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2011 NBA Playoffs |OT| Don't Compare Refs to Cigarettes

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Gigglepoo said:
They didn't give CP3 continuation just now, did they?

No it wasn't because he dribbled the ball after the foul, if he went up for the shot, it would have been continuation. That was the point I was making the other day, and it was explained by R. Miller and also why the refs didn't give him continuation.
Ninja Scooter said:
this will just give the Hornets a shot to drain a 3 at the buzzer. Watch.

I thought the exact same thing. bullet dodged, there.

That no goaltending and that MBenga no call fouling Kobe really hurts right now. Still can't figure out how they screwed up both of those. Lebron would have drawn a flagrant on Mbenga's.

This game is a dogfight. I wonder if CP3 will get a rest at all or go the distance, here. LO and Bynum to start the 4th, I'd assume.

The rebounding has been disgraceful, hornets frontline has out hustled us up to this point.

It's not just the NOH frontline. Cp3 has 11 rebounds. Lakers can blame the boards right now. Not rebounding is killing them, which is shameful considering the size advantage.


Phil has to finish with Blake and Lamar. Bynum and Pau don't get boards unless they fall right to them and Fish is just worthless out there


gluv65 said:
No it wasn't because he dribbled the ball after the foul, if he went up for the shot, it would have been continuation. That was the point I was making the other day, and it was explained by R. Miller and also why the refs didn't give him continuation.

They didn't give him continuation because he wasn't in the act of shooting.

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
jjasper said:
CP3 already has a triple double? Man is putting on a clinic.
Yeah, he's brilliant. The problem for the Hornets is that he has to be at this level every game for them to even have a chance.
Gigglepoo said:
They didn't give him continuation because he wasn't in the act of shooting.

If he would have went up for the shot afte the foul it would have been in the act of shooting, that's why they teach you too shoot when you hear the whistle and not dribble. You guys seem to not understand in the act of shooting and continuation are two different things. fouled in the act of shooting means you're shooting the ball, continuation means, driving along a path too shoot, now if you get fouled along that path, you can't continue to dribble because of course you're not shooting.
Doomsayer said:
What the fuck at that no call on Bynum?

lol they tried fouling Bynum on purpose and no call

The Hornet bigs seem to be going for taps moreso than rebounds, they go up and try the hack the ball back into the back court on misses...and it's working!?!


I think the girl that voices the Burger King Chicken Tenders commercial is the same "Chipmunk" girl in th McDonald's Sweet Tea commercial.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
punkypine said:
I disagree. Might seem like that because of basketball, but in football, baseball, and hockey, they spend a ton and stars want to play there. In fact, baseball players took less money to come because they liked the city (and not guys from here originally). Again, its no new york/california/florida, but its not cleveland either.

Some of the areas around the city are consistently labeled as among the richest and/or best places to live in the country. The problem is that the inner city is just really ghetto

Its not a city wide thing, its more of a sixers thing. The other teams have no problems attracting not just free agents, but superstar free agents

Your baseball team gets players, but the Eagles have been trying to find a WR since the team was founded.. and the baseball team is a recent thing, it is not something that has been on-going for 30 years or something. Can't comment about hockey
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