17 field goals.

The comeback from 18 points down entering the fourth quarter tied the second-largest deficit overcome entering the fourth quarter in NBA playoff history.

Through three quarters the Trail Blazers had just 14 made field goals. In the fourth quarter alone Portland made 15 of its 20 attempts.

Dallas can take solace in that each of the two previous times a team lost a playoff game after leading by 18 points entering the fourth quarter, the team rebounded to win the next game and eventually the series.



dream said:
It was cute when he said he wanted the Heat to get We Are Marshalled and ph33nix or peterb0y got all offended.

I know one thing...He needs to stop taking
LovingSteam said:
Jazz had heart? When?

Obviously the Blazers don't have a Hakeem type of player BUT for all intents and purposes the Suns should've beat the Rockets in 1994 and were up 2-0 but lost. The same goes with the Lakers or Mavericks. Rudy's 'A heart of a champion' should apply to the Blazers.
Lakers have shown throughout the last few years that they can get awfully sloppy and the Blazers are not a team to get sloppy with.

I honestly thought the Spurs were better than they're showing themselves to be. If Memphis is playing them competitively and even successfully then yea, I have OKC handling them without much fight.

Miami and Boston should be good BUT Boston's lack of big men really hurts them IMO. Jermaine is doing better than expected but Boston REALLY could use Shaq out there even if its just him standing straight up and putting the fear of God into dino Bosh. Miami isn't that deep either so who knows.

All in all this has been great so far.

Now that's some hyperbole. Heart of a champion? C'mon son.

Ninja said all that need to be said about the Spurs earlier. I'm just happy that I can watch the games properly at home--hotels need to upgrade their TVs. Might as well have put a radio in the room.

BOS-MIA is the only interesting series, I'm thinking that SVG and/or D'Antoni gets walking papers after this season.

Even though Otis Smith has not gotten it done as a GM the last two years.

Remember when Popovich said this?
"What they did in Memphis is beyond comprehension," Popovich told SI.com. "There should be a trade committee that can scratch all trades that make no sense. I just wish I had been on a trade committee that oversees NBA trades. I would have voted no to the L.A. trade."

Today we know why.

It'd be hilarious if both Gasols ended the Spurs seasons.
numble said:
Remember when Popovich said this?
"What they did in Memphis is beyond comprehension," Popovich told SI.com. "There should be a trade committee that can scratch all trades that make no sense. I just wish I had been on a trade committee that oversees NBA trades. I would have voted no to the L.A. trade."

Today we know why.

Made me think of this.


Marc can come backup for em, though. :D


Sometimes I dream of Lakers sending Sun Yue instead of Marc Gasol (Sun Yue was drafted 40, Marc Gasol drafted 48, in the same draft) to the Grizzlies.

Marc + Kwame + Bynum would probably have been a better future, but Marc wouldn't have been ready for the playoff runs these last couple of years.

Maybe Pau should just get fat like his brother and he'll start throwing his body around instead of finesse-ing it up all the time.
numble said:
Sometimes I dream of Lakers sending Sun Yue instead of Marc Gasol (Sun Yue was drafted 40, Marc Gasol drafted 48, in the same draft) to the Grizzlies.

Marc + Kwame + Bynum would probably have been a better future, but Marc wouldn't have been ready for the playoff runs these last couple of years.

Maybe Pau should just get fat like his brother and he'll start throwing his body around instead of finesse-ing it up all the time.

Marc has the better hairstyle.


Marc is an unrestricted free agent after this year. He only made $3 million this year. The Lakers can offer him the MLE and Pau and Kobe can pay him some more under the table.
numble said:
Marc is an unrestricted free agent after this year. He only made $3 million this year. The Lakers can offer him the MLE and Pau and Kobe can pay him some more under the table.

4 7 footers?

As a brand new Laker fan, Branduil will be over the moon.
numble said:
Sometimes I dream of Lakers sending Sun Yue instead of Marc Gasol (Sun Yue was drafted 40, Marc Gasol drafted 48, in the same draft) to the Grizzlies.

Marc + Kwame + Bynum would probably have been a better future, but Marc wouldn't have been ready for the playoff runs these last couple of years.

Maybe Pau should just get fat like his brother and he'll start throwing his body around instead of finesse-ing it up all the time.

Why is Kwame in there? Did you mean Odom?

It would have been nuts if the Lakers kept Marc. They could have turned him or Bynum into Deron or Cp3 by now!

