I have to ask something.
How come a sitcom is so good at closing its plot threads when plot heavy, serialized, mystery shows keep failing and failing? Almost everything happening in this season has been so well established previously and so organic to the characters and their stories. Should Obama appoint Fey as TV Writting Czar to make sure every show has proper arcs?
not to disparage the show's writing: the stakes in 30 Rock have shifted a lot over the years, plenty of plots have not been satisfying, and overall everything has been fairly low key overall. They don't write themselves into corners nearly as much as hyper-serial shows have to do by necessity.
actually, it's not even specifically about 30 rock. it's that a good sitcom establishes its thematic tenants early on and remains relatively static over years to maintain dynamics. whereas a good serial mystery show should be constantly shifting, changing relationships between characters drastically, and so on.
again, this all isn't to say I'm not very satisfied with how the show is wrapping up.