It's been great seeing Lebron turn into this amazing basketball player, and it's also great seeing him go back to Cleveland and pushing hard to win it for them, but sometimes I can't help focusing on his lack of confidence once the game reaches the last minutes with a tight score.
His game changes dramatically when shit hits the fan, and in my eyes, it sometimes stains all the great things he does during the remainder of the game. Still, his high level performance is what always keep his team in the game, and what has taken him to the finals five times in a row, so he has to be commended for that as well.
The guy who won 4 MVPs and 2 titles is just now "turning into this amazing basketball player"? Alright.
And I don't think he's lacked confidence at all at the end of games. He was just as aggressive as always at the end yesterday, except for that one terrible possession where he was just lost.