I always thought Critteton was the piece that would make due well. Thought Marc would good too, but not like critt. Damn, he fell on his face.

BTW, didn't the Grizz get Arthur in that deal via draft pick? Arthur, Gasol, and Zbo all on that trade. Not bad.

Marc is an unrestricted free agent after this year. He only made $3 million this year. The Lakers can offer him the MLE and Pau and Kobe can pay him some more under the table.

Nah, he's restricted.


Black Mamba said:
Why is Kwame in there? Did you mean Odom?

It would have been nuts if the Lakers kept Marc. They could have turned him or Bynum into Deron or Cp3 by now!

I always thought Critteton was the piece that would make due well. Thought Marc would good too, but not like critt. Damn, he fell on his face.

BTW, didn't the Grizz get Arthur in that deal via draft pick? Arthur, Gasol, and Zbo all on that trade. Not bad.

Nah, he's restricted.
Oops, I guess he‘s restricted. Kwame's there because he wouldn't have been traded away for Pau. And Kwame's a better post defender.


numble said:
Remember when Popovich said this?
"What they did in Memphis is beyond comprehension," Popovich told SI.com. "There should be a trade committee that can scratch all trades that make no sense. I just wish I had been on a trade committee that oversees NBA trades. I would have voted no to the L.A. trade."

Today we know why.
He probably wishes he could vote against them picking up Z-Bo too.
numble said:
Oops, I guess he‘s restricted. Kwame's there because he wouldn't have been traded away for Pau. And Kwame's a better post defender.

oh, i get it. Kwame was a FA and honestly, after the debacle game against the Suns where he got boo'd for touching the ball, his Laker career was over. He was going to be traded for someone, imo. And good ridden too. Worst Laker besides JR Reid I've ever been subjugated to watching. Kwame's post D is overstated by Laker fans trying to pretend he wasn't THAT terrible. Yes, he could at times defend the post admirably, but he's mentally soft and stupid and has the offensive skills of a cumquat. If I had to watch him fumble one more pass in a Laker uniform, I might have cried.

That said, if there is a "if" to think about, I think it would be never trading Caron for Kwame and then having Caron and Marc.

But besides Pau being better than Marc, it makes the Lakers a lot more flexible since Pau can play both PF and C at a high level, where Marc is much more of a C. Marc didn't have that good of a year this year, unfortunately. He's done well in the playoffs, though.

It would be pretty cool if at the some point LA could get the Gasol brothers together. I'd love to see em playing with each other.


Honestly, if some sadistic genie put a gun to my head and forced me to pick a player who would lose his dick to a crocodile attack, and I couldn't pick Lebron or Jarret Jack, I'd probably go with Kwame. Dude was so frustrating to watch. Elementary school players can catch a bounce pass.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
dream said:
I never thought of it like this but a friend of mine pointed out the Pacers would have swept the Bulls if the refs hadn't given Rose 40 FTs a game.

Tell the Pacers to stop fouling so much then.
Puddles said:
Honestly, if some sadistic genie put a gun to my head and forced me to pick a player who would lose his dick to a crocodile attack, and I couldn't pick Lebron or Jarret Jack, I'd probably go with Kwame. Dude was so frustrating to watch. Elementary school players can catch a bounce pass.

Looks like the NBA took out the original video which made the booring more evident.


I'm fairly convinced this scene made Mitch pick up that phone.


In his 2.5 years in LA, I am sure I've seen him miss at least 30 point blank dunks. If only such a stat existed...

God is cruel to have not made me 7 feet tall.

Maybe Rose should learn true sportsmanship and inform Thibs and the ref when he wasn't really fouled.

You know I always thought that if the players had balls they'd intentionally miss every technical called for talking (opposed to elbow Techs) after Stern imposed the no complaining rule.

What would Stern have done? Alas...


Black Mamba said:
You know I always thought that if the players had balls they'd intentionally miss every technical called for talking (opposed to elbow Techs) after Stern imposed the no complaining rule.

What would Stern have done? Alas...
Stern wouldn't care. The technicals come with fines attached.


If I didn't already have enough reasons to hate the Lakers:

Jackson has made no secret of his dislike for New Orleans, and he couldn't keep his feelings to himself when asked Friday if he might return to the Crescent City to enjoy its delights after he retires from coaching at season's end.

"I refuse to comment on the grounds that I might incriminate myself," he said.


"Just don't drink the water," he added.

And it was also recently brought to my attention he made such colorful comments such as this only several months after almost 2000 people died in Katrina :
When the Lakers traveled to the Hornets' temporary digs in Oklahoma City for a game, Jackson related his considerable joy at being there instead of here.

