Pizza Luigi
Layton vs Ace Attorney. It's weird, but fun.
I haven't played the game myself but I hear you can cheat that part by abusing difficulty settings and autobattle.I've asked elsewhere but I'll ask here too. What seems to be the consensus on bravely default? It looks like a great classic style RPG but I've heard bad things about the second half. Is the second half a deal breaker?
I love my 3ds a lot for sure. Unfortunately I have a friend that totally resent me for recommending me the system to him. After getting Bravely Default (which he hated after chapter 2, but loved chapter 1) didn't find anything else that fit with his high standards. This is what he told me:
Fire Emblem: Weapon Degradation/breaking is for chumps
Mario and Luigi: idiotic humor with weak rpg mechanics
Phoenix Wright: Too anime-ish a non-game
Zelda OOT: Old game he already played with shitty water temple
Zelda ALBW: a poor man Link to the Past
Shovel Knight: indie pixel art games are played out
Animal Crossing: boring busy work non-game
Monster Hunter: rather play it on a console with real online support
Etrian Odyssey (all of them): Stupid first person combat with bad rpg mechanics
Mario Kart 7: Tired of the franchise
Mario 3D Land: Tired of Mario games
Kirby Triple Delux: Too easy boring platformer
Donkey Kong Returns: Rather play it on the wii
SMT4: boring first person, a poor man's version of SMT3 (only good SMT game)
I honestly had no idea he was that picky and I have known him for 8 years. I dont' know if he's just being a dick and trolling me but man I think he just lost his love for games...He makes me sad...
I love my 3ds a lot for sure. Unfortunately I have a friend that totally resent me for recommending me the system to him. After getting Bravely Default (which he hated after chapter 2, but loved chapter 1) didn't find anything else that fit with his high standards. This is what he told me:
Fire Emblem: Weapon Degradation/breaking is for chumps
Mario and Luigi: idiotic humor with weak rpg mechanics
Phoenix Wright: Too anime-ish a non-game
Zelda OOT: Old game he already played with shitty water temple
Zelda ALBW: a poor man Link to the Past
Shovel Knight: indie pixel art games are played out
Animal Crossing: boring busy work non-game
Monster Hunter: rather play it on a console with real online support
Etrian Odyssey (all of them): Stupid first person combat with bad rpg mechanics
Mario Kart 7: Tired of the franchise
Mario 3D Land: Tired of Mario games
Kirby Triple Delux: Too easy boring platformer
Donkey Kong Returns: Rather play it on the wii
SMT4: boring first person, a poor man's version of SMT3 (only good SMT game)
I honestly had no idea he was that picky and I have known him for 8 years. I dont' know if he's just being a dick and trolling me but man I think he just lost his love for games...He makes me sad...
.... And Luigi's Mansion??
Probably a weak irrelevant spin-off or something. ]:
Seems like he's just got his mind stuck on disliking the console.
.... And Luigi's Mansion??
Probably a weak irrelevant spin-off or something. ]:
Seems like he's just got his mind stuck on disliking the console.
I love my 3ds a lot for sure. Unfortunately I have a friend that totally resent me for recommending me the system to him. After getting Bravely Default (which he hated after chapter 2, but loved chapter 1) didn't find anything else that fit with his high standards. This is what he told me:
Fire Emblem: Weapon Degradation/breaking is for chumps
Mario and Luigi: idiotic humor with weak rpg mechanics
Phoenix Wright: Too anime-ish a non-game
Zelda OOT: Old game he already played with shitty water temple
Zelda ALBW: a poor man Link to the Past
Shovel Knight: indie pixel art games are played out
Animal Crossing: boring busy work non-game
Monster Hunter: rather play it on a console with real online support
Etrian Odyssey (all of them): Stupid first person combat with bad rpg mechanics
Mario Kart 7: Tired of the franchise
Mario 3D Land: Tired of Mario games
Kirby Triple Delux: Too easy boring platformer
Donkey Kong Returns: Rather play it on the wii
SMT4: boring first person, a poor man's version of SMT3 (only good SMT game)
I honestly had no idea he was that picky and I have known him for 8 years. I dont' know if he's just being a dick and trolling me but man I think he just lost his love for games...He makes me sad...
