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2013 Feb NBA Season lOT| Controlling it like a man, bruh


You can't because of Kobe and Pau.

Its not like Bynum was going to pass out of double teams either... getting crashed on was his biggest fault in the post by far. Dude couldn't help but spin directly into double teams or hold the ball until opposing defenses had time to unbuckle their pants.

well, that's exactly what they used to do last year. Pau wouldn't make much of a difference in the paint cause they would triple team bynum and get all clogged up while kobe was shooting terrible from anywhere on the floor. And yes, he rarely passed out of them too. But what i liked about him is that he would actually finish under duress and not turn the ball over like a certain dominant center we have in LA. His power and soft touch at the rim is what reminded me so much of shaq. People dont really want to admit it but he is a big part of why LA were third seed in the west last year.
not really but fuck it they traded their only really tradable piece for him they might as well follow through on the sunk cost of it all and give him his max..... I mean when you can sign a big who is missing a whole season due to long term injury that all signs point to getting worse.... you got to do it. or admit to yourself you fucked up and cut all ties.

They really need to let Bynum walk (ha). But they also really needed to stop Iggy from dragging them into the 8th seed.
Maybe BC will force Casey to give Valanciunas some playing time, so he might actually develop into a nice center. Oh.. who am I kidding. They're not going to trade Bargs and they're going to give him all of V's playtime.

Valanciunas has been playing a lot more since he came back from injury. Minutes in his last 4 games: 26, 34, 32, 12. The last one was short because he picked up 4 quick fouls. I'd expect to see him play a lot down the stretch.
Bynum is worth the risk. No one else in this league can match him in the post. Says alot when the only guy mitch was willing to trade for him was dwight.
A guy who has had knee issues pretty much every year of his life and who hasn't played a lick this year is not "worth the risk" when you are talking max or near max money.

The Dwight trade will be a success even if he walks because he prevents jimmy from giving his boy a max contract. I been saying this since it went down and I am also the guy that has been lobbying to trade Bynum or 2 years (id still do Drew for Melo in retrospect, come at me laker bros) for this very reason. I want no parts of Drew on an extension.


do you think before you speak like you break shit before you think?

Oh, Hunter.

You guys need to face reality. Kobe saying he doesn't care if Dwight is traded is a sign that Kobe wants him gone. Kobe is 34 fellas and Dwight is supposed to be in his prime. Kobe playing for another team wouldn't be surprising because it happens to a lot of franchise players. Paul Pierce, the face of the celtics, is on the trading block right now. This is a fucked situation.

If Dwight is a Laker next season then the team is going in a different direction 'Antoni, Kobe, Nash, and Gasol will be gone. I don't see him being traded if the Lakers can't get a great return(they won't) and the Lakers will have to kiss his as from the end of the trade deadline till the offseason to get Dwight to re-sign.

Someone better tell the knicks.
The only way Bynum ends up a Knick is if he's willing to take the minimum to back up Chandler.
You better hope Dwightmare isn't in the position to decide. Because if he is the Lakers will pull some NWO shit on Kobe and his pals.

Kobe's got a no-trade clause, playboy. He's not going anywhere. The only teams he would realistically approve a trade to cant afford to take him on. It's not like they can ship him off to the bobcats or wizards for a salary dump.


You better hope Dwightmare isn't in the position to decide. Because if he is the Lakers will pull some NWO shit on Kobe and his pals.

Kobe is the biggest celebrity in LA, if the FO drops Kobe for anyone other than Bron the city will erupt. It's like Magic or Bird or Jordan - not like Paul Pierce.

I'm not saying Jim Buss isn't stupid enough to do it, but I doubt it.
Greg Oden is now likely to wait until the offseason to sign with an NBA team, his agent Mike Conley said.

Oden had been in talks with the Cleveland Cavaliers and Miami Heat.

Oden is rehabbing from several injuries and hasn't played since 2009.

Via Marc J. Spears/Yahoo! Sports

Told you guys that earlier thing of him getting a 2 year deal from the Cavs was just his agent trying to hype up interest.


What I'm saying is that the Lakers are most likely trying to trade Dwight right now. If they don't trade him though they will probably have to kiss his ass until he re-signs. And if him and Kobe aren't friendly one of them has to go. Kobe is the old man and Dwight is supposed to be in his prime. If the Lakers are stuck with Dwight they are probably gonna build the team around him. And if I can't see him and Kobe being on the same team for another year. Someone has to go.

any team that pays josh smith the max is going to regret it.

He's getting the max to play the 4. I don't see him taking a discount contract like some other guys have done. Smith is gonna want 12 mill to max range.
Someone check on knux

This might actually happen knux

It MIGHT actually happen!

We already said no....

I'm not sure if want. On one hand Hawes and Turner blow, on the other Josh wants max and thus will probably walk.


I can't believe Turner still has value, what the fuck?

Because when you can trade for a wing that can't shoot and is slow and emo, you gotta do it yo.


The man bynum
Leastern confrence ain't ready for that.

Doug doesn't deserve that headache....he'd probably kill someo....wait...let's do it.

Sixers should trade Turner for Tyreke Evans

maybe he'll be more motivated playing in his home town

Bring Tyreke home is a bad idea...he can't shoot dudes in SacTown because it would be obvious...here? shiiiiieeeet
What I'm saying is that the Lakers are most likely trying to trade Dwight right now. If they don't trade him though they will probably have to kiss his ass until he re-signs. And if him and Kobe aren't friendly one of them has to go. Kobe is the old man and Dwight is supposed to be in his prime. If the Lakers are stuck with Dwight they are probably gonna build the team around him. And if I can't see him and Kobe being on the same team for another year. Someone has to go.

And what I am telling you is that it is almost literally impossible for Kobe to be the guy tat goes in that scenario, even if the Lakers wanted it. Fire up your trade machine and try and find a scenario where a good team that might be a desirable location for Kobe to wave his NTC (NY, Chi, SAS, OKC. Clips, Mavs) can take on his $30 million contract without gutting their roster,
and, in turn, can give back the Lakers something worthwhile in return that doesn't cripple their plans for cap space by 2014. It's not happening.
What I'm saying is that the Lakers are most likely trying to trade Dwight right now.

I bet you they're not. They've been through Kobe's princess act before, they know Dwight's back is hurt and he's an undervalued asset right now, they know there aren't any more of him out there, and they know that Pau's not getting any younger.

If they know what's good for them they'll trade Kobe. That guy says he's going to play 2 more years max? LOL, yeah right. He's going to Brett Favre the fuck out of that franchise for the next 6 years chasing records.


The laker's cannot trade kobe without his approval.....period.And if he does agree, it has to be to a contending team. Do you know any contending team that has 30 mil to spare? Didn't think so. Unless you believe kobe loves jordan so much he'd agree getting traded to the bobcats lol.
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