"Well, " Jackson told reporters before the game, "it smells better in Oklahoma, I have to say that. I miss that mildew smell from New Orleans that permeates the air, and the revelry that goes along with being in New Orleans is certainly missing in Oklahoma. I feel blessed, there's no doubt about it, that we're here."

Weeks later, when Jackson discovered that a Lakers-Hornets game originally scheduled for Baton Rouge in March was being relocated to fully repaired and functional New Orleans Arena, in what would be the first professional sports event held in the Crescent City after Hurricane Katrina, he could hardly contain his ill-humor.

"Hopefully, " Jackson said, "they've drained the mud out of the building and the termites aren't going to eat the building away by the time we get down there."

I hope you die of AIDS, testicular cancer and crotch rot you piece of shit.


Black Mamba said:
I'm fairly convinced this scene made Mitch pick up that phone.


I honestly can't blame Kobe for those trade demands. Imagine being the best basketball player on the planet, winning three championships, then having to put up with that shit at 28 years old with no end in sight.

So glad Memphis decided to cut salary in 08. So fucking glad.


Puddles said:
I honestly can't blame Kobe for those trade demands. Imagine being the best basketball player on the planet, winning three championships, then having to put up with that shit at 28 years old with no end in sight..
No end in sight? There obviously was, it ended. If he had actually been traded away, Lakers fans would have been pissed. Kobe was just lucky that he was dealing with a competent organization that figured the stuff out before he became a free agent, and not Dan Gilbert, because then you'd have all these guys like MJ bullshitting about what they would and wouldn't have done in their careers despite never having to be in that position


I don't think anyone, least of all Kobe, expected Mitch to turn Kwame + prospects/picks into Pau Gasol.

I remember when that happened. Most people were expecting Kwame's expiring to be traded for a middling player at best. When I found out we were getting an All-Star, it felt like some random dude on the street had just put $10,000 in my hand for no reason at all.
Jonm1010 said:
If I didn't already have enough reasons to hate the Lakers:

And it was also recently brought to my attention he made such colorful comments such as this only several months after almost 2000 people died in Katrina :

I hope you die of AIDS, testicular cancer and crotch rot you piece of shit.


stay classy phil


ryutaro's mama said:
Fantastic post.

no, it's still a fucking stupid post.

That trade handed LA championships. What did it do for Memphis? Allowed them to compete, in a first round series, with an extremely old Spurs team worn out from a full season? Oh man, SEEMS LEGIT TO ME.


Blackface said:
no, it's still a fucking stupid post.

That trade handed LA championships. What did it do for Memphis? Allowed them to compete, in a first round series, with an extremely old Spurs team worn out from a full season? Oh man, SEEMS LEGIT TO ME.
Teams trading their star either because they weren't going to stay anyway or just aren't winning in order to start rebuilding never get value in return what did you expect?

What did Toronto get when Bosh left to Miami? What did Cleveland get? At least memphis is competing probably wouldn't be able to say that if pau had left.


Pkaz01 said:
Teams trading their star either because they weren't going to stay anyway or just aren't winning in order to start rebuilding never get value in return what did you expect?

What did Toronto get when Bosh left to Miami? What did Cleveland get? At least memphis is competing probably wouldn't be able to say that if pau had left.

The situation was not the same. Pau Gasol's contract was not about to expire. There was also controversies that the trade was made to make the Grizzlie's more appealing (Cheaper), for a potential new owner.

Chris Bosh played with Toronto until his contract expired. Then instead of leaving, he accepted a sign and trade with Toronto to go to Miami. In return the Raptors got a huge trade exception, and two first round picks in this years draft. Those picks have the potential to turn into anything from Kyrie Irving and Tristan Thompson, to Brandon Knight and Kenneth Faried(nobody knows).

The deal was completely lopsided, and clearly done with some under-handed garbage in mind. Saying that, I don't even care. Good for the Lakers for pulling a fast one, and It MAY end up working out for Memphis. But I highly doubt an owner that can't even name the players on his own team, and openly regretted buying the Grizzlies (all this on the Radio), was doing it for anything other then saving himself money.

This is the first time since the trade Memphis have made the playoffs. They made the playoffs three times with Pau Gasol on the team. Granted they were swept, but a couple playoff wins Vs a couple championships isn't a level playing field IMO.

