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3 years in and still no widespread Gamecube Piracy

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Great Job Nintendo!!!!

Its been over 3 years (Jap release) since launch and STILL there is no widespread Gamecube piracy and no working modchips to speak of....

Whatever encryption scheme Nintendo/Matsushita developed has worked like a charm......

Microsoft and Sony could learn a thing or two from Nintendo in this dept.


If the Gamecube had the Microsoft logo on the front the case would be different IMO. Ninty is just low on the pirate totum pole.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Property of Microsoft said:
It's because they dont have anything worth stealing. And 5 year olds dont know encryption, and how to beat it, yet.

*Notices name* New joke character?


Queen of Denmark
Property of Microsoft said:
It's because they dont have anything worth stealing. And 5 year olds dont know encryption, and how to beat it, yet.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Kleegamefan said:
Great Job Nintendo!!!!

Its been over 3 years (Jap release) since launch and STILL there is no widespread Gamecube piracy and no working modchips to speak of....

Whatever encryption scheme Nintendo/Matsushita developed has worked like a charm......

Microsoft and Sony could learn a thing or two from Nintendo in this dept.

<insert there ain't much worth stealing comment here>


force push the doodoo rock
there wasnt much worth stealin on the xbox when it got cracked either you know.

but yeah, nintendo is in good shape.


Good thing. I hope Nintendo comes up with a larger format for the Revolution while maintaining similar technology to the current GameCube. Nintendo seems to also have taken the right steps in making the DS harder to emulate than usual. With all the GBA piracy going around, Nintendo can't really afford to have the GC pirated.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
sp0rsk said:
there wasnt much worth stealin on the xbox when it got cracked either you know.

but yeah, nintendo is in good shape.

Yeah but one of the major reasons behing cracking the Xbox was to take advantage of the HD to load other OS' and emulators, and etc. on it.
sp0rsk said:
there wasnt much worth stealin on the xbox when it got cracked either you know.

but yeah, nintendo is in good shape.

Lies. Straight up propaganda. Vote Microsoft 2004. Xbox Duke Controller Veterans for Truth.

Im Bill Gates and I approved this message.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Property of Microsoft said:
Not a joke character, but that was too easy to pass up. Sorry.

Yeah, you are sorry. It would have been funnier had you actually been a joke character. Perhaps you'll still turn out to be one. :)


How the hell can anyone pirate the thing when the drive won't read anything but gamecube discs? The only way to play pirated games is to stream them from your PC through the broadband adapter AKIAK.


Property of Microsoft said:
It's because they dont have anything worth stealing. And 5 year olds dont know encryption, and how to beat it, yet.




I wouldn't go as far as to say that it was never worth trying, but I wouldn't give Nintendo such special credit. They've got a system with only one function, so there's no back way in or anything like that -- Xbox and PS2 have to leave themselves more open in order to do DVD and USB and HDD and other stuff. You couple that with an odd disc format (does it spin clockwise, or counter?) and, yes, a less desirable install base and title selection against the trouble it'd take to develop cracks...


MoxManiac said:
How the hell can anyone pirate the thing when the drive won't read anything but gamecube discs? The only way to play pirated games is to stream them from your PC through the broadband adapter AKIAK.

you answered your own question.


Lets just wait for Revolution. *IF* it contains a hard drive, network capabilities and a large media format and it is STILL not cracked... then you can give props to Nintendo. I'll agree that their GOD protection is pretty good it's most likely due to low demand for their games/no hardrive (both of which PS2 and Xbox have respectively).


Unless you want to smack down $2,000 dollars for a Matsushita 8cm burner, you won't be pirating shit for the GC.


A friend of mine went to HK last year, he said that the piracy for the Matsushita Gamecube (the DVD one) is rampant over there.


IMO there are plenty of quality 1st and 2nd party GC games out there....all the marios (Sunshine, Smash Bros., Golf, Kart, Paper) Zelda WW, both Metroid Primes, along with stuff like Eternal Darkness, Metal Gear and the soon to arrive RE4 are all good/great games(I won't even mention the new Zelda)......they are all worth playing IMO.....

