But what would his highlights be, open 3s? Feels like Iggy has had more of an impact.
Steph Curry feel like showing up to this motherfucker anytime soon?
I doubt he'll get a higher fg% and 3 pt%. Yeah he scored more points but that's easy when you're taking 30 shots a game.
who the hell let rashard lewis jack up 9 or more of his funky ass three pointers?
His layup to tie the game was pretty good. He could do more of that.
who the hell let rashard lewis jack up 9 or more of his funky ass three pointers?
My grandma could've made that
he has two bad games all playoffs and people ride him, lol. dude is human, folks.
My grandma could've made that
My grandma could've made that
he has two bad games all playoffs and people ride him, lol. dude is human, folks.
I'm getting flashbacks to last year and how I felt so good after the Heat won in Game 2 in spectacular fashion. And then Leonard came alive. You could've argued that the Heat had outplayed the Spurs the first two games and were it not for cramps, they would've won the first two games.This is reminiscent of the 2012-2013 Finals
Sure,if your Grandma was Larry Johnson.
The 08-09 Magic? I don't remember him playing hardly when he was in Miami.
He can't even take a game? Are you kidding me?
All I know is she's better than Speights
Otherwise if you take away Curry, then you have Draymond Green(had what, a few field goals all game) and Harrison Barnes as the only logical hopefuls.
Barnes isn't ready to be Kawhi Leonard.
That HACK on Lebron at the end where there was a no call was fucking bullshit and you know it. How many thousands did you throw at this series in Vegas? You sure were talking a big fucking game like you were going to bank millions. On to game 3 at the QWhat if I told you the Cavs shot nearly double as many FT as the Warriors on the road? 40 to 25.
maybe you are underrating the defensive efforts of the cavs, ie delly
I still don't think Lebron can keep this up. Doubt Cavs win both games 3 and 4.
I barely watched any of the regular season and only some of the playoffs, but you Western Conference nuts need to give the Cavs some respect...considering how close both games were right up to the end of regulation.
Before the finals started, you'd think that GS would be up 20 points in every game by the way most people were talking. And I don't know whether it's just trash talk or whether people actually feel that GS is 100x superior, but either way, it makes you all look silly.
That HACK on Lebron at the end where there was a no call was fucking bullshit and you know it. How many thousands did you throw at this series in Vegas? You sure were talking a big fucking game like you were going to bank millions. On to game 3 at the Q
And then speights rolls over delladova and they both make the ref fall over. That entire sequence could have been set to benny hill music.
I actually stand by the miraculous defense description. They're holding the best offensive team to WAY below their usual standard. Now that's either miraculous because none of these guys are all-nba defensive team players other than Lebron. Or it's just the Warriors missing shots. Sure they have some good defensive team stats but does anyone consider them good enough to hold a team like the Warriors to such low numbers?
So is it sustainable? That's what you have to ask yourself. There's obviously no answer but it's something to think about as the series goes on.
This sequence man...I was dying of laughter as it happened but inside I was dying of sadness.
The hack where he traveled? Or the hack where he commites a turnover that wasnt called?That HACK on Lebron at the end where there was a no call was fucking bullshit and you know it. How many thousands did you throw at this series in Vegas? You sure were talking a big fucking game like you were going to bank millions. On to game 3 at the Q
I don't think it is. I think the Cavs have a formula that has given the Warriors trouble but certain guys are going to inevitably have better nights. Barnes isn't going to miss 4 open threes again(I doubt). Kerr and Gentry are going to find some ways to get Curry going. Heck curry will find ways to get curry going. And Thompson isn't going to get in early foul trouble every game.
Maybe this is Currys own Lebron moment in his first finals but the Warriors team is just too good and the staff just too good to let that happen.
Frankly it comes down to can the Cavs keep the Warriors under 95 points for 3 more games and manage to get the rest of the team to score 55 points? Lebron can get his 40 but can you keep the Warriors from scoring 95 for 3 more games? I don't think you can.
Everyone is, on both sides. Everyone is going on about how bad GS shoots, or how bad Cleveland including Lebron shoots, but no one seems to want to admit that perhaps, these playoff teams watch tape and actually defend well.
That HACK on Lebron at the end where there was a no call was fucking bullshit and you know it. How many thousands did you throw at this series in Vegas? You sure were talking a big fucking game like you were going to bank millions. On to game 3 at the Q
he has two bad games all playoffs
Our defense did and it was lovely. Thanks Shard!
If not for Rafer Alston, we would have swept Dwight!![]()
I think that its inarguable that most western teams have tougher paths to the finals, on paper, but I argue against the "disadvantage going into the finals" argument. Partially because disadvantage is way too vague a term when there are so many factors at play.Most years I agree that the western conference team comes into the championship at a disadvantage solely because they have been through the grinder of a tougher regular season compounded by an even tougher post season.
I think to even the most partisan eastern conference team fan that is undeniable.
This year, however, the case is harder to make. At least in the post season. I still think the Warriors had atougher road on paper in the post season.. Pelicans > celtics, Grizzlies > Bulls and Houston > Atlanta. But the gap wasn't as large and when you take into account the Cavs injuries it narrows further.
I said it weeks ago but the Grizzlies had the formula for the Warriors but unfortunately couldn't stay healthy. Conley and Allen healthy went 2-0 against them and the Grizs slowed down play and physical style hurt the Warriors rhythm and lessened the effectiveness of their D. Blatt has been able to recreate some of that defensive success. Using some of the same principles. Will be interesting to see how the Warriors adjust.
Damn dudes it's game two of what will probably be a 7 games series. Calm down.
it's a real inopportune fucking time to have two bad games, though.
This just in: averaging over 36 a game in the finals is easy.I doubt he'll get a higher fg% and 3 pt%. Yeah he scored more points but that's easy when you're taking 30 shots a game.