My only point is the post acting like they had ANY clue what they were doing, and it is somehow a fair trade now is completely stupid. Memphis have done nothing, still may lose in the first round, and don't even look good compared to a team like OKC. While the Lakers were handed championships.

It was a dumb post, and as of right now, an embarrassing trade that should not have made it past the NBA head offices.


Blackface said:
The situation was not the same. Pau Gasol's contract was not about to expire. There was also controversies that the trade was made to make the Grizzlie's more appealing (Cheaper), for a potential new owner.

Chris Bosh played with Toronto until his contract expired. Then instead of leaving, he accepted a sign and trade with Toronto to go to Miami. In return the Raptors got a huge trade exception, and two first round picks in this years draft. Those picks have the potential to turn into anything from Kyrie Irving and Tristan Thompson, to Brandon Knight and Kenneth Faried(nobody knows).

The deal was completely lopsided, and clearly done with some under-handed garbage in mind. Saying that, I don't even care. Good for the Lakers for pulling a fast one, and It MAY end up working out for Memphis. But I highly doubt an owner that can't even name the players on his own team, and openly regretted buying the Grizzlies (all this on the Radio), was doing it for anything other then saving himself money.

This is the first time since the trade Memphis have made the playoffs. They made the playoffs three times with Pau Gasol on the team. Granted they were swept, but a couple playoff wins Vs a couple championships isn't a level playing field IMO.

My only point is the post acting like they had ANY clue what they were doing, and it is somehow a fair trade now is completely stupid. Memphis have done nothing, still may lose in the first round, and don't even look good compared to a team like OKC. While the Lakers were handed championships.

It was a dumb post, and as of right now, an embarrassing trade that should not have made it past the NBA head offices.

NBA head office had to allow it. It met all the criteria of a legitimate trade under the league rules. They don't get to judge percieved value and parity as part of a trade, just the financials.
Puddles said:
I don't think anyone, least of all Kobe, expected Mitch to turn Kwame + prospects/picks into Pau Gasol.

I remember when that happened. Most people were expecting Kwame's expiring to be traded for a middling player at best. When I found out we were getting an All-Star, it felt like some random dude on the street had just put $10,000 in my hand for no reason at all.

I imagine about 100k conversations like the following:

"Oh man! We got Pau Gasol!"

"Nice! Who did we have to give up? Odom or Bynum?"

"Neither--we traded Kwame and Javaris!"


"Dead serious"

"Wait--we have Odom and Gasol right now, and later, Bynum? Who would make that trade?"

"Memphis lol"

Reading the salt from the rest of the league that day was amazing.


Boombloxer said:
I imagine about 100k conversations like the following:

"Oh man! We got Pau Gasol!"

"Nice! Who did we have to give up? Odom or Bynum?"

"Neither--we traded Kwame and Javaris!"


"Dead serious"

"Wait--we have Odom and Gasol right now, and later, Bynum? Who would make that trade?"

"Memphis lol"

Reading the salt from the rest of the league that day was amazing.
Perk is no Pau, but I felt the exact same way when we offloaded Jeff Gomes and Krstic for him.

2 of least favorite players exchanged for one of the top 2 or 3 guys on my offseason FA wishlist.


KingGondo said:
Perk is no Pau, but I felt the exact same way when we offloaded Jeff Gomes and Krstic for him.

2 of least favorite players exchanged for one of the top 2 or 3 guys on my offseason FA wishlist.
I felt the same way when i realised that i hadn't drunk the last of my scotch, and there was atleast 2 more glasses!
Blackface said:
The situation was not the same. Pau Gasol's contract was not about to expire. There was also controversies that the trade was made to make the Grizzlie's more appealing (Cheaper), for a potential new owner.

Chris Bosh played with Toronto until his contract expired. Then instead of leaving, he accepted a sign and trade with Toronto to go to Miami. In return the Raptors got a huge trade exception, and two first round picks in this years draft. Those picks have the potential to turn into anything from Kyrie Irving and Tristan Thompson, to Brandon Knight and Kenneth Faried(nobody knows).

The deal was completely lopsided, and clearly done with some under-handed garbage in mind. Saying that, I don't even care. Good for the Lakers for pulling a fast one, and It MAY end up working out for Memphis. But I highly doubt an owner that can't even name the players on his own team, and openly regretted buying the Grizzlies (all this on the Radio), was doing it for anything other then saving himself money.

This is the first time since the trade Memphis have made the playoffs. They made the playoffs three times with Pau Gasol on the team. Granted they were swept, but a couple playoff wins Vs a couple championships isn't a level playing field IMO.