I love my 3ds a lot for sure. Unfortunately I have a friend that totally resent me for recommending me the system to him. After getting Bravely Default (which he hated after chapter 2, but loved chapter 1) didn't find anything else that fit with his high standards. This is what he told me:
Fire Emblem: Weapon Degradation/breaking is for chumps
Mario and Luigi: idiotic humor with weak rpg mechanics
Phoenix Wright: Too anime-ish a non-game
Zelda OOT: Old game he already played with shitty water temple
Zelda ALBW: a poor man Link to the Past
Shovel Knight: indie pixel art games are played out
Animal Crossing: boring busy work non-game
Monster Hunter: rather play it on a console with real online support
Etrian Odyssey (all of them): Stupid first person combat with bad rpg mechanics
Mario Kart 7: Tired of the franchise
Mario 3D Land: Tired of Mario games
Kirby Triple Delux: Too easy boring platformer
Donkey Kong Returns: Rather play it on the wii
SMT4: boring first person, a poor man's version of SMT3 (only good SMT game)
I honestly had no idea he was that picky and I have known him for 8 years. I dont' know if he's just being a dick and trolling me but man I think he just lost his love for games...He makes me sad...
PICROSS 3D , best puzzle game ever by HAL , we need an entry on the eshop .
It's been a seven-year wait but it was totally worth it. What a game! What a way to start off my relationship with a new console! And to think I have Fire Emblem: Awakening lying on my desk, unplayed. Holy crap!
Just beat every stage in KI: U on difficulty 9.Chapter 18 was a pain but it wasn't nearly as bad as everyone else made it out to be.
A bit quiet for 3DS games for me atm since finishing A Link Between Worlds. Waiting to Shovel Knight to be released [EU]. Thinking I may get Kid Icarus Uprising to tide me over as I've never played it.
Or may just wait a few weeks for Rogue Legacy to come out [on the Vita - sorry to mention a rival handheld].
I got PW from a GAFer but haven't played it yet. So it's awesome? I haven't heard much about it. I think I play the N64 game for a few minutes years ago.
It's really fucking depressing...I really think he needs stop being so hyper critical
Wut. This reads like a shitpost from 4chan.
I love my 3ds a lot for sure. Unfortunately I have a friend that totally resent me for recommending me the system to him. After getting Bravely Default (which he hated after chapter 2, but loved chapter 1) didn't find anything else that fit with his high standards. This is what he told me:
Fire Emblem: Weapon Degradation/breaking is for chumps
Mario and Luigi: idiotic humor with weak rpg mechanics
Phoenix Wright: Too anime-ish a non-game
Zelda OOT: Old game he already played with shitty water temple
Zelda ALBW: a poor man Link to the Past
Shovel Knight: indie pixel art games are played out
Animal Crossing: boring busy work non-game
Monster Hunter: rather play it on a console with real online support
Etrian Odyssey (all of them): Stupid first person combat with bad rpg mechanics
Mario Kart 7: Tired of the franchise
Mario 3D Land: Tired of Mario games
Kirby Triple Delux: Too easy boring platformer
Donkey Kong Returns: Rather play it on the wii
SMT4: boring first person, a poor man's version of SMT3 (only good SMT game)
I honestly had no idea he was that picky and I have known him for 8 years. I dont' know if he's just being a dick and trolling me but man I think he just lost his love for games...He makes me sad...
Persona 4 Golden on my Vita. I've spent a ton of money on my 3DS but it feels like it's been in a slump for a month or two. I think Persona Q will probably be my next buy.
another brother has seen the light
I love my 3ds a lot for sure. Unfortunately I have a friend that totally resent me for recommending me the system to him. After getting Bravely Default (which he hated after chapter 2, but loved chapter 1) didn't find anything else that fit with his high standards. This is what he told me:
Fire Emblem: Weapon Degradation/breaking is for chumps
Mario and Luigi: idiotic humor with weak rpg mechanics
Phoenix Wright: Too anime-ish a non-game
Zelda OOT: Old game he already played with shitty water temple
Zelda ALBW: a poor man Link to the Past
Shovel Knight: indie pixel art games are played out
Animal Crossing: boring busy work non-game
Monster Hunter: rather play it on a console with real online support
Etrian Odyssey (all of them): Stupid first person combat with bad rpg mechanics
Mario Kart 7: Tired of the franchise
Mario 3D Land: Tired of Mario games
Kirby Triple Delux: Too easy boring platformer
Donkey Kong Returns: Rather play it on the wii
SMT4: boring first person, a poor man's version of SMT3 (only good SMT game)
I honestly had no idea he was that picky and I have known him for 8 years. I dont' know if he's just being a dick and trolling me but man I think he just lost his love for games...He makes me sad...
Persona 4 Golden on my Vita. I've spent a ton of money on my 3DS but it feels like it's been in a slump for a month or two. I think Persona Q will probably be my next buy.
Oh I'm very excited to play other Zeldas, mostly the 3D ones. I won't even try to imagine how much better the dungeon design must've got since '98!It's awesome to hear someone get to experience this gem for the first time and truly appreciate it. Just think of the other amazing Zeldas and other game you still have yet to play!