Besides, don't XBOX and Gamecube have a similar installed HW base worldwide???(there isn't a *HUGE* gulf between the 2, is there?)

Perhaps a year ago, I would have (maybe) swallowed the whole "gamecube isn't important enough to pirate" argument, but I really suspect that is a bunch of bullshit...

Its not that they don't want to, its because they cant, IMO

P.S. Since when were Nintendo's games low demand???
Property of Microsoft said:
It's because they dont have anything worth stealing. And 5 year olds dont know encryption, and how to beat it, yet.

ANOTHER idiot junior member for the banning? You make the play!
krypt0nian said:
ANOTHER idiot junior member for the banning? You make the play!

Its you make the call. That implies that everyone should vote on it. You make the play means everyone has the option to ban someone, which isnt the case. Just letting you know.


OG_Original Gamer said:
Anything about nintendo and GC, the Xbots come out in force. Remind of Iraqi insurgents.
Wrongfully accused. I didn't write anything in this thread before this post.


Kleegamefan said:
Besides, don't XBOX and Gamecube have a similar installed HW base worldwide???(there isn't a *HUGE* gulf between the 2, is there?)

Perhaps a year ago, I would have (maybe) swallowed the whole "gamecube isn't important enough to pirate" argument, but I really suspect that is a bunch of bullshit...

Its not that they don't want to, its because they cant, IMO

P.S. Since when were Nintendo's games low demand???

Hmm .. similar installed bases + games that are supposedly in demand + very low rates of piracy = lower sales than xbox?

kinda goes against the piracy hurts software sales theory?


there was never any reason to pirate Gamecube, I guess. The extra layers of protection + lack of incentive = no piracy. :)

Not like Nintendo saved any money from it or anything...


Guys, The GC has been cracked.

well just recently anyways. The guys who created the messiah chip for the ps2 were the ones to acceomplish it. Though It's still in the development stages.

I could post the link but I could be banned.

They basically emulated the GC disc drive with a normal dvd drive. Is it ok if I post pics?
Property of Microsoft said:
Its you make the call. That implies that everyone should vote on it. You make the play means everyone has the option to ban someone, which isnt the case. Just letting you know.

Its exactly what I typed as its my post. Please continue digging yourself a hole.


the idea that the gcn hasn't been pirated because of lack of intrest is pretty silly. the warez scene pirates everything from barbie's horse adventure and ski resort tycoon 2 to foodtv to obscure german short movies.


(more a nerd than a geek)
neptunes said:
Guys, The GC has been cracked.

well just recently anyways. The guys who created the messiah chip for the ps2 were the ones to acceomplish it. Though It's still in the development stages.

I could post the link but I could be banned.

They basically emulated the GC disc drive with a normal dvd drive. Is it ok if I post pics?

Or so they say.

I'm always skeptical of wild claims with very little proof.


I agree with the sentiment that the GC doesn't offer much to piraters.

On the other hand, if it was easy, it would have been done long ago and would be an issue to some degree.

So I'd take the middle of the road approach on this topic. Nintendo did a good job of making it hard, while at the same time the GC isn't a big target for piraters (or hobbyists who like to put interesting softs on game consoles). If it were a bigger target, people would have tried harder to crack it.
from launch up to this very second there have been people working their asses off literally trying to figure it out.

don't be fooled by the 'kiddie' thing, look ay GB/GBC/GBA... you don't think that's more kiddie?

they're already on 5th generation GBA flash devices now!

people out there know there is a market for piracy in *anything* and they are working hard at it, they just haven't found a solution

there is alot of money to be made from selling mods and/or bootdisks, and they know so they still try to break the walls down

like KLee said, good job Nintendo, you have weathered the majority of the storm...


Culex said:
Unless you want to smack down $2,000 dollars for a Matsushita 8cm burner, you won't be pirating shit for the GC.

This is exactly why there's no piracy. Microsoft and Sony wanted to wring the extra sales out of people too cheap to buy a DVD player AND a video game console and knowingly chose to suffer the piracy that would surely occur on the for-all-intents-and-purposes completely open formats of standard CD and DVD.

Their choice.

And I'm sure they determined long in advance that the extra sales would would make up for the hacks.
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