My only point is the post acting like they had ANY clue what they were doing, and it is somehow a fair trade now is completely stupid. Memphis have done nothing, still may lose in the first round, and don't even look good compared to a team like OKC. While the Lakers were handed championships.

It was a dumb post, and as of right now, an embarrassing trade that should not have made it past the NBA head offices.

Great post, also including the fact that the Grizzlies were 31-91 in the last 122 games with Pau, wait.


Good to know people are still bitter over the Gasol trade.

Edit: The post also ignores the fact that the Grizz had been trying to unload Gasol for "equal value for about 3 months before and there were no takers. I specifically remember the Bulls rejecting a trade that had some combo of Deng/Noah/draft picks. Suddenly he was given away for nothing and all the teams that didn't want to trade for him bitched.
jjasper said:
Good to know people are still bitter over the Gasol trade.

They will be even saltier after this June.

Kind of a shame what happened to Javaris after he left. He had potential and kept pressure on Farmar.


jjasper said:
Good to know people are still bitter over the Gasol trade.

Edit: The post also ignores the fact that the Grizz had been trying to unload Gasol for "equal value for about 3 months before and there were no takers. I specifically remember the Bulls rejecting a trade that had some combo of Deng/Noah/draft picks. Suddenly he was given away for nothing and all the teams that didn't want to trade for him bitched.

No they weren't. They did it as a pure cost saving move. This is where the controversy comes from. They were trying to sell the team, and to make it more attractive to buyers they wanted to dump some of the money tied up in salary sooner rather then later.

The trade was lop-sided for this reason. You are telling me no team in the NBA offered better players then Kwame Brown, Critteon (SP) and two first rounds picks (that turned into shit)?

Even the owner questions it now

For the first time, even Heisley wondered whether his general manager, Chris Wallace, blew it by caving so soon to the Lakers.

“I don’t know if I got the most value,” Heisley confessed. “Maybe our people should’ve shopped (Gasol) more and maybe we would’ve gotten more, done a better deal. Maybe Chris did call every team in the league. I don’t think he did, but maybe he should’ve…”


Like I said, I am not mad at the Lakers for getting Pau. Good for them. I just question the motives behind the deal. It is one of the worst in NBA history. Making that post completley fucking retarded.

Hey guys, they got two wins in a first round series, most of which having little to do with the immediate impact of the trade. Forget that the Lakers won two championships, FAIR DEAL NOW.

It's a retarded notion to even suggest it. I refuse to believe anyone on NBAGAF is dumb enough to actually think it.


The last five Grizzlies seasons:

2006–07 Southwest 5th 22 60 .268
2007–08 Southwest 5th 22 60 .268
2008–09 Southwest 5th 24 58 .293
2009–10 Southwest 4th 40 42 .488
2010–11 Southwest 3rd 46 36 .561



Blackface said:
No they weren't. They did it as a pure cost saving move. This is where the controversy comes from. They were trying to sell the team, and to make it more attractive to buyers they wanted to dump some of the money tied up in salary sooner rather then later.

The trade was lop-sided for this reason. You are telling me no team in the NBA offered better players then Kwame Brown, Critteon (SP) and two first rounds picks (that turned into shit)?

Even the owner questions it now.

I never said the move wasn't cost cutting. After they couldn't get shit for Gasol they gave up and went full on cost cutting mode which they needed to do anyway since Jerry West took the fourth highest salary in the league and created a team whose max potential was getting swept in the first round. The idea was to get a free agent which they promptly discovered they had no chance at doing because no big star will come here. The trade looks good now only because of Marc being the best Gasol. Which is amazing considering he was garbage in high school and couldn't even make the team at the school I went too and he was fat all the way until the summer before he signed. And don't get all your news from the national dudes, they have no idea what is going on here. They still act amazed when the Grizz dish out large contracts since it is a "cheap" franchise. When the history completely negates that. All they do is spend (overspend to some people).

Also the sale of the team was basically a huge show. He agreed to sell it to someone he knew didn't have the money and then when the local minority owners approached him with more than he wanted he turned them down, and put out some deadline that if he couldn't find an buyer he would not sell. I don't know what he was trying to accomplish but it was never going to happen.

Also Darrell Arthur is not shit.
KingGondo said:
That last part doesn't prove the point you made in the first part.

Seeing Hawks players flop on every possession and Hedouche play like a dumbass has the makings as one of the all-time great playoff matchups in history.
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